==============Rimuru pov================
"So...that's what happened"
I was currently speaking to Shuna as well as a few others. They had already told me what had happened previously but I wanted to know everything I could for the upcoming meeting. I had asked them to gather as much information as possible from any witnesses that saw anything important. I wanted to know about the enemy's skills, tactics, key figures, anything that could be useful.
(Why did I have to make that rule about not attacking humans...? Maybe this wouldn't have ended up so horribly if I hadn't told them to follow that damn rule previously) I thought while letting out a shaky breath.
"It could have been worse, not that the current situation isn't terrible but Kuro and the other abyssal creatures were very helpful in the defence" Geld said while nodding over at Kuro. Kuro didn't respond, instead he just continued to look down at the floor, he hasn't spoken since we started going over everything we found.
"Thanks to the fact that they are connected to the abyss they were mostly unaffected by the negative effects of the barrier and they were even able to fight back in some regards" Rigurd said, causing me to nod my head in agreement.
"Out of everyone they are probably the most well off when it comes to the injuries they ended up receiving"
"All of them except for Zeref that is..." Gobta, with a sad look on his face whispered that just loud enough for everyone to hear.
Zeref...he had died, he had died not only because he was trying to protect several people from the invaders but also because of his overall size. He was barely able to move through town before, so when the attack happened he could barely maneuver properly at all leaving him at a serious disadvantage. Mix that with the people that he was trying to protect not being able to get away safely and the fact that the person fighting him kept sealing his skills and he really didn't stand much of a chance. Though even if he could have used most of his skills without them being sealed randomly he still wouldn't have been able to use most of them, after all, most of his skills are quite destructive and effect a large area, so if he had used them they would have probably hurt the civilians around him.
"Damn it..." Kuro hissed through gritted teeth at the mention of his friend. As for Yin and Yang's reactions, well, they weren't here, they were far too devastated by the death of Zeref and simply wanted to be alone.
"Sigh...let's...let's get back to talkin-who is that?" I paused and asked when I heard the sound of fast footsteps coming towards the room we were all currently in.
My question was answered fairly quickly however because just at that moment a hobgoblin came charging into the room with a very panicked look on his face. It took him a second to catch his breath before he hurriedly tried to say something.
"Sir, it's lad-!" The Hobgoblin was cut off when a massive wave of cold energy washed over everything, it was then that the main assault hit, and it hit hard. Sadness, rage, shock and so many more, it suddenly felt as if there was no point in living, like there was no happiness left in the world.
Those of us that couldn't handle it almost instantly collapsed to the ground unconscious, even those that were actually able to keep themselves together were still struggling to keep standing somewhat. Even I was temporarily stunned by the massive force that had so suddenly collided with my mind.
"Shit!" I knew exactly what this was without anyone needing to tell me. I knew I needed to move fast, I didn't even take the time to leave through the door, instead I just smashed the back wall of the room I was in so that I could quickly get outside.
As I got outside I could already see Suu's massive aura in the distance and I'm not gonna lie, it was terrifying. I didn't know if I'd even be able to get close to her but I had to try.
[Warning. If you do not calm her down quickly there is a 86% chance that her aura will kill and destroy everything around her] Great sage's voice echoed in my head causing my anxiety about the whole situation to drastically increase.
"Damn it!" I cursed as I summoned my wings and flew toward her location, Shuna and some of the others were already following behind me.
==============Suu pov================
[Congratulations. Your unique skill Sorrow has evolved into the ultimate skill, Miseria, Lord Of Sorrow]
And just like that the pressure on my mind quadrupled, it was like the announcement of my skill evolving had somehow caused my emotions to become even more explosive. It was like someone had just thrown multiple gas canisters onto an already raging inferno. I couldn't control it at all, not that I was even in the right state of mind to even try.
I mean seriously, I couldn't cry, I couldn't move, I couldn't even scream and god knows I wanted too right now. All I could do was stand there, unmoving as my aura became even more violent. I was trapped in my own fucking head unable to do anything but watch as my sanity began to slip.
It was strange though, I could feel myself getting stronger just as fast as my emotions increased. It was almost like the more emotional I got the stronger I got over time...and it wasn't just my own emotions I was feeding off of, no, it seemed that I was unconsciously absorbing the feelings of everything around me and as more people showed up, as more people came to help me I found it harder and harder to control myself.
(Why...why does...why does it hurt so much?) I asked myself while people outside my aura continued to shout at me but I couldn't understand them at all.
(I've seen death before, my subordinates have died before, people I was responsible for yet...yet why does it hurt so much now?) I asked again as my body started to grow numb and cold.
(Why did this ha-have to happen? Could I have stopped it? If I was here, if I hadn't left...co-could...could I have done something?)
(Plea-please...someone...ju-just tell me...w-why?) It became harder and harder for me to think properly as my thought were slowly drowned out by the darkness that had begun to fill my mind.
I could feel my mind beginning to break and shatter under the strain that my own skill was putting it through. And just as I felt the final pieces of my mind beginning to slip away, just as I felt the last part of my sanity finally begin to crumble, I heard a voice. The voice was male, it was calm, steady and direct.
"Focus" No one else seemed to have heard it but I did, however, unbeknownst to me at that moment a silver metal like liquid appeared under my feet.
I didn't know where the voice came from but I latched onto it with all the mental strength I could muster. I used the small window of time I had to calm myself to the best of my ability. However, suppressing my emotions proved to be...difficult to put it mildly, it wasn't working at all is what I'm trying to say. In fact it just made me feel even more panicked and stressed and that definitely wasn't helping my current situation, so I tried something else. Instead of just trying to suppress and push my emotions away I let them run wild, I focused them on one singular thing, revenge.
In that moment nothing else mattered except for my need to find the bastards that did this and kill them in the most horrific way I could think of. Surprisingly, it actually worked, now that I seemingly had a clear objective in mind my emotions became somewhat calmer. If before they were a violent and raging storm that destroyed everything around, they were now far more precise and focused, not that keeping them under control like this was anywhere close to being easy but it was working at least.
"F-fuck!" I coughed out as I collapsed to one knee, my aura beginning to slowly re-enter my body.
(Even...even though I shouldn't be able to feel pain...damn it, my head feels like it's about to split open) I thought while holding my head and breathing heavily.
"Lady Suu!" Shuna, who had just arrived moments ago, ran over to me followed shortly by dad and everyone else.
"Suu! Are you alright?" I didn't answer him, instead I let my rage, sadness and everything else I felt show on my face as I asked one very simple question.
"Who. Did. This?"
(A/N. I forgot to upload this yesterday so sorry about that, I ended up falling asleep because I was exhausted)