Chapter 48 Can't Think Of A Title

"Muscles, bones, tendons, nerves, organs and others, they can all be altered, they can all be improved. The question is, to what extent can I edit them?"

I was currently looking at a small gold fish like creature, well, to be honest it was the size of a large dog but in this world it was still considered rather small. I had it tied down to a rather simple looking table in front of me and was using it to experiment with my Mastery of form skill. I was trying to find out just how much I could change another beings body.

"Just how much can I change... can I add things that weren't there before, can I give it wings and legs? Could I change it's structure to make it look like something that is entirely different from what it once was? Can I make a Merman?" I asked but no one answered, of course that was because no one was hear... well, no one but my annoying body guards who were currently hanging on the roof of the room I was in.

"Well... let's just give it a try shall we, after all, I can't know with out trying first" I said while cracking my fingers.

With that I began to try and alter the fish's body to the best of my abilities. The first thing that I tried was to see if I could change the colour of the fish and to my great surprise it was rather easy actually, in fact it work the second time I tried. With not much effort on my part the fish's body quickly changed from a fiery golden colour to a lightest sea blue.

"Huh... well... that was way easier then I thought it would be, like way easier" I said thoughtfully while looking down at the fish with an odd exception.

(From what I can tell there was no signs of pain or discomfort, also there don't seem to be any visible side effects at the moment)

"I wonder just how much I can change. can I turn this normal looking fish into an apex predator with out the use of Black blood? Can I alter the bone structure of an enemy just by touching them? I mean if I get proficient enough with this skill I could probably shut down a person's brain with a simple touch or alter their memories, after all, a person's memories are inside the brain so I should be able to alter them, right? I could probably even cure or create things like cancer or deformities" I was actually pretty excited about the different things I could potentially do with this skill, however, in the end I shook my head getting rid of those ideas for right now.

"No, I should probably try something small and work my way up to that, after all, changing a relatively normal fish into a bloodthirsty monster with wings and legs is something that should be a hell of a lot harder to do then just changing the colour of it's body. I mean to do that I'd have to not only alter it's body massively to fit it's new limbs but I'd also have to change how it's brain and nerves work" I had a sinking feeling that this was probably going to end up being my whole day, not that I really cared all that much.

(Maybe I should ask for some help from Haruko, I mean the guy probably knows a hell of a lot more about how the body works then I do... after all, even if I come from a world far more advanced then this one it's not like I had much of an education on this kind of stuff to start with) I thought while rubbing the back of my head awkwardly.

"Nah, I'll experiment on my own an get him later if I eventually do need his help with this"

=============Vel pov============

"P-professor... is th-this... is this r-really necessary? No-not to be rude or an-anything like that but this seems... hmmm... h-how do I put it? It feels ki-kind of creepy to say t-the least" I respect Professor Blackheart greatly, however, at the moment even I can only describe his current actions as... odd.

"Absolutely we need to get this done quickly don't we and besides that nice young lady and her fascinating companions were kind enough to go out of their way and save us from those dreadful cultist so isn't it only natural that we would do everything in our power to pay her back as quickly as possible to show our gratitude and besides I'm simply infatuated by these odd yet amazing new monster species that she has created" the professor talked while moving his hands around in a blur of movement that would make most people paused in surprise at just how fast he could move.

(A/N. Just want to know, should I start writing Harukos speech like this or just stick to how I been doing it? I'm asking because I know it can be some what annoying to read)

"Well, y-yes but... but what does th-that have to do w-with observing the creatures of the ab-abyss? I... I mean do we re-really need to watch t-them like this?" I still didn't fully understand what we were actually doing.

"Obviously without knowing anything about them how am I supposed to know what it is to give them as thanks I mean really if I don't observe them I will learn nothing at all and that just can't be allowed after all we must repay them for their heroism and besides I simply can not contain my curiosity I must learn all that I possibly can about them"

"If that the case why don't we just talk to them... you know... instead of hiding here... in a bush?" Yes, we were both currently crouched in a bush while watching several Abyssal creatures walk by, some of which noticed what we were doing and tried their best to not make eye contact with us and yes, it was just as awkward as it sounds.

"Just... just go up and talk to them..." Professor Haruko speech suddenly slowed down and his expression abruptly changed, it was as if he had just realised some great and mind shattering epiphany.

"Sir?" I couldn't help but feel just a little concerned as I looked over at him.

"BRILLIANT! Vel my boy you are a genius why didn't I think of that before now and I call myself a researcher yet I couldn't even think of such a simple and easy solution I mean it is truly so simple that it just might work" he suddenly yelled with a happy expression on his face before quickly standing up and charging straight towards a group of Living armour screaming many different questions.

"You there my good fellows tell me about yourselfs this very instant so that I the great professor Haruko Blackheart may repay you and your compatriots I simply must insist that you tell me everything I need to know about you and your fellows what is your favourite food how much do you weigh you are living sets of moving armor yet I have previously seen you consuming various types of food so tell me where do the things that you eat go also are you able to reproduce if so how does it work please go ahead and tell me in vivid detail"

"Oh no"

===========Cross pov===========

"Please sto-AAAAAAAH!"

(These guys are so damn loud) I sighed in annoyance as I checked on the large pentagram shape sealing formation in the centre of the dark gloomy looking room I was in, around it were dozens of large cages that were filled with many, many Greater light spirit. When I had first seen this room I was actually a little surprised at just how many we had managed to capture, however, I have long since stop giving a damn about stuff like that.

(Honestly, this is just boring) I groaned before taking a glance over at the golden magic that was being forcefully pulled out of the Spirits by collars around their necks and used to very slowly but visibly burn away at the seal.

(If it wasn't for my orders I'd actually fucking love to see that bastard Sixth get himself killed, in fact I'd love to do it myself, his skills could be very useful after all. Sadly however, orders are orders and I got to get out of here the moment that little bird shows her face) I thought while standing up from my crouching position and stretching out my body.

"Huh?" I hummed lightly to myself when I noticed that someone was walking up behind me.

"How is the break down of sealing formation going you damn disgrace? I hope for your own sake that you haven't somehow managed to mess up this incredibly simple task that I've given you" a very familiar yet unwelcome voice said.

(God damn it) I thought while gritting my teeth in frustration.

"Yes lord Sixth, this one is unworthy o-" I tried to say only to be slapped across the room, I could have blocked it with very little effort, I could have killed him right there and then, however, I couldn't blow my cover just for something like this... well... not yet anyway.

"I asked how the seal was, I couldn't give a single damn about anything else you have to say" he growled out while his pissed off looking eyes glowed red under his hood.

(I'm going to enjoy hearing about your death, and don't worry, I'll do that bloody Bird a solid and help her make sure you end up dead when she gets here) of course, without her finding out that I actually had anything too do with it that is.

"The seal is almost broken, this one believes that it will break relatively shortly" this time when I spoke it was a little hard to keep my cool to say the least but the bastard didn't seem to notice.

"Good" with that he turned and left after one last glance around the room.

(I really do hate that guy)