Chapter 7 Meeting Before The Massacre Part 2

(Everyone is really letting their feelings out) I sighed internally as I listened to the back and forth that was currently going on.

(I really just want to kill something right now)

I was currently facing my greatest challenge yet, happy feelings. I mean seriously, for the last five minutes everyone has just been talking about what they did wrong only for someone else to say, no, it was all their fault that this happened. To be honest I felt as if it was also my fault but before I could voice that Haruko, the only sensible person here, finally snapped everyone back to their senses by pretty much saying that it was everyone's fault.

"You guys..." Rimuru said, sounding a little emotional.

"My lord, no matter what you are still our fearless leader" Geld said with a smile.

"Whether you want to befriend humans or become a demon lord we will gladly follow whatever path you set out for us" he continued getting several nods of agreement as he did.

"Here we go again" I muttered under my breath as everyone went into another long tangent about how much we all cared about each other, this was until I finally got fed up with it all.

"Okay we get it!" I yelled somewhat before anyone else could say anything.

"We all love each other, yay, can we please move on to the next topic now"

"Haha, is the atmosphere too much for you princess" Benimaru grinned in amusement when he noticed my head snap in his direction.

"Call me that again and I'll make you eat your goddamn katana" I growled while glaring daggers at the red haired dick head who just chuckled in response.

"Well since lady Suu has brought up the question of the next topic, let me ask something" Kaijin spoke as he looked over at Rimuru.

"What is it?"

"What exactly are your plans for any humans you may meet in the future?" This was a question many people were curious about so everyone quickly refocused on the conversation.

"Well...the way I see it, humans can either be good or evil" Rimuru sighed.

"It is not as black and white as that though, after all some people do terrible things for good reasons and some people do good things for horrible reasons" I said cutting in for a second.

"Didn't expect you to be the one to defend humans considering how you have been lately" Gobta mumbled under his breath but I heard him anyway.

"Tsk, I'm not defending them, not even close. The point I'm trying to make is that all sentient life has that problem, be that human or monster we are all driven by our emotions and instincts" I argued while resting my head on the table.

"If we fear something we lash out, if we are starving our mind will see anything as food...even other people...and if we truly love something we may do anything to protect it even if those actions are seen as bad or evil by others. The emotions of those around us can also alter our way of life as the end it all comes down to want we feel and what we believe"

(Not that I actually plan to show any mercy to those bastards that attacked us unprovoked but still...) I decided that it would be best to keep that little sentence to myself.

"That is exactly why I want to make an environment where humans can learn more about our society, so that maybe one day we can erase the boundaries between monsters and humans" Rimuru said after I finally finished talking.

(There will always be boundaries, especially between different species, after all even in our old world where there were only humans there were still racists and scumbags that blamed their misfortunes on others without even attempting to fix their shitty lives) I growled internally at that.

"Though that kind of thinking is premature at the moment as we first need to make the humans acknowledge our existence"

"And the only way to do that is to scare the shit out of them to the point that they realise we're too powerful to fuck with" I added with a cold chuckle.

"So basically with you two becoming demon lords they will have to understand that they can't just get rid of us through brute force and in the end they will have to try to negotiate" Benimaru smiled, unsurprisingly he had instantly understood our meaning.

"Pretty much, we could also work to keep the other demon lords in check, which in turn would act as a kind of shield to protect the human nations from their meddling" I know that Rimuru was trying to use this as a way to increase our relations with humans but it could also end up putting a target on our backs if we are not careful.

"Any person with an actual brain would choose coexistence instead of antagonism"

"Indeed" Kuro said, agreeing with Geld.

"Sadly however, there are a lot of brainless idiots out there that may actually think they have a chance even with us having two demon lords" I had a point there, after all, there will always be greedy or just down right stupid people no matter what their race may be.

"And we will deal with the idiots as they come" Rimuru said in response.

"But that doesn't mean we shouldn't work with the humans that actually want to help us" 

"That is a pretty soft and idealistic view lord Rimuru, surely not the kind of thing a future demon lord would say, still...I can't say I dislike the idea" what Kaijin said made Rimuru blush a little which was strange to see considering he was in his slime form at the moment.

"Who cares if it's idealistic, if anyone is capable of building that kind of dream world it would definitely be lord Rimuru" Shuna chipped in happily.

"There is no reason for us to keep debating this" Geld hummed while nodding his head.

"Once you have successfully become a demon lord I hope that you will prepare suitable jobs for all of us" Benimaru said with a grin.

"We will be your faithful shadows no matter what you choose, we will obey any orders that you give us" this time it was Souei that responded through that strange communicator-like thing. This was followed quickly by the response of both Gabiru's sister, Soka and Gabiru himself.

"As you command"

"Naturally the same goes for me!"

"Me too master, I will be your faithful fangs and I will tear apart anyone who dares to stand in your way" Ranga barked while wagging his tail.

(It seems everyone has decided then) I rolled my eyes while shrugging to myself.

"Don't tell me..." Youm said, catching my attention.

"I bet that you want me to create a new nation and then turn everyone there to your side, am I right?" Rimuru had already told me about his plans to take over Falmuth by making Youm the new king.

(Overall it's a good plan, a slow plan mind you but a good one...however, I believe that I may have to alter dad's plan just a little bit, without him knowing of course. After all, there are quite a few people from Falmuth that are on my hit list, people that I need to have a nice chat with about their shitty decision making) I thought before returning my focus back to the conversation at hand.

"We will help two!" Yin yelled excitedly while Yang simply nodded her head somewhat shyly.

"How about you lady Suu?" Kuro asked while tilling his head in my direction.

"Nope" I responded instantly causing everyone to pause for a second before slowly looking over at me.

"I would love to help out, and I will when I have time, however I have the abyss to deal with currently and that is going to be keeping me busy for a while"

(I have a lot of plans for the abyss, plans that are going to keep me busy for quite some time, not to mention the fact that I have around Fifty thousand people just sitting on a floating island waiting for me...) that said, one of my plans was to find out just how the hell the abyss actually works.

"Why? What's happening in the abyss?" Rimuru asked, confused.

"I'll fill you all in after this is all over, it is a lot of information to go through and it will probably require its own meeting just to get through it all" I could tell they were all still confused but like I said, I will fill them in later.

"However, I will say this" I said as I looked over at Rimuru with an apologetic expression.

"I now understand your pain and will no longer tease you over your leadership skills..."

"What is that supposed to mean?!" Rimuru asked, sounding somewhat offended but in the end he got no response from me.

"What have you been up to over these last four months anyway?" Kaijin asked while looking at me with a puzzled expression.

"Like I just said it's a long story, one we currently don't have time for right now"

(Actually, the main reason I'm not saying anything is because I'd rather not get the abyss and its current residents involved, this has nothing to do with them after all...) I thought only to shake my head as I realized something.

"Suu's mysterious activities aside, I think that we have finally come to the final part of this meeting" Benimaru spoke up after seeing that I had no intention of spilling anything more.

( that's not the reason...that's just what I've been telling myself...) 

"Indeed" Rimuru nodded in agreement, the closest thing to a nod he could do in his slime form anyway.

(The reason...the real reason I don't want to get the abyss involved with all of this is rather simple actually...) 

"It's time for us to decide on a battle plan"

(I just want to kill them all myself)