Chapter 16 Who's Who

(A/N. For the next few chapters I'm going to be using images to help with character descriptions mostly because if I don't the story won't be going anywhere anytime fast. Though I will say this, the images that I am going to be using are just the closest thing that I could find and that they aren't a 100% representation. So yeah, I don't own any of the images that you will see in the upcoming chapters, as such all rights to them goes to their respective owners and creators)



I turned my head only to see the person in question walking over to me with several others trailing along just behind him. Taking a second to look them over I noticed several people that I didn't recognize at first glance but I put that aside for later mostly because it was around this point in time that the group finally reached me.

"See! I told you lady Suu was awake hehehe" Yin happily yelled as she ran up and hugged me.

"Good to see that you're awake after three days princess" Benimaru said with a smile, which caused me to grumble under my breath while patting Yin's head.

"I was asleep for three days?" I was a little surprised to hear that, however I had guessed beforehand that turning into a demon lord wouldn't be a quick process and would most definitely take some time.

"We both were, I just woke up about an hour ago" Rimuru shrugged, he was surprisingly relaxed considering we had just massacred a whole army not so long ago.

"Is everyone...?" I tried to ask before hesitating for a moment while glancing at the now very alive Shion who was standing just behind Rimuru.

"We are all alive, everyone was brought back successfully" Shion responded with a warm smile causing me to visibly relax as if a massive weight was lifted from my shoulders.

(Oh thank god...) I thought internally before refocusing back on the situation at hand, after all there was a certain naughty snake that I needed to have a very stern word with.

"Where is Zeref?"

"I am here my lady" a very familiar yet somewhat foreign voice entered my ears catching my attention immediately.

"You!" I growled as my head snapped in his direction. I was of course happy that he was alive, however there was no way in hell that I was going to admit it without at least berating the crap out of him first.

"Yesss my lady?" Zeref, who was to my left, seemed a little taken aback as I stormed over to him and glared dead into his eyes.

"You and I are going to have a long conversation later, understand?" 

"Y-yesss ma'am" 

"Good" I couldn't help the slight smile that had appeared on my face but it quickly vanished when I realized something.

"Wait..." I took a second to look him over and if I'm being honest I probably wouldn't have recognised him if it wasn't for the strange connection that I shared with all abyssal creatures.

"Why are you so small now? Actually how the hell are you human...human like anyway?"

Indeed he now looks like a rather muscular man with a somewhat snake-like head that was wearing a full body suit made of silver and white overlapping scales that covered his whole body from head to toe. A long serpentine like tail came out from his lower back, his eyes were also now a blood red color with reptilian irises and finally he now had sharp looking spikes running down his spine all the way to the very tip of his tail.

"Did you just notice?" Rimuru muttered as he tilted his head slightly to the side.

"I've gained the ability to take on a more humanoid appearance my lady, sssomething that I am quite grateful for all thingsss consssidered" Zeref quickly explained while rubbing the back of his head. 

"Though I will admit that it hasss taken sssome getting usssed to" Zeref muttered the last part sounding just a little irritated.

"So has your original form changed as well or is it the same as it was before?" I had asked mostly because of the change to the colour of his scales.

"Yesss it hasss...however I don't think I ssshould sssshow you here..." Zeref paused before continuing in a rather awkward manner.

"I am quite big now" 

"Pffff" I could only roll my eyes and smile slightly when Rimuru coughed to himself in a rather poor attempt to hide his muffled giggling.

"And you were not big before?" Yang asked innocently.

(You're making it worse) I thought as I bit back a laugh, however I was just thankful no one noticed.

"I wasss Indeed, however my new form is, well, it is  around three and a half miles long if I had to guess..." that made me freeze for a second as I definitely wasn't expecting that.

"Cough that's quite the size cough" ignoring that poorly concealed comment I looked up at Zeref with a rather puzzled explanation.

" the hell did you not crush the town? I mean weren't you in the town square when you evolved?" This caused Zeref to pause as well before  taking a second to think it over.

"I....hmmm...I honestly don't know?"

(A/N. Image. I couldn't find one for his humanoid form, so here is what is true form somewhat looks like)

"We're different too!" Yin suddenly yelled before we could go any further down that rabbit hole.

"You don't look different" I said, causing her to look up at me with a pout.

"She means that our true forms have changed" Yang quickly explained as Yin stepped away from me allowing white flames to suddenly spread out and engulf her body.

Once the flames had died down, what stood in the place of Yin was a rather majestic looking three meter tall tiger with horns that were seemingly made of flowing liquid metal. Her fur was pure white except for the completely pitch black stripes that littered her body in various places. Her body was muscular yet lean and flexible, add on to that the seemingly shimmering black flames that almost danced across the back of her neck all the way down to the tip of both of her tails and she made for quite the sight to behold.

(A/N. Image)

"Ah" I nodded in surprise as Yin turned back to normal.

"If that is so then does that mean..." I was about to ask something but was suddenly interrupted.

"I heard that lady Suu is awake" the familiar voice of Kuro echoed out from behind me and I felt the ground somewhat shake as he approached.

As I turned to look over at Kuro I had to take a double take. Out of the three of them he had most definitely changed the most, even Zeref who had gained an entirely new form altogether was more recognisable. In fact the changes were so significant that it actually took me a minute to realize who it was that currently towered over me.

" that you...Kuro?" I asked somewhat unsure of myself.

"It is indeed I who stand before you lady Suu" he smiled, apparently quite happy about my awakening.

"I think that we all were a little taken aback when we first saw your new form for the first time" Rimuru said, getting a nod of agreement from everyone within earshot.

Kuro could no longer be described as an orc, after all his new appearance was more akin to what most would think of when they thought of a giant five meter tall demon. Massive muscles hidden behind crimson red skin and dark gray jagged bone like plates, claws the size of butcher knives and a spinal cord like tail that ended in a sharp point. And finally from his rather scary looking head four horns grew out in such a way that they resembled something akin to a crown.

(A/N. Image. Ignore the wings in the background)

"Before anything surprising happens I have a question" I said as I turned back around to look at Rimuru.

"What is it?"

"What is HE doing here?" I then went on to send my best death glare at the idiot in question.

"Eh!" Said idiot was the Charybdis guy, the same guy that I couldn't remember the name of no matter how much I tried.

I also noticed that there were two people standing behind him, both of which were female. The two of them were lycanthropes as well from what I could see, though the one on the left seemed the strongest out of the three of them.

The one on the left was a woman with cat ears and a striped tail. She had grayish white hair and was wearing a white and yellow outfit with a black skirt and gloves. Her eyes were also blue with four black stripes just underneath them, two on either side of her face.

The woman on the right had black hair with yellow streaks and green eyes. She was wearing a white and dark red robe as well as white heels that went up to just below her knees. She had a serpentine bracelet wrapped around one of her legs and she was holding some kind of fancy gold and purple staff.

"They haven't told me yet, I was waiting for you to wake up first"

"I see..."