Chapter 52 Care For A Dance? Part 2

"You know...this was a really bad idea." I grunted as I lay in the middle of a crater on the side of a mountain.

"Move!" A familiar voice yelled and I did just that, I pulled myself to my feet and shot into the air just as a pink blur slammed into where I once was shattering the peak of said mountain.

"Is it just me or is she going easy on us?" I asked as I floated up next to Rimuru.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that, I mean she is your girlfriend after all." He chuckled and I couldn't help the blush that showed on my face.

"S-she's not...shut up!"

Fortunately or unfortunately depending on how you look at it our conversation was quickly interrupted by Milim who came out of nowhere and flew at us with a blank, emotionless look on her face. Thankfully we were able to barely avoid her with some help from our skills. Rimuru used his Thought Acceleration to help get himself out of the way while I bent space around myself to create some distance between us.

This whole time we had mostly been dodging and countering her when we could, we didn't really want to hurt her after all. However, despite all of that I had still used some of my skills to try and slow her down, emphasis on try, it didn't work out at all to be honest. Anyway, there was still one problem, well, something that was bugging me about all of this ever since the fight started.

(Still though...) I sighed internally while dodging any attacks sent my way. (Something about this situation doesn't feel right, I mean Milim is only using physical based attacks and barely anything else. I know for certain that she has more than that up her sleeve so why is it that she's limiting herself especially if she's under some kind of mind control.)

My eyes were pulled towards the necklace that lay around Milim's neck, with my special vision I could definitely see that something was wrong here. (That necklace shouldn't have the power to control her, though from what I can tell the skill used on it is most definitely above average for sure but I'm certain it's no were near strong enough to penetrate all of Milim's defenses.)

"Pay attention!" Rimuru yelled, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"I am!" I growled as I wrapped the space around Milim, instantly the distance between us seemed to grow once more allowing me to move out of the way in time.

But I didn't just stop there, no, no I kept going. I needed time to figure out what the hell was going on and to do that I needed to be a little more direct in my methods. Thankfully I could do just that because in here, in this place, I could do a hell of a lot more than just creating incredibly realistic illusions. With a wave of my hand, space and time began to warp and stretch once more as a strange, almost translucent cube shaped box appeared around Milim.

"What is that?" Rimuru asked, surprised.

"Just a pocket of space and time that is separated from our own." I explained with a shrug, however I knew that it probably wouldn't keep her contained forever. "It's like an invisible maze where time doesn't function properly, the distance between two places constantly shifts and changes, and the laws of physics are all kinds of fucked up."

"Will it hold her?" He asked with a baffled look.

"Not for long." I hummed as the cube began to crack like it was made of glass.

In the short amount of time I probably had before she escaped I, well, turned around and quickly checked on the others who were also fighting off in the distance. Shion was currently fighting against Clayman and some weird puppet guy in a purple robe while Ranga was dealing with some large orange fox looking thing who had apparently summoned what looked like a monkey with a staff as well as what seemed to be an oversized bunny. Thankfully Ranga had also summoned two of his pack to help out with that little problem. While I was doing this however the cracks on the cube grew and grew as a violent pink energy began to leak out from it.

"Shion needs help..." I hissed, noticing that the kijin in question was getting pushed back little by little.

"I know, I do but we have a bigger issue to worry about right now." Rimuru muttered, pulling my attention back to the cube.

It was at that moment that Milim finally smashed her way free only for Rimuru to comment sarcastically. "That didn't last long now did it..."

"What did you expect? It's my first time trying something like that, also I'm up against Milim of all people." I argued, causing him to roll his eyes jokingly.

"Fair point."

Turning back to the task at hand I looked down at Milim who seemed slightly disoriented at the moment. (I need some way to...) I thought to myself and quickly came up with something. (Oh, that could work.)

"Hey, do you mind holding her off for a moment?" I asked Rimuru to nod his head without hesitation.

"Sure, how long do you need?" He hummed and I shrugged.

"About sixty seconds."

"Got it." With that he shot towards the pink haired girl and quickly got to work distracting her

The two met and began almost dancing around each other, Milim constantly trying to physically attack him while Rimuru used Beelzebub to slowly drain and eat away at her magicules and stamina. Overall Rimuru was holding out rather well against her but he was clearly the one on the defensive at the moment.

While this was going on I put my plan into motion, I knew I couldn't beat her, not as long as I didn't use a backup plan I had just in case but that was fine, after all my mission was only to stall her for now. So things processed as I used my control over this place to hide what exactly I was doing until finally I finished my goal.

"Milim." I yelled getting her and Rimuru's attention and boy was his reaction worth it.

""""""""""""Hey."""""""""""" Was all I said, was all I and the thousands upon thousands of clones of myself that surrounded me said.

"Get her." And so they did and damn, it was one hell of a show to say the least.

And sure, Milim was easily able to defeat them one after another, however it was like pissing into an ocean. In the end there were so many of them that even she herself was starting to get a little overwhelmed by the sheer quantity. Unfortunately though this made the situation far more complicated for not just her but everyone, as even though my clones were technically weaker then I was they could all still use my skills, a fact that actually turned out to be a problem even I hadn't for seen. Overall this was mostly because they could all somewhat control my Domain Of Horrors, and so things got chaotic real bloody quick.

"I thought we said we weren't gonna attack her unless it was absolutely necessary." Rimuru muttered in awe at the sight of each clone trying to make changes to the domain.

A fact that left the environment an ever changing and glitchy mess that was becoming more and more deadly by the second. It was a rather odd scene however, actually it was kind of beautiful in a somewhat nauseating way but thankfully I made sure that Ranga and Shion as well as those around them were unaffected by it for now.

"That wasn't an attack, I'm just trying to restrain her for a second so that I can get someone to help the others out." I spoke while not really paying attention, after all even I was a little fascinated by the situation before me.

"Oh..." He muttered before speaking up once more. "Second question, did you just use a shadow clone jutsu?"

"I don't know what that is." I responded as I activated my telepathy.


'Yes Mistress?"