Chapter 40 The Meeting Beings Again

I couldn't help but sigh inwardly as I sat back down in my seat. (Let's get this over with already...) I thought to myself, I wasn't really invested in the meeting anymore but came back anyway.

"You gotta tell me this kind of stuff before hand instead of  blind siding me with it out of nowhere." Fuze grumbled as he glared at Rimuru.

"Oh don't be such a bitch." I commented which caused Rimuru to shake his head at me disapprovingly.

"Really Suu?" I shrugged, not really giving a shit anymore.

"How am I supposed to report this...?" Fuze asked with a shake of his head and surprisingly it was Kaen who answered him.

"Just go ahead and tell them." He shrugged nonchalantly as he lay with his back up against the side of my seat, he clearly didn't actually care at all and was only speaking up because he was bored. "It's not like they can do anything about it now."

"See, Kaen gets it."

"I'm sorry for their behavior." Fuyuko bowed slightly and was soon followed by Bels as well.

"Me too" 

"Wow..." Kaen said with his hand on his chest in mock pain.

I for my part played along and pretended to look devastated. "Betrayal, it never comes from an enemy."

"True, true." My partner in crime nodded his head with his arms firmly crossed in front of himself as he looked at the two with fake disappointment.

"Anyway, let's resume the meaning." Rimuru sighed, he was clearly trying to change the subject but no one stopped him. "I'll start by explaining how we got here." 

Rimuru then went on to explain his own reincarnation as well as mine, he also went over the events that happened up until this point, the things that he knew about anyway. Long story short, a lot of shit had happened over the past year or so and that's honestly about it, it's been a hectic year. What? I'm not going to spend hours of my time just recapping everything that happens, however...there are a few things that do need mentioning.

The first thing that stood out was my past life and my death. The people who didn't know about it had some mixed reactions but someone I didn't expect seemed to get pretty angry hearing it. This said person was Eren's dad. I was a little surprised if I'm being honest, the reactions of the others somewhat made sense to me because, well, they have known me for a while now but him, he barely even knew me so why was he so pissed off about it?

The second thing that had managed to get my attention was the fact that someone had actually attempted to kill Rimuru on his way back to Tempest, someone who just entered the top of my shitlist. Apparently the bitch might have actually succeeded in her plan if she wasn't a complete moron with tunnel vision. She didn't even notice that Rimuru had snuck away while she was fighting some monstrous version of him.

"Hold on." Fuze quickly raised his hand to stop Rimuru from continuing. "You fought with Hinata Sakaguchi and walked away?!" 

Rimuru narrowed his eyes at that. "Yeah...yeah and her strength is no joke." He muttered but I wasn't bothered by that, her strength may be above average but I really doubt she would be a threat to me at this point. "During our fight she refused to listen to me at all! She had a really cold blooded killer kind of vibe going on." 

(Great, another psychopath that kills without even thinking beforehand.) I grumbled internally as my already low opinion of most humans got even worse.

"Hmmmm..." Fuze thoughtful musings brought me out of my thoughts 

"What's up?" Rimuru asked, causing the guild master to realize everyone was looking at him.

"O-oh, it's just that your account differs a little from the information we have on her."

That was a little surprising so I was about to ask but Rimuru beat me to it somewhat. "How so?" 

"What? Is she a bigger bitch than we originally thought?" I asked half jokingly.

"Actually the exact opposite."

"Huh?" That confused me a little.

"The information we have gathered on her says that Hinata always lends a hand to those who might depend on her, although she won't waste her time with anyone that ignores her advice." Fuze explained and I got even more confused. "Still though, she's rational and is known to be a rather reasonable thinker."

(I guess the situation isn't so black and white...) I thought before turning to look at the other two important visitors we had.

"Do you two have the same information?"

"Indeed." Gazel nodded in confirmation and the blonde haired weirdo continued after.

"Hinata is well known for being a model knight that would never go against the teachings of lord Luminous."

"But if she's that great then why doesn't she try and stop the summoning rituals?" Rimuru asked, he was somewhat puzzled and I had to agree. "In my opinion bringing children here from another world should not be tolerated no matter what."

"That we can agree on." I growled in agreement.

"Do we know for certain that she overlooked the summoning rituals in other countries or are we just assuming that information?" Fuze asked, causing Rimuru to pause in thought.

"The ritual to summon other worlders is something that is kept out of the public eye, in fact it's categorized as a prohibited act by the council of the West." 

"So even if you asked them out right no one would be willing to admit to it?" I said and the guild master nodded along with the two leaders sitting on either side of him.


I was about to say how stupid that was but Erald spoke up before I could. "There's a good reason you've never heard of this before, the church of lord Luminous forbids anyone from making deals with monsters."

Fuyuko let out a hum at that. "Interesting..."

"So their all a bunch of fucking racists then?" I grumbled in discussed 

"Did she say anything that could explain the sudden attack on you?" Kaen asked, his eyes narrowing somewhat as he finally started focusing on the conversation.

"I think she thought I killed Shizu but I have no idea how she found out about that, she said something about someone who told her but I don't know who exactly..." Rimuru muttered and I couldn't help but grit my teeth slightly but didn't let my anger show on my face.

"It would appear that someone may have attempted to pit the two of you against each other for some unknown purpose." Zeref hissed and several people nodded in agreement to his statement.

"It seems things are more complicated than we suspected..." Bels whispered under her breath before sighing, I could understand her frustration clearly as I was feeling the same way currently.

(So someone was using her as a tool.) I sighed before getting slightly annoyed about how worked up I was getting at the idea of her. (Pathetic, she turned out to be nothing but a pawn that lashes out without getting all of the facts before hand...nothing but trash.)

"Hahaha..." Diablo suddenly chuckled, catching everyone's attention.

He then went on to get into an argument with Shuna about who should be the one to hunt down and deal with Hinata. In fact even Veldora was about to get involved until Rimuru stepped in to stop them from making a scene.

As Rimuru began berating Veldora, Shuna and Diablo I wasn't really paying attention, I could sense something. (So they are finally here...)