Chapter 17 Unpleasant News

=============Albis pov=============

"I-it nice to meet you, I am Albis, the leader of the Beastketeers" I was smiling on the outside but sweating bullets on the inside.

Lord Carrion had told me beforehand that out of the two of them Lady Suu would probably be the hardest to negotiate with, however I hadn't really taken it too seriously at the time, after all she was just a child in my mind back then. From what he had seen in his short time meeting the two of them, lord Rimuru was far more forgiving and even somewhat naive, however his daughter on the other hand was far more aggressive and even slightly paranoid. Unfortunately that was then...this is now.

Every instinct in my body was screaming, it seemed Sophia and Phobio were feeling the same way that I was as they had quietly taken several steps backwards, not that I could blame them honestly. In fact it took everything that I had and a hell of a lot more to smile and hold out my hand in greeting instead of running in the opposite direction.

Phobio had said that she had gone berserk previously, of course that was because he had attacked a member of Tempest so I could somewhat understand her rage at the time, after all he did do something incredibly stupid. Anyway, concerning the attack on Tempest that just happened I suppose the literal tsunami of bloodlust that was washing over us was somewhat reasonable, however the current situation was definitely not what I would consider ideal for our first official meeting.

What's worse is that no one else actually seemed to have even noticed and she wasn't doing anything except for just standing there looking at us with a rather blank expression. Thankfully for us it would seem that it was all just some kind of warning because seconds later the pressure almost entirely vanished and she took my hand.

"Name's Suu" a part of me wanted to scream that she couldn't just scare the shit out of us and then smile as if everything was fine and dandy. I kept my mouth shut though, I knew full well that I probably shouldn't aggravate her any more, mostly because her opinion of us seemed quite low already.

"This is Sophia." I said while motioning towards my companion who thankfully managed to at the very least nod back in greeting without showing how intimidated she actually was.

"And you already kno-" I tried to gesture towards Phobio but she suddenly stopped me.

"Do I know the jackass who got himself tricked by a group of literal clowns? The same jackass that thought it would be a good idea to possess a giant one eyed tuna, before then deciding that it would be a great idea to attack Tempest simply because Miseria went wild, kicking his ass and shattering his fragile pride? The same jackass that then went on to get his ass kicked all over again before then groveling on the ground like a little bitch? And that's not even mentioning the fact that his own boss smashed him into the ground like a ragdoll because he was being an idiot. That guy? Do I know THAT guy?" I could practically see Phobio flinch at every line that came out of her mouth.

"No, never heard of him before" I think that one probably hurt him the most as I saw Phobio physically stumble backwards a little.

(Looks like it will take some effort to increase her opinion of us) I thought while sighing to myself internally.

"My lady" suddenly before Suu could insult Phobio any further someone spoke up.

"What?" Suu asked as she turned to the person who spoke, and said the person just so happened to be Zeref.

"I mean no disrespect to you, however these lycanthropes are here on behalf of our allies in Eurazania" the person who was a basilisk not so long ago spoke in a calm and collected manner as he gestured towards us.

"Since when were we allied with them? I remember something about a non aggression pact but nothing about us being allies" Suu asked while turning to look over at Rimuru.

"The alliance was formed not long ago, you weren't here so it makes sense you wouldn't know about it" he explained getting an "ah" from Suu in return.

"Thank you for that Sir Zeref" I whispered while the two new demon lords began to speak with one another.

"It is no issue at all, however I would not recommend bringing up your friends poor past decisions anymore" I could only nod in agreement with that.

"Recent events may have drastically increased her...wariness of others and those she does not have favorable opinion towards" Zeref muttered while looking off into the distance, a look that seemed full of regret and consideration.

(I did hear that he had died in the attack...I guess he is feeling responsible for her current state of mind) I had previously met with Sir Zeref back when we first came to visit Tempest, however even though I was shock to meet a basilisk we had not interacted all that much but right now I couldn't help but pity him just a little.

"She is way more frightening than the last time that we met"

"Well...she is a demon lord now"

(Yep, it's definitely going to take some time to fix our relationship with her) I groaned internally while ignoring Phobio and Sophia.

"So what are you here for anyway?" Suu asked as she turned back to us

"I believe that is a conversation best said in private" I said trying to refocus on the reason for our visit.

"Alright then" Rimuru hummed as he motioned for us to follow him, however Suu paused after taking only a few steps.

"Oh and before we go" she smiled mischievously, a smile that seemed to be directed at Rimuru and Benimaru.


"Yes?" The purple haired woman smiled, however much to my confusion Benimaru and Rimuru seemed to be sweating nervously to themselves in the background.

"Benimaru and dad told me to tell you that your cooking looks absolutely terrible and tastes like complete dog shit" Suu responded bluntly causing Shions smile to crack and for her face to stiffen much to the horror of the two males in question.

" even told lady Suu to say such naughty words"


==============Suu pov=============

"She...she did what?" Rimuru asked with a shocked and baffled expression while I stared at them in complete disbelief as I leaned up against the wall in his office.

"Milim Nava, The Destroyer. She declared war on Eurazania and reduced the capital to rubble after battling Lord Carrion"

"It's true, I saw everything myself" Fishbait said with a solemn look on his face.

I was about to speak up and call them out on the bullshit that was pouring out of their mouths, however that's when I realized that they weren't lying. They couldn't be lying, after all my skill wouldn't allow them two and they neither have the strength or the skills to resist the effects. So in the end all I could do was stand there speechless and confused, I didn't understand why she would do that.

"Why would she do that? What reason would she have" Rimuru asked, taken aback, I was honestly a little too shocked to say anything so I just listened along.

"We don't really know" Albis admitted before continuing on.

"However like we just explained she was also working alongside demon lord Frey as well"

"Thankfully we were able to evacuate everyone in advance, so they are all safe" that was some good news at least.

"Ah!" Rimuru quickly turned to Rigurd who was standing just to his side.

"We need to arrange lodging and food for the refugees"

"I might be able to help with that" I admitted, after all my new skills would probably come in handy here.

"Sir. While I hesitated to do so, I have already made arrangements without permission" Rigurd said, earning a pleased look from Rimuru.

"Oh good, excellent job"

"Still though, why would Milim work with demon lord Frey?" I didn't know much about demon lord Frey so I had no idea why the two would be working together.

"We don't know and what's more strange is that from what we know about demon lord Milim, she absolutely hates those kinds of underhanded tactics"

"She isn't the type to stab someone in the back that's for sure" that was true, Milim prefers a straight up fight, head to head style.

"Right" Rimuru nodded in agreement.

"Regarding that" Fishbait muttered as he took a step forward.

"When demon lord Frey flew away she didn't go in the direction of her territory or the territory of demon lord Milim"

"Where did she go?" Rimuru asked while tilting his slime body ever so slightly to the side.

"She went in the direction of demon lords Clayman's domain" that seemed to instantly alarm Fishbait's companions as they immediately looked at him in shock.


(Clayman huh...) I thought to myself as a weird feeling came over me

(I suddenly feel the urge to get another torture room ready...I wonder why?)

(A/N. I nearly had a heart attack! I almost deleted this entire chapter because of a fucking miss click but thankfully I had a back up. That scared the crap out of me though...)