Elemental Magic


"I think that shabby guard just said summoned."

"I think I'm gonna puke."

"This isn't earth is it?"

"Damn!! I have a date with my sister after school, why now!"

"Sister? A damn siscon or lolicon?"

"Call 911!"

"Wow i'm impressed."

"Who dafuq brought me here! Show your damn face now!" Derek furiously shouted.

"I think. I have seen this on tv." Blast said.

"My—my mom is gonna scold me for being late again. I will really end up sleeping in the street now."

"Poor guy."

"Just what the heck is this place! return me home you big jerk!"

"Weeee Woooo, weewow the ambulance is coming!"

"What's wrong with that guy!"

"What a fascinating place, yet horrifying." Yuer stated his opinion.

"Nooooooo! Return me home, I don't want to be here!"

All the humans who were summoned was greatly in shocked, they were all asking why they were brought to that place—Some of them were thrilled because of excitement. But there was also some of them who were dreaded, and scared who just wanted to go home.

One of the students from another universities tried to ask in a brave and respectful manner of his tone.

"Hello your majesty! My name is Rassald, I came from a planet called earth. I would like to know where we are and what was that black ashes that brought us to this place"

The old king probably at the age of 60, wearing a golden crown and a red cloak. While showing the long beard and the fat disgusting body of his. Told his magician beside him to use translation magic.


"Cgh*°~×|[]×<>|>fs Uhhh test one two. Do you understand me now, fellow earthlings?" The king spoke.

Some of the students answered yes, Yet some of them also nod their heads and Rein was one of them.

He was in the center of the large crowd. Where he could not be seen. He also couldn't see his fellow classmates that is recently with him before they were transported. There were one thousands students around Rein estimated or more.

Rein was full of questions to ask like why only students around his age or more were summoned to this world. So he tried to listen to what the fat king has to say to them.

"Ummm hello fellow earthlings. It's a nice and beautiful afternoon is it? you are probably wondering why you are summoned here. Well the purpose of why you were summoned here it's because we fellow premians need your little assistance."

"Are you fcking crazy?! You fucking old fat ass! You summoned us here without a warning!! Yet you are asking for our help? aren't you being a little cocky here?" Rein's classmate called Kyle shouted disrespectfully towards the king.

"You rude insolence brat!"

One of the royals uttered in a loud voice. He was a 'Duke' and just one status apart to be a king. He thundered at Kyle who was disrespecting their king.

The king holds off Duke Herald from uttering and giving a lecture to the young boy, and the king said to him,

"It's alright and don't talk without my orders."

Duke Herald clicked his tongue because of embarrassment. Then in a while after that, the king spoke again.

"Anyone that is rude and impolite towards me, shall be punished for three days at the cell. So I think you should think about all the words that you would say. Make sure that it's clearly polite."

On the contrary, the students and the teachers were terrorized, and extremely horrified by the sudden words of the fat king. They were just brought forcibly to that world, and now they will be put in a cell if they were just a little bit rude?

"We premian'sjust ask our fellow earthlings for a friendship, and a little bit of aid and assistance. We can no longer endure the hostile doings of those wicked dungeon monsters. Running around amok in the street. Breaking things, houses and even kidnapping our fellow female citizens, and killing our beloved people!! Our citizens of this country are now quite scared and terrified of the dungeon's existence for more than 120 years. We Premian's can't now hold off those ugly and creepy creatures, lurking around our city and towns. We need the aid of the otherworlders to exterminate those ugly creatures. For our citizens, ancestors and our beloved country can be back in peace again for so many years."

The students at the front of the crowd clapped their hands. Nobody knows why they did it. Perhaps they were just impressed and amazed by the king's long speech. Suddenly one of the other school teachers named Dante tried to ask the king,

"Your majesty, we humans from earth don't have any magical powers like the people of [premians] . We only have nothing but our body and brain."

"In the ancient book that my grandfather owned. I have read that the otherworlders do possess a great magical prowess. That's why I king Kasavvan summoned the otherworlders here, to give us a little aid and assistance through conquering that vicious dungeons. "

"What? we have magical powers!?"

One of the students of the crowd was curious.

"Yes, you fellow earthlings definitely have any magical powers. Perhaps, aren't you feeling it? The mana that is circulating around your body? Try to stay calm and focus. Think of the mana that is circulating around all the fibers of your body. If you feel it, then think of any element that you know and say its name."

Everybody tried to do what the king told them. Even teachers that have been brought forcibly, tried without any questions and complaint. They were just too curious about the elemental magic that the king spoke. In a minute someone was able to produce an element.

"Look everyone! I created a small Fire!"

One of the students of the other school was full of joy.

"Me too! Look at me I created a Fire in my fingers!"

"Doesn't it hurt?" One of the students asked.

"Wow how did you guys do that!! It's like a small lighter!"

"Look someone made a small ball of water out of her two palms!!"

It was Emmy the untouchable goddess and the president of the class where Rein is attending, all the people who were looking at her was amazed by her beauty and the talent she had on controlling magic.

But she isn't only the one who is talented, there are many of them.

Grey, who was vice president of Rein's class was able to cast a little tornado in his hands by using wind magic.

Also a student from the other school named Blyke was also able to make a hardened stone out of his hands. But the most surprising of all is Kim Stayne.

Rein childhood friend.

She was able to make the floor freeze out of her two hands—Everyone was shocked just how talented and beautiful she is, even the fat king is a little bit of curious and interested in her.

"Hey young girl. what is that cold thing on the ground it's not water is it?"

The king slowly approached Kim, the way he walked towards her was very disgusting through the eyes of the humans from Earth, his like an obese...

"It's called ice your majesty." Kim answered.

"Can I see it again?"


Kim froze the floor with ice magic. Snowflakes began scattering in the air and the ground. The temperature decreased, it was too cold. So cold that will make your shoulders and spine shivers when you are near it. The king was surprised by how fascinating and beautiful it is, so he complimented Kim.

"Hmm, you are good at magical elements young girl. You are quite talented. Perhaps you would be a good wife to your husband someday."

Kim blushed. Her face and cheeks were all red, all filled with embarrassment.

"I ain't ready for that thing, your majesty, 'What's that got to do with magic anyways?'' Kim blushed.

"Hahahaha!! Right right that's every girl's answer. What's your name young girl?" The king asked.

"Kim Stayne you're majesty. Glad to be asked."

The king was quite interested in Kim. He wants her to be one of her famous generals someday. Where she can command thousands of soldiers that the king owned. But she was still a little bit weak. The king still needs to train her formally.

Everyone was jealous of how talented Kim was. She was able to make a magical element in no time without casting. Just by thinking the image was enough for her. Even rein was in awe of surprise. He was jealous of her surprising abilities. Because even in another world he was still as pathetic and powerless as before.

"Why! Why can't I make any magical element? I'm tired of this! I don't want to stay, being a pitiful idiot again!"