Black hole? No it's more like a Dark portal.

Rein also went to his father and asked him to offer some help for his mother's medical fees. But instead of offering something like money or giving a warmth hug for not seeing each other for so many years. Rein was disowned by him and chased away from the guards who he called.

—But before Rein went to his father. He first entered the subdivision, and he saw that the things weren't like before.

The cold gazes from his childhood friends were all giving bad vibes and a dark aura around him. His neighbor also treats him like trash, like he doesn't belong in there.

But why is his life so cruel? Why is he so unlucky? Isn't it good that he's visiting the place where he used to live, and they are supposed to welcome him?

Only one of the people came to greet Rein, despite his ugly clothes that he wears

She had seen Rein while he was walking around the subdivision with his slippers on.

''Rein!! How are you!?''

Her name was Kim Stayne, a daughter of a rich CEO from a high class company called TechStayne.

Kim was one of Rein's childhood friends. She used to play with Rein when she was a little child. She asked Rein why he only visits this time of day.

"Sorry I was busy, there's too many things that need to be handled." Rein answered.

''Then are you hungry? Let's eat!''

Kim also offered Rein to eat something delicious into her large mansion with many butlers and bodyguards around. But Rein responded with a thanks and denied.

Rein told Kim that he has many things to take care of, and he will surely come back another day.

"Ok. If you really are that in a hurry. Then you want me to ride you home?"

"No thanks. I have a ride there waiting for me, so you don't have to be worried."

"Ok then be safe, and take care"

Kim is wondering why Rein is in hurry. She is thinking that Rein must be trying to avoid her. But why?

"Thanks." Rein nodded his head.

Rein directly walked away. He doesn't want to endure the cold gazes and stares of his old neighbors and childhood friends. He instantly walked away, and headed from his father's house.

When Rein had arrived unto his father's house....

—It was no house; it was now a large mansion where there are many maids and bodyguards lurking around.

His greedy father rose up in status and became a rich man after he divorced Rein's mother.

Rein doesn't know why he do something so foolish and dumb. But he knows one thing. It's because of his new wife and her vast amount of money.

Instead of seeing Rein, his son that he hasn't met and seen for more than 4 years. He disowned him and called out his guards and chased Rein away like a dog from the guards who he called.

"Shoo, shoo! My master doesn't want to see that ugly face of yours! Go away and return where you belong! And don't come back here! you filthy kid!"

Rein was chased away like a dog. Like a filthy dog that doesn't have any owners. Like a dog that went to somebody's place to seek for food.

Rein felt despair and anger towards his father. He treated him like someone that he hadn't seen or met before. He treated Rein like someone's dog that doesn't even belong to him.

Instead of begging his father for help. Rein instantly walked away.

He now decided to cut his relationship with him. The relationship of a father and son, the love and care that he received from him when he was a little child, he tried to forget it all. And told himself that it was all fake.

Rein became a different person after that incident. He from now doesn't talk to anyone like before.

Rein from now doesn't need any pity or kindness from anyone he knew. He also tried to distance himself from anyone that is near or close to him. He was now a guy that hates to be pitied. But there was a compassionate person that tried to stood up for him.

''Teacher, I think what Rein said were the truth. So, I think he should not deserve this kind of punishment.''

His name was Grey Guillermo the vice-president of the class. He felt pity for Rein that he needed to go to school from day and went to work at night. He stood up for Rein and told her Science teacher the truth.

His classmates were all confused why he helps some guy. That's not even qualified to receive his help, but he didn't care.


The Science teacher named Mrs. Christine was forced to make Rein sit on his chair again. Because Grey Guillermo's father is one of the richest people in the country, and is also a close friend of the headmaster of the academy.

"Rein!" Mrs. Christine called.

"Yes, teacher I'm here."

"Sit down to your chair. I let you off for today because one of my favorite students asked me to. But! if you are late in my classes again, for the one last time!! I will ask principal Taylor to drop you out! Do you Agree or not?"

Rein stopped for a while and thought about the consequences of arriving late again. Not only will he get drop out, but the 50k allowance will also be taken out of him. The 50k allowance that could make his life more easier.

''Do you agree or not answer me!!''

"I agree with the teacher." Rein bowed his head.

"Then sit down!"

Rein directly walked and passed his classmates who were insulting and badmouthing him. He doesn't care about any of those.

You should say that he is numb and immune to it. But he was kind of happy for the first time that someone stood up and tried to help him.

He bowed his head to Grey, a gesture for thanking him, and he directly sat down to his chair.

Teacher Christine started her chemistry lessons, all of them are listening. They don't want any information to slip through their minds for the periodical test is coming up.

But Rein was different; he can't catch up to those lessons even if he still listens well. There was some big information that he had missed and that's why he can't match up from the teacher's lesson.

The teacher gave the class a test about chemistry and needs to be passed before lunch. The time passed quickly, and It was almost lunch time. Yet Rein weren't done on his test paper sheets. While all of his classmates are talking and preparing for lunch in the cafeteria.

It was then when the bell rings.

"Cling!!, cling!!, cling!!!!, cling!!!"

Instead of going to the cafeteria to eat. Instead of working and thinking of his answers on the test paper sheets.

A black hole emerged from the ground and appeared upon their feet's. They were sucked by it with no warning asides.

"Ahhhhhh help!!!"


"Black ashes?"

''What is this thing?!?!''

"Sob, sob. What the heck is happening!!!"

"Son of a!" Kyle cursed the black ashes in his feet.

"I can't feel my legs help me!!"

All of his classmates were shocked from the black hole that emerged and appeared from the ground. But neither did he.

Rein was as calm as nothing happened for he is a dead man to begin with. He isn't scared of death. The only thing that he is scared of is not able to help his mother from her severe head injury.

:In Rein's consciousness.

"Did I die? Why is it too dark? Turn on the lights, don't worry I will pay for the electrical bills, mom."