Chapter 53 Care For A Dance? Part 3

==========Fuyuko Pov==========

I simply stood and waited, I had been told to do just this and I would until told to do otherwise. Thankfully that moment soon came. 'Fuyuko.'

'Yes Mistress.'

'You have my permission to act, destroy that damn puppet looking thing.' I would have smiled if I had a mouth, I was getting a little anxious watching the fight from here if I was being honest with myself.

'With pleasure.' I responded before quickly continuing when I noticed a small problem. 'How am I going to get into the battlefield?' I asked and quickly got my answer.

'That's quite simple actually.' As she spoke the space just above the ground began to crack and break apart.

'I see...' I hummed as the portal opened just in front of my feet.

Without any hesitation I nodded to Zeref who did the same before I dropped down into the open wound in space, I of course landed on my feet with grace as a maid should. Anyway, once there I glanced around to get a grip on my surroundings, I mostly ignored the chaos going on some distance away to focus on my target and what was happening around them specifically.

Seeing my objective in sight I took action. the white mist that billed out of my body, the mist that was in actuality made of millions of tiny shards the razor sharp metal shot forward. In an instant they form into long jagged tendrils that snaked through the air before wrapping around the robed figure's limbs before tossing it away from Shion and closer to me.

"Hello Miss Shion, please allow me to deal with this unpleasant individual for you."

"Sure, he was getting annoying anyway." She responded with a smile as she continued to deal with that sorry excuse for a demon lord.

It disgusted me if I was being honest, the man was not even worth a second of my Mistresses attention considering how weak he seemed to be but he had forced her to fight against someone she dearly cared for. This fact alone was enough to make me understand just how worthless of a person he truly was.

"Hummm?" I was suddenly pulled from my thoughts when my target attempted to return back to its master's side, a fact that irritated me to some extent. "You don't seem to understand, your opponent is me now."

With that said the tendrils lashed out again, however this time with a far more vicious and merciless intention. My enemy was able to dodge some of them to their credit but that was just fine, they didn't realize that I was corralling them, slowly tightening the noose as they continued to dodge unaware of my true intentions.

It was then that one of my tendrils quickly wrapped around one of the figure's four arms. Almost instantly severing through it like scissors cutting through wet paper, oddly though it seemed to leave behind what appeared to be rust of some kind that slowly spread across the remains of the limb. That was an effect caused by one of my skills, the shards of metal that made up the mist had a unique ability, they could break down and rust any metal they came into physical contact with so long as I willed it to happen.

"Good." I mused when the walking trash pile finally turned its attention to me. "Now come here."

"You were well built, much better than those working prisons I had to deal with previously." I noted as they sprinted towards me.

"Although..." I hummed once more as they were battered away by one of my tendrils. "You're still lacking."

Things just accelerated after that, with my main focus on my opponent I continued the fight for a while. I wasn't really trying all that hard to defeat it at first, mostly I was using it as kind of like a test dummy but eventually that got quite dull to say the least.

(Let's just end this idiotic display.) I sighed to myself as my tendril somewhat retracted and a rapier that formed from the mist around me appeared in my right hand.

"Truly nothing but a mindless beast chained by the leash of its master." I muttered with one hand behind my back and a completely calm expression.

The puppet clearly wasn't listening at all as it charged forward at me. "Struggle all you wish, in the end your fate is the same." With that said my rapier changed, it became something akin to a long segmented whip that was mixed with said previous rapier. "After all, as my Mistresses maid one of my many duties is to remove the filth that litters her path..."

==========Suu pov==========

(That should be that dealt with now.) I thought as I watched Fuyuko join the fight down below.

With that out of the way I turned back around and sighed at the sight before me. "Now...for the next problem..."

"Yeah...they probably won't last much longer." Rimuru muttered while rubbing the back of his head.

"Got a plan? Because we might be needing one soon." I muttered as I watched my clones get ripped apart by Milim, well, it looked more like she was playing with them but that doesn't really matter at the moment.

"Raphael, how long until that curse or whatever is analyzed and dealt with?" He asked and almost immediately got an answer.

[The analyzation was completed some time ago.]

"Then how can we free her?"

[You must remove the medium the effect is emanating from, using Beelzebub to drain it of power is also recommended, however that will no-] Raphael attempted to say but got cut off all of a sudden.

"The medium or whatever is probably the necklace around her neck." Rimuru hummed before nodding to himself. "So all we have to do is remove the power it has on her by draining it away?

[Yes, howeve-] She was once again interrupted before she could finish.

"Great! let's go Suu."

(Really dad? I love you, I do but really? You have a literal supercomputer in your head and you don't even listen to her...) I sighed while facepalming.

I did end up following him after a second of shaking my head in slight disappointment but most of my attention was still on my thoughts. (Still though, it looks like my assumption was correct.) I hummed internally. (But why? Why is she faking it?)

(Guess I'll just have to wait and see for now.)

With that said I quickly caught up with Rimuru who was currently heading straight for Milim who herself was still messing around with my now much smaller horde of clones. Just as we were about to rejoin the fight however things got a little more complicated, there was a flash of light and suddenly a certain blonde haired figure appeared next to Rimuru, a figure we both recognized almost simultaneously.


"Why the hell are you here?"

The man in question simply huffed at that "I came to save the day like I was supposed to."

"So you basically got bored of waiting?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"N-no!" He stuttered causing both myself and Rimuru to roll our eyes at him. "And besides I had to come, how am I supposed to show off just how amazing I am to my new niece in law if I'm forced to stay on the side lines?"

(Really? That's the thing he's worried about?) I thought with a dumbfounded expressions, however a moment later I froze as a rather annoyed look appeared across my face. (Wait!)

"Don't call me that you damn iguana!" I hissed, my face turning red in embarrassment as I kicked him in the side.

He winched at that. "So mean..."