A Rain Of Tears

"So let's talk about mana crystals, and you earthlings ability." The king grinned.

"But before that let me introduce myself first. My name is Kasavvan Cryonic the current king of humans of this continent."

King Kasavvan stood up to introduce himself but he was embarrassed why no applause could be heard.



"Round of applause please." King Kasavvan sighed.


"Hey clap your hands everyone!" Kyle commanded the students.

"So that's the one he's waiting."

"Just do the same that the Royal guards did."

"Ok 3,2,1 go!"

"Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! All hail king Kalavven!"

"All hail king Kalavven!!"

"Yey, king kalevven all hail king kalevven."

"All hail."

"Stop! everyone!!! You are disrespecting the king by pronouncing his name wrong! It's king Kasavvan not king kalevven!" Kaz snapped.

"It's okay Young Kaz. For ignorance is a sin in this world. But I am quite guilty that I am the one that brought you earthlings here. So I can forgive you for the meantime and forget the rudeness that you have done today, starting now. For those who are disrespectful will be imprisoned in a cell for 3 days without food."



The palace was now quiet. The joyful air that is wandering around was replaced by fear. The earthlings that were talking and messing around with each other were brought to silence, and the rude and humble people that were able to use magical elements, were brought to distress, while Rein is just standing at the backside of the palace observing the students and teachers around.

"Let's cut off the mana crystals lesson first and head to the main topic. You earthlings will be trained here by these 3 Generals that I have brought. May you please respect them not the way that you respect a king, but the way you respect a deity. Because the 3 of them are capable of annihilating you all. Thousands of earthlings, be careful when you talk to your generals for I will proceed to my afternoon massage now... ah wait! Kaz Retro and Kim Stayne!"

"You're majesty?" Kim replied.

"Yes! my king what can I help you with?" Kaz responded.

"The two of you are the only earthlings that are very gifted or the most gifted humans around. Your awakening was a pure success. The one that will train you, will be general Cecil. She is beautiful and also talented and my top rank general. You may proceed to her now."

"Yes my king." Kaz kneed.

"Yes you're majesty." Kim nodded and bowed her head.


The three of them were confused and puzzled when the king said awakening. No, not just them but every student around the palace was confused. But the king just nodded and leaves with the 20 or more Royal guards behind him.

In a while. One of the generals thundered the room by her booming voice.

"Good afternoon! Little earthlings!! Why the cold face?"

It was General Cecil, the top rank general that the king spoke about. She has long black hair, above her waist and azure blue eyes that are resembling a sky itself. Her height is above 6 feet or more and she is wearing a golden armored chest plate with a long sword attached to her back. She is probably in her thirties because of her beautiful face around.

"You earthlings should be happy that you were summoned here! You earthlings aren't like those ordinary humans anymore. You have evolved from ants to bird!—you even have a chance to evolve into a dragon!"

The two generals around her were confused by the speech that Cecil said.

"I think. Sister Cecil, your speech is quite exaggerating." Vrekerd nodded his head.

"Yeah me too sister Cecil. Ants can't evolve to a Dragon do they?" General Gavin also nodded his head.

"What? the two of you wanna fight me again? then what will you two call me if you lose to me again? I don't want to be called sister to grandma! That will piss me off!" General Cecil replied.

"Not that sister Cecil. It's just that your speech is quiet." General Vrekerd was brought to fear.


"Quite Remarkable!! hahaha. So the students that were assigned to you sister Cecil. What will you do to them?"

"What a funny question. I will train them you ugly Old dog! The two most talented figures and future generals that the king told me. Follow this beautiful sister Cecil. We head to the castle training ground!"

"Yes sister Cecil!"

"Please guide me well sister Cecil."

"Oh so it's you two? Hmm quite the handsome and beautiful type. You two are good to be a future love birds."

Cecil stared at Kim and Kaz,

"St... Stop!! joking like that sister Cecil!! Besides I already have someone I like!"

Kim was embarrassed by the sudden words that came from one of the generals.

