Chapter 54 Care For A Dance? Part 4

I definitely hadn't expected this, however thinking about it now I probably should have been able to see this all coming to be honest with myself. Veldora didn't exactly strike me as a very patient person, so it was kind of obvious that he'd get bored rather quickly and come to crash our little tea party eventually.

(Well, this is a thing...) I sighed as Rimuru and Veldora bickered between each other somewhat. (However, this could actually end up working in our favour.)

"Yeah..." I hummed in thought, all the while I began to come up with a new plan of action. "I think this could actually work."

"What's up Suu?" Rimuru mused with a tilt of his head, he had noticed that I was talking to myself and had gotten curious.

I took a second before letting out a sigh before answering. "Go deal with Clayman."

"Huh? What are you on about?"

Sighing once more I quickly explained what I meant. "I said go and deal with the bastard, the one who is way to damn cautious for a complete fucking idiot."

"What about you?" He asked, he didn't seem against the plan at all but he still hesitated for a moment.

"I'll work with lizard boy here and hold back Milim while you deal with the douchebag and his goons." I answered with a somewhat reluctant shrug while ignoring Veldora's moping.

"That was just rude..."

"And besides, I want to test something out." I chuckled with a slight smile.

"Are you sure about this? I'm not against it but you were pretty adamant about being th-" He tried to say but I cut him off.

"Just go." I said with a cold and frustrated look in my eyes, a look that wasn't directed towards him. "However, don't go easy on him just because he's a pathetic piece of trash."

"I wasn't planning to."


I had wanted to kill the bastard for sure, however I suspected that it would be best for Rimuru to fight them, simply because the other demon lords may end up looking down on him because of his race. I didn't really care about them at all, they can't enter the abyss and even if they somehow could it wouldn't be much of a problem, in fact with how everything actually works inside of the abyss they'd be putting themselves in more danger then us. And so my people were mostly safe in the grand scheme of things but that couldn't really be said for Tempest at the moment.

Tempest could be reached by anyone rather easily at this current time, it was in this plane of existence after all and it's overall defensive capabilities weren't much at all, a fact we plan on changing down the road at some point soon. But that didn't change the present dilemma, after all for now things were still precarious to say the very least at the moment. As such if Rimuru was seen as weak just because of the fact that he was a slime then things could get really damn annoying.

Also there was the simple fact that I had no idea what Milim was actually up to and if she really did have some kind of plan I didn't want to end up ruining it for her by accident. So while Rimuru was doing his thing I'd try my best to figure out just what exactly was going on with her.

Anyway, Rimuru turned to leave but quickly spoke up before he did. "Look after Suu for me."

"Don't you worry bestie, after all nothing will happen with someone as great as me around." Veldora announced while laughing proudly to himself.

(These two...) I rolled my eyes while turning my attention away from the both of them.

"Come on iguana, we have a pink haired beaut-I mean girl! We have a pink haired girl to save!" I yelped as I shot forward hoping to hide my embarrassment at my little blunder.

Veldora just chuckled at that. "Whatever you say."

The person in question was currently dealing with the very last of my clones, so she was a little surprised when I appeared out of nowhere all of a sudden. "Hey Milim." I quickly said as I kicked her in the stomach before blasting her towards the ground with my Warped Lightning skill, Warped Lightning being a glitchy, almost static version of normal lightning. "Sorry about this."

As she shot towards the ground I manipulated the earth below her and transformed it into a large chasm like maw that cracked open menacingly. I then forced her into it by blasting her with a constant stream of various magical attacks before slapping it shut once she was inside. As the mouth was about to close however, Veldora created several dozen beams of concentrated magic that shot past me and into the open maw just as it closed around her. The result? Well, because the energy had no were to actually go in such a confined and narrow space there was an explosion, a rather massive explosion that shook the surrounding area with a shock wave strong enough to rip trees out of the ground and create a large cloud of debris that blanketed the area.

Milim for her part was completely unscathed by the combined attack on her, a fact that caused me to mutter half-heartedly to myself. "Well...that didn't work."

"Of course it didn't, this wouldn't be any fun if something as simple as that had worked. Now then, let's have some real fun!" Veldora roared the last part as he flew forward and began fighting Milim in hand to hand combat.

(I might as well do it now while they're distracted with fighting one another.) I thought as I watched the two go at it while creating quite a bit of destruction around themselves as they did.

(It doesn't really make much difference but whatever.) It hummed internally as dark flame spread across my body. (I honestly just want to satiate my curiosity.)

"I haven't actually done this in quite awhile now, let's see how I've changed." I smiled as my aura surged and my body seemed to rapidly dissolve into the flames.

Soon after my body fully disappeared the fire began to rapidly expand at an alarming rate while also changing shape into something completely new. In fact because this had happened so quickly and because it wasn't exactly subtle to say the very least I ended up getting quite a lot of attention from those watching down below, attention that I completely ignored for the most part. I did enjoy Clayman's flabbergasted appearance as I reached my full size, as I did the flames that still covered me solidified and began to quickly died down.

In my place there was now a truly gigantic, almost kaiju like creature that resembled a mixture between a four legged dragon and a Phoenix of some kind, this was of course my new true form and boy was I big now. Actually my wingspan alone was around two hundred to three hundred or so meters long, I was literally casting a huge shadow on the world below.

From my back the massive wings in question unfurled and as they did ash and smoke drifted through the air around me as my four tails drifted slightly like creeping serpents. My eyes glowed like magma similarly to the gaps in the golden scale like armour that covered parts of my body, such as the top of my wings, my claws and parts of my chest.

"This is gonna be fun." Veldora grinned with an excited look in his eyes.

"You know you still haven't answered me Milim, so I'll ask again." I growled softly as I hovered there with a small smile on my face. "Care for a dance?"

(A/N. She looks something a mixture between these three with a black and gold colour scheme.)