Chapter 36 Many, Many Interruptions Part 2

"Hello to the both of you, I heard that you two are demon lords now" Gazel, king of the dwarfs hummed as he dismounted from his pegasus, in fact his pegasus knights were doing the same behind him.

"You heard right" Rimuru smiled as he shook Gazel's hand in greeting.

While those two were talking with each other I decided to check something out. I had a feeling this would continue to happen today, so I decided to check just in case.

(Let's see if we will be having any other unexpected visitors today or not) I thought while using my All Seeing Eye skill to view everything within several kilometers of Tempest.

The skill itself was strange, I could see myself in the third person, I could see a lot of things in the third person actually. It was like I was a satellite looking down on the planet below, except I could see even the tiniest details and I knew the location of everything within my radius, even if the said thing in question was deep underground.

(This could be very useful.) I thought with interest but ignored it for now as I had something important to check on.

(Anyway, it seems that we'll have two new groups of visitors soon) 

The first group was very close to us already, in fact they'll probably show up any moment now. The second group was much further away, they hadn't even managed to enter Tempest yet. Out of the two the second was the most curious and interesting in my opinion.

(Let's see now...a fairy? And a demon? What a strange combination, why are they even traveling here?) I was a little confused when I saw that but quickly shrugged it off.

"Suu, what's up?" Rimuru had finally noticed my somewhat far off look, so he turned to me curiously.

"Seems like we'll be having more guest any second now" I muttered softly as I felt that the first group was about to reach us.


King Gazel also seemed to notice them, however he didn't seem to detect the second group at all. Anyway, the first group was made up of several cloaked individuals, they were being led by some blonde guy that was wearing white and blue robes with a green hood covering most of his head. The guy's aura kind of reminded me of Eren, the strange but rather nice adventurer girl that showed up in Tempest with her party every now and then.

"Who are you people? Show yourself!"

"Well well, those are some bold words for a king that likes to hide underground, though I would expect nothing less from you Gazel" the leading figure said as he removed his hood.

"What is truly shocking however is that a coward such as yourself would go and back not one but two demon lords" the blonde guy smiled in a way that really annoyed me a bit so I decided to set him straight a little.

"You call him a coward yet you didn't even come here yourself, instead you're hiding behind that doll of yours" the moment he had arrived I knew that there was something up with him, his current body wasn't his real one.

"It's a homunculus actually and it's simply a safety precaution" 

"So you were afraid to come here yourself? For someone who claims others to be such cowards you're not exactly showing much bravery now are you" I muttered while crossing my arms.

"May I ask who exactly you are miss?" He asked, sounding rather irritated.

"No, you may not. Also shouldn't you be the one to introduce yourself first, after all you're the one that so rudely interrupted our conversation without permission" Rimuru at this point was shaking his head with a sigh, while Gazel seemed to be enjoying the current situation.

"I'm Erald Grimwald, Archduke of Sorcerer's Dynasty Sarion."

"I'm Rimuru and this is my rather headstrong daughter Suu" Rimuru said in an attempt to remedy the situation.

"It's you!" 

The Erald, or whatever it was that he called himself, then started ranting on about his daughter and how she had been kidnapped by us. He went on to summon a massive fireball, surprising Rimuru with his sudden actions. I on the other hand couldn't help but cringe, he had begun to chant out the spell and what was worse is that it was like a full minute long, it was frankly so long that it was kind of absurd.

(What the hell is he doing? Doesn't he realize that chanting like that will just get him killed? I mean seriously, I could have killed him multiple times by now and that's just if I use my hands. In fact if I wanted I could just grab a hold of the link connecting his soul to that body and rip it completely out of him without much effort at all) I was a little dumbfounded to say the least.

(Should I just stop him? Or should I just straight up eat the fire ball completely, so that I can see the stupid look on his face?) I hummed in thought but stopped myself when I sensed something.

"Oh, looks like I don't have to bother" I said as Eren suddenly ran up out of nowhere and wacked him in the face.

"Enough you stupid idiot!" Eren yelled while glaring down at the man.

"Dad, you can't just go around exploding things!" As this was going on Erens party members also walked up looking a little concerned.

"Oh Elyun, thank goodness you're alright"

"Who is Elyun?" I asked when I heard the name said.

"That's me, Eren is just an alias I chose to hide my identity while I worked as an adventurer" Eren or Elyun now said sounding a little awkward about the fact that she hadn't actually remembered to tell me her actual name before now.

"Oh, interesting" I wasn't really bothered at all by it so I quickly went back to my thoughts while ignoring what was going on around me without a care.

(Anyway, since there are so many people appearing and joining in on the meeting, maybe I should invite some people from the abyss to join in too...) I was pretty tempted by the whole idea and eventually gave in to it.

(Fuck it) I shrugged before opening a rift to the abyss catching the attention of Rimuru and the others.

"What are you doing?" 

"If we're gonna have so many people taking part in this meeting of ours I might as well bring in some friends of mine, so that they can help in representing the abyss that is" I reported as three figures almost instantly exited through the rift I had created.

"Hey guys..." I trailed off a little when I noticed the new appearances of my companions.

"Sup" Kaen yawned lazily, he now looked more like a xenomorph then the elf he used to be.

"H-hey" Bel, shy as ever, now looked more like a very beautiful angel of darkness instead of the light spirit she was supposed to be.

"Mistress" the final person that I had called was Fuyuko and boy was her new appearance rather elegant to behold.

"This Bels, Kaen and Fuyuko, they're three friends of mine" I introduced as I turned to face Rimuru.

"Nice to meet you" 

"Nice t-to meet you t-too miss" Bels extended her hand but became confused when I nearly burst out laughing.

"This is Rimuru, my dad" I gestured to him, causing Bels face to drop in horror at her mistake.

"That's funny" Kean added with a grin earning himself a disapproving look for Fuyuko.

"I'm s-so sorry!" Rimuru didn't seem that bothered by it, although he was somewhat depressed, only a little bit though.

"It's fine"

"It is an honor to meet you sir" Fuyuko bowed slightly causing Rimuru to be taken aback for a second but quickly recovered.


"Can I ask when your letting everyone out, most people don't really seem all that bothered and are actually doing alright but Yama is starting to get on everyone's nerves" I could only sigh at that

"Y-yeah..." Bels sighed as well and Fuyuko followed after her.

"He has been dreadful"

"Soon, once I get the opportunity to full everyone in, I really don't want to cause a panic" I explained and they nodded in understanding.

"Fair enough"

"Have you thought of a name for our largest friend yet?" Kaen asked and that got me to show a complicated expression.

"Yes I have, also I'm hesitant to name something of their...size" 

"Because of the potential magicule cost?" Bel asked and I simply nodded.


" many new "friends" do you have in the abyss?" Rimuru, who had been quiet for a while finally spoke up.

"Now why would I ruin the surprise by just telling you that?"

"Fine, keep your secrets" he muttered with a fake pout before going back to talking with Gazel.

(Hmmm...) for a second my eyes drifted to Bels and a question entered my mind.

(Whatever happened to them anyway?)

'Hey Bels, whatever happened to those light spirits we saved back then?' I asked through telepathy.

'They returned home, they were far too weak to stay on this plane and had to return to the spirit realm'

'Got it' I mused as I deactivated the skill.

"We should probably get back to the meeting, right?" I asked quickly getting Rimuru's attention again.

"Yeah, yeah we should"

"We are gonna need a bigger place for everyone though"

"Good point..."