Chapter 1 An End Is A Beginning

==========??? Pov=========

Why is this all happening to us now? "Run! Just run and don't look back!"

"Help me, god please help me!" Why do we have to suffer like this?

And why... "Aaaaaaaaaah!"

(Why do I feel like this has all happened before somehow?!)

Even though that thought was wedged in my mind I couldn't do anything about it at the moment, after all my home was being overrun by undead chimeric monsters. They were nothing but horrific abominations, hellish monsters that looked as if different creatures had crudely been stitched together into a stumbling mass of flesh and bone. In fact some of them still seem to cry and scream incoherently as their bodies moved on their own, I chose to desperately ignore that fact as the implications were terrifying to me.

The streets were a light with fire and littered with half eaten corpses that stained the ground with their blood and entrails. I actually almost tripped over a torn off leg at some point while running for my life, a leg with a massive bite taken out of it. The whole scene was made even worse however, like a living nightmare there were screams and inhuman roars that echoed outwards from every direction. Unfortunately though I couldn't actually tell how close to me the things that were making said horrifying sounds were, mostly because of the sickening smoke that filled my vision, smoke that lingered in the air like a black suffocating fog.

As I ran blindly forward vague and blurry images flashed through my head, however before I could take a second to focus on them something pulled me back to reality. "Hey you!"

(Huh?) I suddenly stopped and glanced around, I couldn't see where the voice had come from because of all the smoke but I had a feeling that the source of it was close by.

"Over here, quickly get inside." It did take me a quick second but I eventually found what I was looking for, an older looking man waving to me from a doorway with panic and fear clear on his face. "Come on."

Without any more waiting I sprinted inside only to hear someone else quickly speak up in a hushed yell. "Close the damn door before those things find us in here."

"We...we're all gonna die...aren't we?"

"They're...they're gonna...gonna eat us...they're gonna rip us apart and eat us just like they did to everyone else..."

"All of you shut up..." Was all that needed to be said as several stumbling figures passed the building that we were all now huddled inside of.

Now that I had a moment to breathe and look around I could see that there were several dozen people here, some were far more injured than others. It was a mess, the floor was damp with blood, everyone's eyes were filled with this overwhelming sense of hopelessness as well as a slight hint of what I believed to be madness. 

There was even one guy that was missing an arm and had half his body covered in severe burn marks. It was clear by the hollow look on his face as well as the desperation in the eyes of the woman holding him that he probably wouldn't survive for much longer.

Everything had gone to complete hell, worst of all though there was nothing we could do but wait for our fate without any way of fighting back. If only we had done something before it had gotten this bad, I mean we had some warning that something was going on out there but we never thought it was anything like this.

After a while of complete silence everyone began to murmur amongst themselves once again. "How the hell did this happen?"

"We should have listened to the reports...we should have listened...we should have...we should have just listened...."

"Is this the end...? I don't want it to end like this...I don't want to die like this..."

(Everyone's dying and I can't do anything about it...) I thought while shaking slightly.

(This shouldn't be happening...) I breathed out as my thoughts raced in my head. (So why...what is this strange sense of deja vu?) 

"Am I really the only one that is feeling like this?" I whispered under my breath while glancing around.

It had all started some time ago, we had begun to notice that small groups of animals were disappearing, a fact that is quite alarming when you realize we live on a floating island in the clouds. So of course we sent out scouts to investigate, especially when we realized that people were also starting to go missing. That's when things got much more concerning, reports of strange creature sightings and bizarre animal attacks became increasingly frequent causing an air of panic to slowly set in. Things were getting more and more hectic as time passed by at that point, however we still didn't see it coming when those things erupted up from the ground tearing through every living thing that they could find along their path of destruction.

Before I could continue down that line of thought I felt a shift in the air, a sense of alarm that began ringing in my head, and apparently I wasn't the only one. "Why is it so quiet all of a sudden?" A young woman asked as she tried to look out of a nearby window.

"Wait don't?!" Was all anyone got out before several tendrils made of muscle and covered in mouths filled with jagged teeth slammed their way through the boarded up window and grappled onto her.

The woman had just enough time to scream before she was dragged outside and torn to pieces, soon the sound of horrible crunching and the ripping of flesh filled the air. To say that things had taken a rather quick turn would be a rather large understatement, everyone and I mean everyone only had one goal in mine at that moment, run.

The damn things began smashing through the walls and dragging people out into the open to be eaten alive. "Oh God!"

"We have to get ou-aaaaaaaaah!"

"Get it off of me! Get it the fuck off of me!"

Despite the chaos all around me I didn't move an inch, after all I knew that it was absolutely pointless to even try to escape at this point. In fact, just like I predicted my assumption was soon proven correct, those that had made it to the door were met only with open maws and gnashing teeth on the other side. And so I just sat there, my knees against my chest, completely paralyzed in terror at the thought of the fate that would soon befall me.

(I'm...I'm going to die...) I trembled at the idea but I knew full well that I had no possible way to escape from this place, however I never expected what happened next.

"What a truly feeble little thing you are." A sudden voice echoed out from seemingly every direction at once.

"Huh?" Everything seemed to become cold all of a sudden as what looked to be some kind of black sludge began pouring out of the cracks in the floorboards around me.

I watched as said sludge slowly came together and coalesced into a vaguely humanoid shape that towered over me. "Who...what are you?"

"Does it matter? Why should I enlighten someone destined to become a corpse at my feet?" The figure spoke in a clearly male voice, its mouth and eyes nothing but empty pits.

For a moment I just stared fearfully at them until a realization hit me. " did this didn't you?!"

"I did."

"Why?! What the hell did we do to deserve this?!" I asked with a mixture of various emotions clear within my voice.

The being for its part just shrugged. "Nothing, you did nothing to me, your only crime was being in the way of my true goal."

Before I could respond to that statement various unnatural and disturbing sounds came from the outside pulling the creatures attention towards them. "Hummm." It seemed to think for a moment  before nodding to itself. "Yes, you may feed now, after all I don't need any more material from this filth."

"Wait! I don't wan-" Was all I managed to get out before something broke through the wall behind me and wrapped its way around my body.

All that could be heard after that were screams, screams that were suddenly cut short followed by the crunching of bone and tearing of flesh. Unbeknownst to anyone however, this whole scene was being watched by a single entity, a young woman that was currently sitting within a black void of her own creation.

"Their development is rather astonishing..." She hummed while tapping the bridge of one of the two horns poking out of her head. "This is far more than I was expecting."