Is this Another world?

"Why is it so damn dark?"

It was too dark, and Rein can't see anything but only darkness that surrounds around him. He tried to walk any path that he felt, which leads him to nothingness and despair. Just what is the place that he wandered off to?

"What's that?" Rein found a dim light, it was like a glimmering star fluctuating and slowly fading.

Rein found a little hope in himself to leave that dark place. He tried to approach that little shiny star because it's like giving him a source of warmth feeling that he will get when he is near it. But what really is it? Rein asked himself.

When Rein tried to approach and get nearer from the shimmering light, it was like nothing happened.

—He found it odd no matter how much he walked and sprinted just to get nearer from the light, it was like the shiny little star was the one avoiding him.

He Sprinted, ran, dashed just to follow that remaining light. Rein doesn't know what it is, but he knows one thing.

It isn't hostile to him and it's giving him hope to leave that isolated dark place—After those chasing and running. He still can't catch up to it. Is it because he is slow like a turtle? or is it because that thing is really just fast.

"Just what the fck! Is that shimmering light! I'm getting sick of it!" Rein cursed the shimmering light.

No matter how much he chased and tried to grab the glimmering light, he was still unable to comprehend it.

He lost hope and faith unto himself. He sat down waiting for emptiness to happen. He was too lazy to run and catch that slippery little star again.

"But why won't I get tired no matter how much I ran? Just where really am I?" He thought of any possibilities to point where he really is.

"I was at school, listening to the old hag. Then she gave us 1-100 tests which made me have a heavy headache, after that I was done. Taking a stretch out of my neck and hands. Suddenly a black ashes appeared nowhere from the ground and then it sucked us. Speaking of Us? Where are my classmates by the way? Why am I the only one here?"

Rein is now quite puzzled about his current situation. Where He was sucked from that dark ashes and been brought unto this dark void.

But this nothingness and desolate place around him. Is what the real big question. But he knows only the shimmering star is the answer of all his unanswered questions.

He chose to catch that slippery dim light again. Even though it's far away He never stops, even though he's been approached by nothingness and despair around him. at least he found a little hope until the star spoke.

"Human! Just what do you want!! you have been chasing me for the whole 5 hours already! , 'Sure time here is frozen but, aren't you getting a bit tired or something!" The shimmering light spoke.

Rein was a little bit shocked that the star that he chased so far spoke. It was like the size of his fist when he saw it nearly and it doesn't have a body structure. Instead it was like a shining orb.

"I ain't getting tired at all even if I have to catch you for the whole month. No years I will still not get tired!" Rein said, while trying to cheer himself from boringness.

"—Human, you intrigued me. Just what do you seek power, reputation, wealth? I make sure you get it all, if you just let me be one with you again." The orb said.

"Like I agree bitch!! You are quite suspicious and I really don't know much of you. I Just want to leave this damn dark place!! Just where the heck am I . Tell me! I'm getting bored in here."


"You don't know human? You are in your Divine Consciousness. You are me and I am you." The little orb said.

"What? I'm at my Divine consciousness? And you are me? Are you kidding me? ain't a shimmering light, am I?" Rein is confused by the words that he heard from the orb.

"Fool human. I am the inner you. The evil you, the beast inside of you." The orb corrected light.

Rein was puzzled and confused when the mysterious blue orb said that. It was like there's too many mysteries and unknown things that he doesn't know of.

"Beast inside of me?" Rein was confused.

"Every person or humans has a good and bad side about them. but you are slightly different. All your emotions, all your dark emotions that you are hiding deep within you. Is I. Even if you still put on a happy face everyday. Communicating another person with your courteous smile, hiding and living yourself behind the mask. Nothing will really change about it. You are still hiding your immense anger and that's me. You're inner self, the dark you or you should say the reverse of you."


"So you are saying that . I'm at my divine consciousness and you are the vicious beast that is hiding deep within me. But how did you end up getting here?" Rein asked.


"Try to ask that father of yours human."

"My father? Not a chance will I. I've even tried to ask him to help my mother. Yet he disowned me and chased me away! He isn't my father! he's just a vicious beast in disguise!" Rein shouted at the shimmering light.

"Who are you talking about, human?" The orb was puzzled.

"I'm talking to my father here! Do I have another father huh!? You Damn ball of light" Rein squeeze the orb.

"I'm quite confused, human. Sure I agree that he's a vicious beast that yearns for chaos and blood. But I can't think of him disowning you. Perhaps things might have changed outside. Well it's none of my business." The blue orb said.

"Ok!! Let's stop talking about that Damn father of mine! and try move on to another topic. Why is this place all pitched black and dark huh?" Rein asked.

"Ask yourself, human, not me. I was just born from you." The blue orb answered.

"I exactly don't know why my divine consciousness is this dark. But can I ask how to leave this place?" Rein asked the orb again.

"Ask yourself again, human. you made this interesting and fun place."

"This place isn't interesting and fun at all!! it's irritating, confusing and I'm very bored of the darkness here! Just why am I brought to my divine consciousness!"

"I think you have been summoned human. And this sensation that I feel is quite familiar." The orb said.

"Summoned? I got summoned?"

"Well humans are really a fool. Spirits don't have brains, but they are smarter than anyone else." The blue orb tried to insult rein.

"Are you insulting me?"

"How idiot, it's a given, yet you asked?"

"Damn filthy little orb!!" Rein squeezed the blue orb again.

"—It's futile, human. You should just try to head outside now. If you want to leave this bleak and uninteresting place. There should be something fishy going on. You should be able to leave this place out if you thought about a gate carefully." The blue orb said.

"Thanks! I try." Rein nodded.

Rein tried to think about getting out of that dark and desolate place. He tried to make a gate in front of him, and it really did appear with no delay in action.

Because of rein aggressiveness to leave. He instantly dashed towards the black gate immediately without spending a few minutes around. When rein woke up he was amazed where he was.

"What is this place?" Rein eyes glowed.

Rein found himself inside a large vibrant palace. Where many royals, nobles, his/her classmates and different kinds of students from the other schools are standing around him. Rein was confused why he was brought to that place. Until one of the royal guards beside the king throne shouted.

