Chapter 37 Many, Many Interruptions Part 3

"Since when did we have this?" I asked myself while looking around our new outdoor meeting area.

Currently, while I was glancing around in confusion Shuna was introducing everyone one after the other. Rimuru had actually ended up calling over even more people to take part as well, people who weren't originally present for the beginning of the meeting. And as for the fairy and demon, well, they had yet to arrive and were still a long way off.

"Next up we have Rimuru's newest secretary, Diablo" Shuna then gestured towards the said demon in question.

"Yes, a pleasure to meet you all" Diablo for his part was being incredibly polite, especially when you think about how demons are usually portrayed most of the time, and he even bowed slightly in greeting.

"Next is the caretaker of the Forest Of Jura" 

"I am the dryad Treyni" the green haired dryad smiled happily getting a respectful nod from everyone in return.

"That is everyone from Tempest introduced" Shuna announced before quickly continuing.

"Now it's time for me to introduce our most honored guests and allys"

I stopped really paying attention after this, mostly because I already knew everyone here and really didn't see the point in listening any further. Anyway, as Shuna continued her introduction I began thinking more on my future plans, more specifically the plans that I had begun developing for my drones and pocket worlds.

(It'll take some time to set everything up, I'll probably end up needing someone to help manage everything down the road as well but I should be able to take care of most of it all for now...) I thought while tapping the bridge of my right horn in contemplation.

(I'll also probably need some kind of structure built for it as well, attempting to connect them all with dozens of smaller access points would be far too much of a hassle for me to try and figure out on my own. Yeah, it's probably for the best to have one centralized structure allowing for easier management and control instead of thousands of smaller access points...) Before I could continue Shuna tapped my shoulder getting my attention.

"Finally...errrm...miss Suu?"

"Oh right, sorry" I somewhat awkwardly gestured towards the three people who were patiently sitting behind me.

"This is Bels, she's an Abyssal Lord Of Light, a type of light spirit" I said as I began introducing them one by one.


"This is Kean, he is an Abyssal Apostle, one of the heads of the military forces of the Abyss as well as commander of Special forces, he is also a lazy piece of shit"

"True" he didn't even try and deny it as he shrugged with out giving a single fuck.

"And finally Fuyuko, an Abyssal armored elemental that is kind of like my advisor but also my self proclaimed personal maid" once again I got no rebuttal at all from my subordinates.

"Nice to meet you all, it is a pleasure" she bowed while continuing to present herself in the most professional yet elegant way possible.

"Nice to meet you all too!" Yin yelled with stars in her eyes while her twin shyly nodded in greeting.

"Indeed, it is good to see that there are more creatures such as ourselves that are inhabiting the Abyss nowadays" Kuro mused respectfully.

"Thank you for your kind words eldests" when Fuyuko said this it caused some confusion amongst everyone present.

"Eldessstsss?" Zeref asked with an odd expression.

"It is what some people in the abyss are calling you four, mostly because you were the first abyssal creatures I created."

"Oooooooh" Yin smiled with interest.

Things finally began to get started after this, everyone was here and ready to begin the meeting, everyone except for one singular person. A person I knew that would only cause further delays if they showed up, said person was a certain blonde haired lizard that was currently walking towards us.

"Hey Shuna, what's Veldora doing?" Rimuru asked just as the true dragon in question appeared.

"Oh, he was just changing his outfit before the big meeting" I sighed at that, I knew exactly what would come next, after all it was bound to happen at this point.

(Another bloody distraction...) I sighed once more knowing full well that the meeting would probably be put on hold again because of this idiot.

"Sorry I'm late!" Veldora announced with a grin as he came to a stop in front of Rimuru.

"But I'm here now."

"Wow, you look quite dashing. The clothes appear to be the perfect size for you" Shuna complemented earning herself a large smile in return.

Veldora was currently wearing a rather nice button up shirt as well as dark brown pants. So overall his appearance hadn't actually changed all that much but he did look nice in it at least.

"Tell me about it! It's very comfortable but also very stylish as well, you have my compliments" Veldora laughed rather loudly.

"Thank you so much"

"What do you think about it, my future niece in law? Don't I look absolutely amazing in this?" Veldora asked while turning to me, his answer was a hit on the head that had enough force behind it to create a small shock wave, of course it didn't really affect him much physically.

"Stop calling me that already!" I yelled but stop when I saw his somewhat down trotton appearance.

" look fine...I guess." I muttered, as I did he almost immediately brightened up like a kid who was told he could get ice cream after first being told no.

"By the way..." he trailed off while taking a moment to look me up and down.


"Why do you always wear that same outfit?" He asked and I shrugged.

"Oh that, it's because I have enchanted it with various things such as self-cleaning and self-repairing, so I don't really need to wear anything else most of the time, even if some people keep trying to use me as a living dress up doll" I explained with a shrug, however the last part caused Shuna and Shion to avert their eyes while trying to play innocent.

"Also I like it, have you got a problem with that?" I asked, causing him to quickly look away.



"Rimuru" Gazel suddenly spoke up while looking confused at Veldora.

"Does he work for you?"

"Oh, this is actually a buddy of mine" Rimuru quickly answer while patting Veldora on the back

"Let me introduce you"

(Here it comes...) I thought with a sigh.

"His name is Veldora" you could probably hear a pin drop with how deathly quiet things got after that.

"V-Veldora?" All of our guests who didn't know about this suddenly went completely pale while the ones that did could only nod their heads solemnly as if to confirm the reality of the situation.

"Yep, I'm the great storm dragon Veldora Tempest" Veldora introduced himself, which seemed to only make the situation worse mind you.

"Very few people have had the opportunity to speak with me and had the chance to tell the tale, you are all extremely fortunate, you should consider this a great honor" as he finished, however a loud thud could be heard, guild master Fuze had fainted from shock.

"We lost Fuze again" Eren or whatever she was called now muttered and the hero boy could only agree.

"Poor guy"

(What a wuss...) I thought with a blank look.

"Wow...he passed out from joy" Veldora said, surprised.

(God, I really am surrounded by idiots aren't I?) I groaned before snapping my figures to get Rimuru's attention.


"What?" Rimuru asked and noticed me gesturing at something, he turned around coming face to face with a distressed Gazel.

"We need to talk in private, now" the dwarfs king growled, causing me to sigh once more.

"And here we go again..."