Chapter 2 No...

"Y%U DU÷# B$TC@!"

"S$*y o=# €£ m₩ w÷y"

"D&%gu$^*n@ ×+$ng, y#u£ n÷^÷in_ &u( a l^f(l#$s b€l#"


"G$& o#f %@ m×!"

"M=n$%er....y@ur ¥ot%#&g %÷t a (o#%te/"


[I s€£=t₩¥n£ f÷× w=/s+ t¥%n # $&%t£e ÷on₩t€£!] 

[I'm £=i÷g @h#t /=*w ÷_€yth$%g +b&*t y€u, _€er÷=hi¥₩] 

I could hear voices, two of them. They both sounded familiar to me, very familiar, however, they were...distorted, far too distorted for me to clearly understand them. It honestly felt like my ears were filled with static or something. It went on like this for a while, I felt like I was floating in an empty void as I tried my very best to make out what exactly they were saying, that was until I finally woke up.

"What...what was that? Are my memories finally starting to return or  something?" I groggily asked no one as I sat up and looked around my somewhat makeshift camp sight while rubbing my eyes, it was still dark out and the trees that surrounded me only seemed to make it darker.

(I wish I could just ask Joy or Sorrow about it like how dad is able to talk to Great sage whenever he wants too. Sadly however, it would seem that I am only able to talk to them under certain circumstances) I thought after taking a quick minute to stretch out my body and properly wake myself up.

"Oh well"

I was currently pretty deep into the great forest of jura, I had spent the last couple days making my way back to Tempest while stopping every now and then to explore my surroundings. I am actually pretty close to Tempest at this point, however, after thinking about it I decided to camp for the night as I was pretty tired overall.

"You two can go back now, I'm not getting anymore sleep after that anyway" I muttered, causing the two Harbingers that had been trying their best to secretly guard me while I slept to disappear into abyss gates.

(I should really lecture those lot, I mean seriously, did they really think it was necessary to send people to guard me while I slept?) I sighed while shaking my head.

I had sent everyone to the abyss before I had begun my journey back to Tempest, after all, a giant floating jellyfish island thing and an army of never before seen types of monsters is something that I definitely wouldn't consider as inconspicuous to say the least. I mean seriously, even if you somehow didn't see the literal living island from several miles away you'd definitely notice when it flew over you and blocked out the sun.

But anyway, I had also ordered Elizabeth to move the Hive's nest into the abyss. I did this mainly because I felt kind of weird knowing that one of my creations had a swarm of thousands of insects living inside of their body. The other reason is because I want them to use their massive numbers and digging abilities to begin searching for any useful materials in the abyss that could help me, after all, I haven't really had much reason to explore the abyss.

"I still need to think of a name for him...or her, I don't really know how to check the gender of an island sized jellyfish made of flesh" it was only when the words left my mouth did I really realize how weird that actually sounded.

"When did my life get so bizarre?" I asked while shaking my head.

"Anyway, now that I'm awake I might as well start heading back, it should only take me an hour or so if I go full speed. The sun should also start to come up by then as well, so I should be able to make it back by dawn" I muttered as I summoned my wings and shot into the air while activating my lightning speed skill.

(Flying really never gets old) I thought with a smile as I cut through the clouds at high speeds.

I travelled for a while simply enjoying the cold air that was blowing past me. I had to admit that I liked flying quite a lot, it just felt so freeing.

(I wonder how Milim has been...) I thought to myself only to end up getting a little embarrassed, I quickly shook my head in response to my own thoughts hoping to get rid of the redness making its way onto my face.

(Damn me and my inability to not get embarrassed at just the thought of her! Sigh, but seriously though, I wonder how everyone has bee-) I stopped myself when something in the distance got my attention.

"Huh?" I let out a rather confused sounding noise as I shifted my head to the side.

"What is that?" I asked as I came to a stop so that I could get a better look.


Yeah, yeah that is exactly what I could see. Off in the distance, around the area where I knew that Tempest probably was, I could see several very thin trails of smoke rising up into the sky. For a moment I paused, not understanding why exactly there was smoke anywhere close to Tempest. 

"Was there a forest fire or something?" That was my first thought on what had happened, that was until another more...alarming idea entered my mind, an idea that made my blood go cold and my instinct scream.

"Something is wrong! Something is very, very wrong!" I shot forward while increasing my speed as my panic began to rise.

(What the hell happened while I was gone?) I asked myself still somewhat hoping that my intuition was wrong on this.

As I came into view of Tempest my heart sank as my head went completely blank as various emotions filled my mind. Tempest had been surrounded by a massive barrier, the whole town was covered by it. Even though I was still some distance away I could still see that the whole place had been attacked by something or someone. After all, several buildings look to have collapsed and even though most of the fire had been put out there was still smoke that  continued to rise up in small amounts from several burnt down buildings.

It was then that I came back to my senses and the realisation of what had happened finally sunk in. This was my home, one of the only places I have ever been accepted, the place where I met people I thought of as family, and it had been attacked. I couldn't even describe how furious I was, however, even that was completely overshadowed by my panic, my sheer and overwhelming panic.

(No...nononononononono!) I yelled in my head over and over again as I rocketed towards Tempest at speeds so fast that most living things wouldn't be able to track me with their eyes. I didn't even stop to smash the barrier apart, instead I just teleported right through it with my blink skill.

"Wh-what happened here...?" I asked but was only met with dead silence as I moved through the streets noticing the dried up pools of blood that stained the ground and the buildings around me.


Corpses, there were so, so many corpses. What I saw when I reached the centre of town was rows upon rows of corpses lined up across the ground. I even saw several bodies that belong to children, fucking children of all things! Their bodies were covered in dried blood and still open wounds, it was clear they were dead but I...I didn't want to accept it. I wanted to ask them to get up, to wake up but...the words...they just...just got trapped in my throat.

"Shion..." I had noticed her body almost immediately, however, the worst thing was yet to come. 

It was at that moment that I saw something I really wish I hadn't, something that made my mind snap completely. There, collapsed on top of a building was the body of someone, someone I knew very well. In that very moment what little mental focus and effort I had left that I was using to keep my emotions in check, to stop myself from completely losing myself shattered into dust.


[Congratulations. Your unique skill Sorrow has evolved into...]

(A/N. Well, that just happened... I'll explain how that happened in the next chapter so try not to be too mad at me, hehehe. Anyway, hope you enjoyed the chapter, also, sorry that this chapter is just a little bit shorter than they usually are. Now if you don't mind me I'm going to go and play Saints Row and destroy all humans 2)