Chapter 47 Preparations

"Hmmm... this should work"

I was currently sitting outside in an open area close to the very back of the city. I as well as some others were surrounding a rather large table, a table that just so happened to have a very detailed map laid out on it. The map even had several small wooden figurines on it, these figurines marked our's and the cult's current positions on the island.

"What is the fucking point of any of this?! All we need to do is go and kill them all, for fuck sake they have already been backed into a corner, we have dealt with most of them already and our numbers are far higher then before, so what I don't get is why don't we just go in there and wipe them out already" Yama growled from the side as he glared down at the map we had set up on the table.

"Patience little Yama, patience, it will all work out in the end. It is always best to plan for as many unexpected events, like in life and as in battle things can go wrong in a single moment, a single decision. It is always wise to be prepared for these moments if possible. After all, we don't want to end up being defeated in the final conflict after we have come so far already because we did not plan carefully" Gramps said while nodding his head with a smile on his face.

"Whatever... as long as there are people for me to fight I don't give a shit, however, can you hurry the hell up already?! After all, this is just getting boring at this point!" Yama grumbled, he was clearly getting annoyed with all the waiting around.

"If all goes to plan you will have a lot of people to fight, believe me, and like the old man said, just be a little patient and wait for a minute" Kaen tiredly sighed while rubbing the back of his head in slight frustration.

"St-still though, do you really think that it is a good I idea to u-use... that... whatever that is?" Bel asked drawing everyone's attention towards the large cabinet that had been place not far from us, it was completely covered in ice and heavy chains with a sign that had the word "monstrosities" written on it. This ominous look cabinet was also completely releasing a spine-chilling aura that made everyone present shiver.

"I... I agree with Bel... do... do we really need to use that?" Mika shivered while she took several steps backwards, she clearly wanted to get as far away as possible from the creepy aura it was releasing and honestly, I couldn't really blame her.

"Believe me when I say that I really don't want to use this thing... I really, really don't, however, I currently do not have much of a choice at the moment" I honestly don't want to use it but for the plan to work I need it... I just hope that it won't end up going on a rampage the moment I let it out.

"May I ask, what exactly is in the box? From your reactions it must be something truly terrifying" A rumbling voice said from behind me.

"Yes, I am also curious about the contents of this frightening box" Elizabeth said while looking at the cabinet hesitantly.

"Something that I never should have created in the first place" I said to the massive black flame dragon standing behind me, he was the obvious reason as to why we were having this important meeting outside, you know, instead of having it in a more private meeting room.

(Seriously though, that thing is far more terrifying then even Abomination, and Abomination was made of Shions cooking so that's saying a lot) I thought to myself as I pulled up the massive flame dragons status.


///Name: Shinkusho

///Race: Abyssal Void Dragon

///Titles: The tainted tyrant. The burning dragon of disaster.

///Blessing: Abyssal Crest

///Class: none

///Disaster Rank: Special A

///Items: none

////Followers: None

///Species skills:

Abyssal gate

Draconic strength. (Passively increases the user's physical strength, this increase in strength is fairly massive to say the least)

Dragon fury. (Increases the power of magical attacks as well as all physical attributes for a short period of time)

Burning one. (The skill massively increases the users resistance towards water and ice attacks, this makes them near, if not completely immune to these types of attacks)

Fire of the dead. (This ghostly black fire does not actually inflict any injuries or burns on a targets physical body, however, instead of burning said targets alive it will instead begin to quickly burn away at their life force as well as their soul, also, as a side effect of this these flames can not be extinguished through normal means)

Magic glutton. (The user is able to absorb the magicules of other living beings by coming into physical contact with them)

Flame eater

Fire manipulation

Heat nullification

Physical attack nullification. (The user can not be harmed by normal physical attacks)

Physical ailment immunity


Burning rain. (The user can summon a rain of fire down from the sky on to their enemies)

Frenzied breath. (The user can shoot a black smoke from their mouth, when this smoke is breathed in it can cause hallucinations as well as Madness and exstrimly violent tendencies in those with weak and fragile wills)

Flame movement. (Allows the user to turn into a tornado of flames that can travel at very high speeds)

Self destruct. (The user can use the magicules to self detonate themselves, this will not kill the user however, but instead their body will quickly regenerate back to full health just a moment after the explosion has occurred. However, their magicules will be drained significantly after this skill is used making it hard for them to continue fighting. Note, the more magicules that are used the bigger the explosion will be)

Magic sense

Abyssal manipulation

Mental attack resistance

Cold resistance

///Unique skills:

Scorched apocalypse. Sub skills:

(Eyes of Cinder. [When this skill is activated everyone with in the line of sight of the user will begin to burn rapidly, if the target is weak they may just explode into flames after a while of being under the effects of the skill. Note, this skill does not discriminate between allies and enemies meaning the user must be very careful when they are useing it]

Cursed flames. [The user can summon a torrent of flames, any burns that are caused by these flames will begin to rapidly grow and spread across the body of the inflicted. This not only causes extreme pain but will slowly cook a person alive if not treated in time]

Void eruption. [The user can let out an ear piercing roar that can not only burst eardrums but will also cause massive amounts of black magma to erupt from the ground, this magma once summoned will rapidly begin to expand over the selected area consuming everything in it's path])

///Ultimate skills: none


"By the way, where are Haruko and Vel?" Rai asked when he noticed that the two of them weren't actually here.

"From what they told me they are setting up their new lab, they are apparently very excited to get back to work" I explained rather simply.

(I have given them some of those ruby red arrows to study, the ones that Bishop had shot at me. I hope that they can find a countermeasure to beal with those annoying things before someone else ends up getting injured again) I thought with a shake of my head.

"Good, the longer I'm not near that yapping bastard the better, I still can't get his constant yammering out of my head" Yama hissed as he seemed to think back to the massive headache Haruko had given him previously.

"He's not that bad... well at least not now that Suu gave him that enchanted bracelet that nullifies all of his skills" Bel quickly said the last bit when she noticed that everyone was staring at her blankly.

The bracelet that she is talking about was something that I had previously given to Haruko, it as made so that his annoying skill doesn't effect anyone when he talks. However, the enchantment isn't able to block just one specific skill and because of this the bracelet stops all his skills from working, thankfully all he needs to do to fix this is to just take off the bracelet before hand. Sadly though, this enchantment can be resisted rather easily and because of this I can't use it on enemies as it wouldn't have much, if any effect at all on them in the end.

"That thing was really damn annoying to make, however, it was definitely worth it if I do say so myself" I said while picturing the gold and silver bracelet in my mind.

"Agreed" everyone said at the same time, apparently they really didn't like that skill of his and I couldn't blame them for that.

"Still though, the potions they can make will drastically increase our fighting capacity, after all, as long as we can find what they need on the island and get enough of it to supply them they can make healing potions, not to mention the more more unique types of potions that they can make for us" I said with a thoughtful look on my face.

"And we won't have to fear the fact that the potions you have been handing out are starting to run low Mistress, we actually have very few healing potions left over from the last battle" Fuyuko spoke sounding somewhat relieved.

"Right... anyway, lets get back to what we were talking about before this topic came up" I looked back at the map with a complicated expression.

"We need to make sure that we get this right in one go, after all, if the intelligence that we have collected is right then we will nee-"

"My Wraith's intelligence is always right" Mika interrupted making me smile and roll my eyes at her.

"Fine, the information we have gathered says that the cult is almost finished with it's weird ritual or whatever it is that they are doing with the other light spirits, so we will only have one chance to get this right before they try and escape"

"Understood" everyone replied, well, everyone but Yama who just grunted at me in response.

"Now then, let's get back to it shall we"