Bloodied Fangs

The day has arrived where the unawakened will hunt an Demon boar. Equipment was readied and packed everywhere. The campfire has turned into coal and black ashes as they prepare their equipment.

Eleven augmarium swords and two shields were they're only weapons, but Rein thought that it's probably enough to hunt a single demon boar, if he doesn't have any allies. That's why rein told them to be always on guard even from any an lowly unknown insects-

Rein then looked at his watch that he borrowed from Vishan; it was [12:18 P:M]. And they still haven't had lunch. As they traverse on the deep forest. Rein pulled out some edible plants from his pocket.

He then ate it to gain energy. While the other unawakened opened their bags to eat the cooked fish that they've stored.

Vishan then approached Rein while eating an cooked fish and said,

"Want some Rein?"

Rein then raised his eyebrows, and replied to vishan,

"No, I don't want those Foods it can't give you energy. Eat this instead. "Rein then plucked up the violet mushroom on the ground and gave it to vishan.

"Isn't this poisonous?!"

"Only on their looks. Eat it... It's more nutritious than the one that you are eating," Rein said to Vishan.

"Nope! "Vishan throwed the mushroom.

Rein then sighed at vishan. As they walked much further, they realized that they could hear the flowing of the river water.

—Derek then ran instantly, heading towards the river, hoping to find a Demon Boar to hunt.

Derek then sweeps the bush away with his augmarium sword, and as he looks at the surroundings.

There was a stream of water along the river, and on the other side of the river were only, "None". He then bawled,

"Why?! Why are there only green grasses and trees?!! "

"It's still [1:03 P:M]. We have more than one hour, that still needs to wait, "Rein replied, "Isn't it obvious? We fish, I'm hungry,"

"Oh! Right, why didn't I thought of that,"

Rein then whispered to himself "It's because you are an one-hundred percent idiot."

They instantly take out their upper-shirts except Caroll. Who is only preparing a campfire for their fishes.

The unawakened boys then walk to the river. It was not as deep as it seems. It was too shallow, the flowing water is only reaching their hips at the pretty moment.

—Vishan then told his teammates to catch fishes bare handed. Because it's very unfair to them, that they will use a net made of vine to catch fish.

They then agreed, and took it as part of the training. Rein then helped—weared out his black shirt, and moved to the water. He then made his killing intent lust out.

Which made the fishes scared of him, and swim towards where the other unawakened are opening their hands. Like a prey trapped to the beast's hands. They then counted their catch.

"Mine is six, Fresh and large!! " Derek raised the six fish that he caught—by grabbing their tails.

"Mine is four, also large and fresh! "Yuer also raised his fish, while grabbing its tails.

"Mine is four too! And only fresh "Brooke showed his fishes by putting it on his shield.

"Mine is three, Fresh and too large! "Charles said.

"Mine is Nine!!! " Vishan shouted in happiness. Because there was no one that could match him at catching fish, bare handed.


Everyone stops debating whose fish is much fresher and largest because vishan has much higher catch at them.

They then instantly head to Caroll who is preparing the fire for their fishes that they've caught.

Rein then covered their surroundings with a bush. So that they don't be seen clearly by unknown animals lurking around. Which they didn't know.

Blast then approached Rein and said,

"Why are you covering our surroundings? Isn't it useless? —our smoke can be seen."

Rein then gasp and replied,

"It's better than nothing"

—Crunching and munching of their fishes were done, and as Rein looked at his watch, it was now [2:26 P:M].

Rein then told his teammates to prepare their equipment, and wash off the fire instantly.

A face of seriousness was shown into their face, along with their eyes which looked like their sharp swords. After preparing in three—minutes, they then head off carefully and slowly, As they try to push the bush in the river and peek.

Hundreds of Horned rabbits drinking the river water. Their eyes were brownish along with their sharp horns in their forehead like an unicorn— Their fur was hybrid, Some were green and some were green with orange.

After a few-minutes, many are gathering and spreading around to drink the river water.

Hence, as Rein enhanced his sight. He found out that Horned rabbits are perfectly organized.

One command after another

was done by the Horned rabbits, as they've fallen in line, and wait for their turn to drink water.

Rein then told his teammates,

"They have a leader. "

Derek then replied to Rein,

"What can a mere leader do? We have swords! Let's go get em!"

Rein then nodded his head in disagreement, and said,

"We aren't here for them. Please wait a little longer."

Derek then released a deep sighed, and started to wait again.

And as Caroll approached Rein and said,

"That's not much like Derek, isn't it?"

Rein then gaze at Caroll—trying to sit nearly in-front of him and said,

"Yeah he's much more an Hot-headed brat from before."

"Yah! He did change because of you. "Caroll giggled.

"Me? I didn't do much special?"

"You did much more than we could. "Caroll smiled, as she hugged her augmarium sword tightly.

It was a fascinating sight, where Caroll black long hair was swinging along with the wind while hugging her Augmarium sword.

Her eyes were not much different from rein. It's beautiful with black irises. Her body figures were not much like an seventeen-years old girl either. It stands out too much especially her large breast, which made rein thought that she is a beautiful girl, if not only for her clumsy personality.

—But Rein doesn't have much time for a relationship yet. He still needs to be stronger fast to gather mana-crystals and return to their former world. For her mother is waiting for him to return.

Rein then lowered his eyes for a moment towards Caroll, who's in front of him.

He thought about what happened to her mother on earth, now that he was not there to take care of her and paid for her medical fees. "Will she be okay?" Rein was in-thought of that.

Rein tried to be positive and looked at the bright-side of the world.

—Rein then shook his head and looked at Caroll. Confused, why her cheeks are reddened. He then realized that he's staring at her breast earlier.

"Ahem, Ahem.... Sorry about that."


Caroll was left with a shy and reddened face as she nodded repeatedly. She then replied,

"I do—dont mind."

Rein was left silenced as he was confused by Caroll replied— ashamed of himself by looking at Caroll breast.

"But I wasn't trying to peek right? "Rein thought to himself repeatedly.


A few moments later they heard an immense noise. It was the sound of the Horned rabbits swiftly hopping away from the Demon boar who is chasing them.



Rein then unsheathed his Augmarium sword at his back. And the others followed him silently as they peered at the bush.


"Massacre" was happening on the other side of the river. The hundreds of Horned-rabbits were trying to save a single Black horn rabbit that the Demon Boar was stumping at his feet. While the two Demon boars are trying to chase the other Horned rabbits that ran away from them.

Intense anger can be seen on Vishan pale face, as he gripped his sword tightly. Rein comforted him and said,

"You aren't the only one who's angry. Everyone here is angry vish. So I want you to calm down."


Rein then told his teammates the hunting tactics. And they instantly head towards the other side of the river.

Like a superhero whose trying to save an rabbit—

They've walked on the river with an angered and malicious face.

As they have reached the other side of the river. Where grasses are everywhere. They stretched their body, especially Derek.

"Any further orders captain?"

Rein was confused why Derek called him captain, but he didn't give much notice to it.

"Spread out."

A five-one-five team was done in a split of seconds. Rein then released his killing-intent, so the Demon boars will be aware of them.

The Demon boars were scary. They have two horns alongside their watery nose, and one horn on their foreheads; Brown skin with a red tattered spot in their bellies.

It was really scary, the way that the three Horned boars united, with their mouths full of dead horned rabbits blood that they munched and ate.

But being scared doesn't mean that they don't have a will to fight.

Rein saw his teammates shivering in fear he then told them,

"Being scared just means that you are guarded by your instincts. It means don't get hit."