Chapter 8 Meeting Before The Massacre Part 3

"Alrighty then"

"What information has our great detective Souei uncovered?" I could almost feel Souei smiling at that little comment through the communicator thing.

"Not exactly how I would have put it but yeah, what do we have on the enemy's army?" Rimuru said with a small laugh.

"Let's start off with this" Benimaru then motioned his hand towards the map that had been set up on the table in front of us along with several small unit chess pieces like figures.

"If the force that Souei saw keeps up it's current paste then it should reach Tempest with in three days, give or take anyway"

"Not much time to prepare but it should be fine" I muttered under my breath.

"There are ten thousand knights from Falmuth, six thousand mercenaries and a thousand magic users, it also includes three thousand temple nights from the Western Holy Church" Benimaru said as he pointed at the different enemy figures, the black ones represented the enemy army while the white ones were representing our own forces.

(The Western Holy Church huh....I'll ask more about them later) I thought to myself as I continued to listen as Benimaru continued.

"Finally, there are around fifteen thousand additional troops"

"Thirty five thousand...I see" Shuna said, seemingly a little nervous about the massive number.

(If she only knew what I had waiting in the abyss) I thought while chuckling internally.

"They may have big numbers but they lack strength" Rimuru noted getting several approving responses, however I still had one question but before I could voice it someone asked for me.

"What about the other fifteen thousand? You didn't really specify who they were" Yang asked, she sounded a little nervous but asked anyway.

"That is the strange thing actually" Benimaru hummed thoughtfully as he pointed at a group of black markers that had been placed slightly away from the other enemy markers.

"They aren't from Falmuth but they're also not from the Western Holy Church, at first we thought they were just more mercenaries but they're far too highly geared for that, not to mention they seem more coordinated then normal mercenaries" he quickly explained causing a small commotion, he only continued once everyone had quieted down again.

"From the Information we have gathered they don't seem to be from any of the other nations so we don't understand where they have come from" 

"Don't they have any kind of identification, like a flag or something?" Rimuru asked with a confused tilt of his body.

"No, they had nothing that would allow us to identify them" Souei answered while sounding thoughtful.

"However, we have managed to find some information about one of the other worlders" Benimaru continued after noticing Souei wasn't planning on saying anything else.

"Which one lad?" Kaijin asked curiously.

"...The one that had fought Zeref. From what we can tell he wasn't summoned with the other three and instead seemed to have appeared out of nowhere, from what we can guess there is a connection between them and that mystery army" 

"How did you find that out?" Kuro asked while trying his best to hide the clear anger in his voice at the mention of Zeref's killer, he was failing, not that I could really blame him.

"I overheard some guards talking about it" Souei instantly gave his answer.

"Did you notice anything else?" This time it was Rigur who asked.

"The two groups don't seem to have much, if any, trust in each other" he responded, causing most of us to perk up in interest.

"From what I saw the two armies are moving separately, they are working together as they have been constantly communicating back and forth, however it's almost like Falmuth is trying to keep some distance between themselves and their would be allies"

"Actually..." Gobta paused, seeming hesitant to say anything more.

"What? If you have something to say then just say it" I said as I glanced over at him

"When those guys came I noticed something odd, they didn't talk to the fourth guy much...not that he seemed like the talkative type but still, the few times they actually did talk to him however it looked like they were expecting him to just straight up stab them in the back or something, if that makes any sense" he explained causing several people to realized they had noticed something similar.

(Well that is certainly interesting)

"What do you think their plan is? Their battle plan I mean" I asked, looking over at Benimaru.

"I don't know yet, however if I had to give it a guess..." he paused, taking a moment to think before continuing.

"From the way they're moving and the fact that the second force is moving separately from the main army...I'd probably have to guess that the smaller of the two armies will try and attempt to surround us. And while they are doing that the other group will probably focus on attacking us but until they get closer I won't be able to know for sure" he muttered quietly but loud enough for everyone to hear.

(Makes some sense I guess)

"How should we position our forces?" Geld asked.

"We should figure that out before moving into any further discussions" Kuro hummed to himself as he rubbed the horns coming out of his head.

"Personally I think my force should face the main army upon their arrival"

"Let the goblin riders be apart of the vanguard too!"

"No" me and Rimuru said at the same time before a possible argument could break out.

"Sorry but we need to handle the allied forces ourselves" Rimuru sighed.

"I have a reason, it has to do with the revival of our fallen citizens. It is essential that we become demon lords in order to make it work and taking out the enemy armies ourselves is a necessary part of that process. It is the only way for us to complete our evolutions"

"So basically, while slime boy deals with the main army I'll deal with the secondary one" I said simplifying what he meant 

(It is a shame that I won't be there to see their leaders face when dad rips them a new one but it is fine I guess)

We then moved on to who would deal with the four magic crystals around Tempest, the ones that were being used to maintain the barrier. In the end Rimuru decided that Benimaru, Souei, Geld, Hakurou and various others will deal with the crystals, it was only at the end of that little conversation however when I decided to add something.

"We will also need some people to take care of any groups that split off from the two main armies" I pointed out as there could be a chance of that actually happening if the second group actually does intend on surrounding us.

"We can do that" Yin said, getting a nod of agreement from both Yang and Kuro.

"Alright then, just make sure to move together so as to not put yourselves in any danger" I responded while stretching.

"There is still a few more things that we need to discuss but that should be most of it" 

After that we decided that Shion and Mjurran would make a new barrier after the current one falls to stop the souls from escaping. Youm, his wolf friend and Eren's party would also stay behind to help guard the town. And with that all decided the meeting was basically over at that point and so we soon got started on preparations for the battle.

And so three days passed in an instant and I now find myself floating high in the sky over a large encampment that is filled with thousands of people. I knew what I was about to do was a truly horrible thing, I knew that if anyone found out about this they may never look at me the same again...but right this very moment...I don't care about the consequences.

{Don't lose yourself} a familiar voice echoed quietly in the back of my head.

"Don't get involved, both of you just stay out of this" I whispered softly, however I got no response.

(It's time...) 

"Hello there" and so I spoke, my words echoing over the area just loud enough for the entire encampment to hear me.

"I won't tell you my name because it won't matter in the end now will it"

"Just know this, I am the one who is going to kill every single one of you in the most painful way you can possibly think of"

"You can struggle and try to fight back against your inevitable fate if you really want"

"You can even beg for your lives, beg for mercy, not that you will actually get any from me no matter how much you want it... after all, people like you... people that can happily kill innocent women and children just because they are of a different species don't deserve any mercy from me"

"Not that I will stop you from just lying down and waiting for death like the pathetic pieces of trash you truly are"

"It actually makes no difference to me whatsoever"

"In the end you will perish all the same but...."

"I will give you a small piece of advice"

"Forget about your families and loved ones, after all, you will never see them again"

"In fact just forget about everything"

"Abandon your hopes, your dreams"

"Know that you have nowhere to run"

"Nowhere to hide"

"And no one will come to save you"

"Not even your Gods can protect you from this living nightmare now"

"So just give in, give in and accept your demise"

"However, you should feel honored that your death's will help the birth of a new demon lord"

"Now then...."

"Drown in your own despair and die for me, Domain Of Horrors!"