Chapter 59 A Little Push

(A/N. This is where the main part of this volume ends, and as such I just wanted to say thanks for reading. Although I should also say that there will be a somewhat short chapter after this that will finish things up, of course it will come out next week so I hope you look forward to that. Additionally after all of that is done there will be a few more things that I'll need to get done before the next volume begins so stay tuned I suppose.)

===========Rimuru pov===========

With that little conversation out of the way I turned back to the others in the room who were currently milling over Suu's little name idea. If I had to guess they had to have liked it a little, after all if they didn't they would have just rejected it out right.


"I've never heard of it before but it does have a nice ring to it I suppose."


"Then it is decided" Guy mused as he stood up, as he did everyone else did the same. "From this day onward we will be known by the name of Yggdrasil."

(Well...that all went better than originally expected.) I thought as things progressed further.

One of Guy's two maids stepped forward and spoke up. "I will now announce the current members of Yggdrasil." And so she did, me and Suu even got fancy new titles, mine was "The Rising Star" while Suu's was "The Tainted Flame".

Once that was all out of the way we continued to discuss various important things, one of which was the fact that some new territory issues had to be sorted out considering everything that had happened. First was Milim, she now had ownership of her original territory as well as the territories of Clayman, Frey and Carrion. I was given control of the Jura Forest while Suu declined any territorial ownership over it, after all she already had the abyss and that alone would prove to be a handful in the near future. In fact the abyss was probably the largest territory owned out of all the demon lords considering the fact that no one actually knew how vast of an area the abyss actually was at this point.

Everything began to slowly wind down after that, in fact it was around this time that Luminous left to do her own thing apparently. However, there was still one final thing I myself had to do, a task that I decided to do after seeing Milim and Suu interacting again after all this time.

(Humm...let's just give her a push shall we.) And yes, I meant that literally.

"W-what are you doing?" Suu asked as she noticed that I had walked up behind her all of a sudden

I just chuckled while giving her a light shove, not before whispering this to her however. "Just shut up and go ask her out already."


============Suu pov============

(Whatthefuckwhatthefuckwhatthefuckwhatthefuckwhatthefuck?!) My current situation was not ideal if you hadn't picked up on that already.


"Birdy?" Milim hummed with an adorable tilt of her head.

(She's so fucking cute!!!) I screamed internally as I struggled to keep what little composure I currently had left.

Seeing that I was in way too deep right now I decided on another course of action. "O-one second please." I quickly said before turning back around to glare at my bastard of a father who so suddenly put me in this situation.

I gave him a look that roughly translated to "what the fuck are you doing you bloody asshole?!" Unfortunately he didn't respond the way I was hoping, in fact he just whistled casually as if he didn't just push me into one of the most terrifying situations possible. Additionally the looks that I was getting from Shion as well as the other three weren't helping at all either with the current situation, however I was just thankful that almost everyone else was distracted talking to each other right now.

(God damn it dad!) I yelled in my head before letting out a long and somewhat frustrated sounding breath while trying to control my raging embarrassment.

Seeing that I wouldn't be getting any help I tried my hardest to calm myself down. ( can do can do this...)

"I was just...y-you know...." I stuttered but couldn't find the right words to convey what I wanted to get across.

"What is it?"

(Nope, I can't do this!)

"Are you okay Birdy?"

"You see...errm...oh!" I was about to just give up when an idea popped into my head and I just blurted it out. "I'm working on something super interesting and I thought that maybe, you know, once it's all done you may want to come over and help to test it out with me...?"

"Sure, anything that birdy makes must be super fun." The stars in her eyes were enough to make me stumble a little.

"C-cool..." I muttered not really understanding what had just occurred.

"Then you better come get me when this thingy that you're working on is done." She ordered while smiling happily and I could only nod my head in response.

(Did...did that just happen?)

To say I was in a daze for a while would be an understatement, it barely even registered when Rimuru walked over to me with a sly grin on his face. Honestly though, if it wasn't for Ranga's happy barking I probably wouldn't have come out of my muddled thoughts for a while there.

"I'm happy that she is finally making some progress but I guess that means that Hakurou is the winner huh...shit..." Rimuru muttered so quietly that I could barely hear what exactly it was that he was saying.

"What was that?" I asked, causing him to freeze in place.

"Oh nothing..."

"Lord Rimuru is referring to the betting pool that we had going, we were competing to see how long it would take for you to ask lady Milim out." Shion quickly answered, causing Rimuru to give her a betrayed and nervous look.

"What?!" I hissed with a dark appearance.

"Well errm...since the meeting is mostly over now we should probably get ready to leave." Rimuru mused as he quickly tried to make an escape.

I couldn't help but growl as I glared at his retreating form. "GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE SHIT!"

"I'm sorry, okay." He tried to apologize, emphasis on trying to.

"Not good enough!" I yelled as I shot after him. "Now come here so I can beat your sorry ass you fucking dick head."


After several seconds of trying to brutally strangle Rimuru to death I finally let him off the hook, for now anyway. For the most part things slowly continued after that with several demon lords leaving one after the other, we eventually did the same as well, not before Milim made me promise several more times to show her this "interesting thing" I was talking about once it was closer to being fully finished.

Once that was out of the way however I, as well as Rimuru, Zeref and everyone else left back through the portal we came through several hours before. I honestly just wasn't expecting the welcome party we would have the moment we returned, the whole town had come out to greet us the moment they noticed that we had all returned.

"Lord Rimuru, lady Suu."

"Welcome back you guys!"

"I'm so glad you returned safely."

I could only chuckle at the sight. (Home sweet home...)