"Yeah sister Cecil you can't just say that out of nowhere."

Kaz Clicked his tongue.

"Hmmmm, So my beautiful student is now taken huh too bad. Hmmm So who is it?? the one that stole the precious heart of my beautiful student. Show me your face!! Is it you nerdy?''

"Me!! No. No! No! I—I- don't even know her!" Blast was brought into a panic state.

She points at the student blast. Who is wearing glasses above the crowd.

"Well not him I think—or you the one that is good-looking with a compassionate heart."

Now General Cecil points at Grey Guillermo. Who is just besides the nerd guy blast.

"Me? Sorry but. I don't even know her. But I can tell that she's quite beautiful." He said with a natural tone of his voice.

"Words of the womanizer. Well, who knows." General Cecil averted her gaze and she walked towards the door to leave.

"Follow me. Talented earthlings. It's too hot in here, let's move to the castle private training grounds and tomorrow we head to the forest of doom."

Kaz and Kim bowed their heads and started to follow Cecil without questioning anything, and they started leaving the palace living room.

The room was too hot but despite its hotness. It is still full of space, even one thousands or more humans has only taken the room capacity in halves. The palace living room was quite spacious, it's like looking in a soccer field itself. It is full of red mats on the ground and red curtains and banners on the walls.

After General Cecil leaves. The two Generals that have been left sighed of in relief.

"It's the first time my ass wasn't kicked by that savage girl." General Vrekerd sighed.

"Me too. I think she's holding back for her students. Vrekerd." General Gavin sighed.

"Yeah thought so."

After the two Generals talked to themselves. They started walking towards the crowd and introduced themselves. One of General first started introducing himself. He was wearing a golden chestplate armor like General Cecil is wearing, the only difference is the badge inscribed in his right chest. General Cecil badge was a resembling of a Dragon while General Vrekerd resemble of a lion sitting on a log. He is also wearing a cape with a two swords attached around his back. The only thing that is not flashy around him is his old and wrinkled face. He's age is probably 50 or more yet he is still doing a stressful job like making his country a peaceful place.

"Hello! Earthlings my name is Vrekerd, don't have any last name though, I am one of the Royal Knights General of this country. I specialized in swordsmanship, and aura manipulation. And I want you to group yourselves into two. Those who can use elemental magic move to your left! And the mediocre earthlings move to the right!"



"I think there's no response. We need to make them real soldiers. Gavin?"

"Right, right."

The other General named Gavin doesn't need to introduce himself for he is not a person who is fond of it. He is also wearing Golden plate armor like General Cecil; his badge is also a flying dragon like Cecil. But unlike the two Generals he is wearing a blue mask with only his face can't be seen around. But despite his manly tone of his voice. His age is probably around thirties as well.

"Rain to flesh. Sad storm." General Gavin grinned.

Dark clouds appeared above the ceiling of the palace, and it started to rain heavily.

"Ahhh!! Wtf?! Hot!"

"Too hot!! Hot!! What the heck is that rain!!

"What kind of water is this! This is a boiled one! make it stop asshole!"

"Aw! Aw! Awww!"

"Damn you filthy magician!!"

"Make it stop please!!"

"Stop it please I beg you!"

Instead of raining cold water, it was raining boiled and hot water instead. The students and teachers around cursed and insulted General Gavin. But it instantly stopped and reverted to begging instead. The students who were bringing a bag and notebooks/books around them were lucky. They have escaped the boiling water that is raining above them that will make their skin irritate and burned.

But they aren't lucky with the students and teachers who tried to steal their bags. It was a complete mess and chaos for those who tried to save themselves from the boiling rain.

But Rein was just standing around the backside of the crowd, not covering his head or anything. Nor he is panicking from the boiling rain showering into his head. Like he is not afraid of it. General Gavin saw him, and stopped the spell that he casted. He stared at Rein who was immune to his elemental spell that he used.

"Interesting kid. He has the eye resembling death itself. The eye of a dead human." General Gavin murmured.