Short: A Glimpse Into The Past

(I...I'm dying...I know that I am....I can feel it happening after all...)

There wasn't really any pain, I couldn't really feel anything except the slight throbbing in the back of my head as well as an aching hunger in my stomach but other than that I felt nothing except for a cold numbness that circulated my whole form. It was odd to say the least, I should have felt frightened, upset or at least something negative about the current situation but no, no instead of fear or sadness I felt a strange sense of...of relief? I knew for sure that this fact wasn't normal, most people would probably say the same but that's what I was feeling at that moment.

I could hear sounds, muffled and distorted yells of frustration and rage but I couldn't make them out clearly but...but I knew exactly who it was that they belonged to. I mean how could I forget, after all he was the one who made my life hell for reasons completely out of my control.

I was rather confused and disoriented to say the least. (Why...why am I...why am I here again...what are they even saying...?) I asked but I got no answer.

It didn't matter though, there was nothing I could do either way, I was forced to just linger there and wait for how all of this would come to an end. Unfortunately though things didn't end up how I was expecting at all, in fact things quickly began to take a turn...a turn I definitely hadn't foreseen happening. Before I even had a chance to truly understand it all, everything just stopped abruptly, slowly the rage that I heard in his voice turned to what I believed was hesitant confusion, a confusion that quickly turned to panic.

I could hear frantic and somewhat clumsy sounding movements, it honestly sounded like he was furiously looking for something in particular. Eventually it did seem as if he managed to have found whatever it was he had been looking for, mostly because soon after things once again took a chance for the rather unexpected.

( I rising...?) Indeed, instead of sinking deeper into the darkness of death I was starting to rise upward in a metaphorical sense that is.

It took me a little while to finally figure out just what exactly was happening and when I did, well, I suddenly felt a growing dread welling up in my gut. The man who had tormented me since my birth, the man who had seemingly devoted all his rage into abusing me was now trying to save my life. Not out of love or any kind of regret about his past actions, no, he was doing it out of fear, crippling, all consuming fear. He knew, he hated it with every fiber of his being but...but he knew...I was the only thing he had left and he was painfully aware of this fact.

His wife was dead, my sister had abandoned him the first chance she got, his life as a whole was a complete downward spiral that had long since passed the point of possible recovery. In the end he had no one but me and, well, that fact drove him quite mad to say the least. He hated me, he really did, however he refused to let me die no matter what.

If I actually did end up dying all that bottled up hatred that he was so desperately clinging on to would vanish without anything left to fuel it. If that actually happened he'd lose the only excuse to justify his actions, there would be nothing left to keep it burning and that fact alone terrified him to no end. Unfortunately for him, without his hate, his resentment, he would have nothing, nothing but his pain and the memories of what he had done.

He might have actually been able to do it as well, he might have actually pulled me back, back to that damn husk of a house, back to that vile place where he could continue his abuse, back into that living hell I had to endure all this time. Unfortunately for him and fortunately for me there was just one problem, someone else got in the way before he could finish whatever he was doing.

All of a sudden things shifted, I stopped rising up out of that void as something exploded outward, rage, resentment, disgust, frustration, hatred and so many more. The strangest thing however was that they weren't my emotions from what I could tell, even though I was the one feeling them they didn't seem to come from me at all, in fact all I felt in the moment was a strange comforting warmth. This whole situation was so strange to me, it was like watching someone else's dream play out inside of your own head.

After that things became rather fuzzy and distorted, to put it simply everything was far harder for me to understand. I could hear a mixture of screams and curses, I could smell what I believed to be the scent of blood filling the air, I could even feel my body moving on its own like a puppet on strings. It was around this time that the memories racing through my head flickered and faded before I felt myself jerk awake.

I was laying in my bed looking at the ceiling for a while after that. "Well...shit..."