Mana Crystals

"Why can't I make an lightning element out of my two palms?!!"

Rein desperately tried to make a lightning element. He pushed, straightened his hand just for the lightning to be casted.

"Look!! Look at that amusing guy over there! The one that's wearing a Royal Hearts uniform, look at him!! He's waving his hands everywhere, yet he still can't make a single magical element!!"

"Hahaha poor him!"


"He's quite an embarrassing guy. Poor the school that he's attending though."

"Well I can't even make a single element. But I think he's much more embarrassing than me." Lopard said,

Rein was embarrassed from what he did. He stopped trying, and nodded his head, after that he asked the people around him for forgiveness.

"Sorry for my embarrassing figure." Rein bowed his head.

"Hahaha pathetic guy!"

"A student from one of those prestigious schools, and yet can't even make a simple magical element?"

Many kinds of students from the other schools were insulting and laughing at Rein, but he didn't care about those little things. For he is mature enough to hold off his temper.

He adjusted himself from the embarrassing situation, and he walked away from them. He moved away from the center of the crowd and headed towards the back side of the palace, where there is less noise and few people around.

"Pardon me, may I pass through?"

The other school students made him pass through with their hateful and vicious eyes.

—They hate everyone at those prestigious and highly looking schools. Their mindset was the people and persons in there weren't humans at all.

They treat anyone as a little ant and look down on everyone they don't even know. They taught that all the prestigious school students are all rich kids and spoiled arrogant brats.

Rein was aware of those sharp and malicious eyes that were gazing around at him.

He knew that something was really going on about their school, and the other school of the country. So he stayed quiet and never tried anything else. Then after a while there was someone from one of those prestigious schools.

The school that he's attending is called Bright path academy. He exactly casted a lightning element around his hands. All the people were attracted by his magic even the king approached and was amazed by him.

"Wow what a magnificent scene! What do you call that flashy thing young lad?" The king asked the boy while walking towards him, pulling his long beard around.

"It's called electricity in our country, my king."

"Hmm electric huh? What a good name." The king was amazed.

The king was impressed by how formal the boy was at his posture. But that's not the only thing that made him impressed. He was also amazed by how beautiful the lightning from his planet is. Lightning was a new element and understanding from their continent so they were quite shocked and astonished by it.

"Young lad do you mind training here at the palace. I find a good teacher for you so you can become one of those fine generals in the future. The king said.

Kaz was quite intelligent so he accepted the offer knowing nothing would lose to him. Perhaps he can even be a powerful mage in the future.

"Sure I accept my king. My name is Kaz Retro, I am in your care."

"Wise choice! Kaz Retro. I like you more than everyone here hahahaha!!" The king laughed hardly, while patting Kaz retro back.

Kaz accepted the king's offer to be trained by one of his famous generals. All the students and teachers that were summoned were quite jealous of the offer that the king gave him.

"Thank you for the generosity my king." Kaz bowed his head.

"No problem. I am the one that brought you here after all." The king smiled.

The king walked away after he said that, and headed towards his throne to sit.

In a while when the king just sat at his golden chair with many emeralds inscribed on it. One of the teachers of the other schools tried to ask the king. What will happen to them now that they are summoned….

"Forgive my sudden question you're majesty! But What will happen to us from now? that we are transported here. Can we go back to the place that we lived with?" One of the teachers named Taimord asked.

"Good question you think well, I'm quite impressed by your question. But you cannot go home to your world for now that you are summoned here." The king answered.

"What!! So you are telling me that we will live here for the rest of our lives?" Teacher taimord snapped.

"No it's just a matter of time if we are able to gather many mana crystals for you to return." The king replied by lowering his tone.

"Then you're majesty we will stay here for a long time or even forever if you can't gather mana crystals for us to return?" Teacher Taimord questioned the king again.

"No. You are misunderstanding something we aren't the only one who will gather mana crystals. You earthlings will also help us from gathering mana crystals for you to return."

Teacher Taimord curses and swears silently. With only the students and teachers that stood around him knowing. The king must have heard it but he just stayed quietly silent . In a while another student asked the king another question, it was Kim Stayne. Rein childhood friend.

"Excuse my rudeness you're majesty. May I ask a question?" Kim Stayne asked.

The king grinned. He was happy that one of his favorite earthlings asked a question.

"Anything for you my dear as long as it's within my reach."

"I just want to ask a question, I won't ask for anything." Kim intervened.

"Hahaha. okay my dear ask anything."

"Do we earthlings have a chance to go back to our world?

"Hmm chance huh? Yes, chance a probability."

"Do we earthlings have?" Kim asked seriously.

All the students and teachers listened quietly for that is one of the most questions that they also need to ask. But they don't have the courage to. Because they find the Royal guards intimidating and they might kill them if they ask something above the blue.

"Yes, you have." The king nodded in response.

"For real?!" A student named Charles was relieved.

"God is really on our side." An unknown male student said

"We can get home?!" A student named yuer asked.

"Yes!!" Pina was overjoyed.

"I can finally tell my mom that I'm not the one that ate her cookies in the refrigerator!" A male student named Vishan said.

The people that were summoned were brought in joy after the king spoke his positive thoughts. But he isn't done talking.

"Don't exaggerate. Yes, I may say that you earthlings can go home. But it depends on how much mana crystals we can get. Our mana crystals that we spent for more than thirty years were all used up by the summon. So as long as we have enough mana crystals. We can build a portal for you earthlings to return."

"Mana crystals?"

"What's that?"

The students in front of the crowd asked.

"Hmm that's quite a short question but long if answered." The king replied.

"Please! my king, answer their question. I want to hear it too." Kaz asked the one that successfully casted a lightning spell.

The king was also quite interested and intrigued in him, so he responded to his question.

"Anything for you young lad. So how do I start? Hmmm... ahhh! Let's start at this continent."

''This continent has 4 countries and the one that you earthlings are stepping foot in is called the country of humans called Premians. The other countries are called Brumund kingdom where many beast kin reside, also the other country is called Dwarnace kingdom where many dwarves reside, and the last but not the least is called the kingdom of Elfear where the elves homeland. "

"Elf are real?" One of the students bawled loudly.

"Wow I can't believe that!"

"I have only seen elf from the rpg game that I played."

"In this world elf are real and they are the king/queen of the nature element." The king sighed.

"So let's talk about mana crystals ability and you earthlings ability."