
Everyone then enhanced their senses and put their guards up. Their swords and shields were all pointed from the Demon Boar who were waiting for a chance to attack.

In a slight moment. The three Demon boars rushed towards them.

"I take the center—the one that is stumping an black rabbit earlier. "Rein said to his teammates.

"Sure, sure. Don't die kay,"Vishan replied."

"It's not my time to die, yet."

It was an five-one-five tactic. Which leaves Rein on the center and two fives at his side. Vishan and Brooke were the vanguard, carrying their shield to protect each of their teams. While Rein was on the center trying to face off the demon boar to know the limits of his talents.

The Demon Boar was running towards them aggressively, as it exhaled a hot air into his nose. Rein then told his teammates,

"Spread out!"

The two five spreaded out which leaves Rein in the center. Two boars followed each of the five teams while the most aggressive one looking boar was running towards Rein viciously.

Rein then released a deep breath and said,

"You will be my training dummy for all my hard work,"

Intense glare was coming out from rein eyes. He was trying to fight off a boar who is larger and stronger than him, more than five-times his body size.

When the Boar ran towards rein, trying to horn him. He instantly hopped to his left side, and slash the Demon Boar out of his sword.


The Demon Boar screamed loudly from the wound it accumulated from Rein's Augmarium sword. It cut through its flesh but not deeply enough to make it fall down.

The Demon Boar instantly regained its composure, and as rein saw that the Demon Boar was angry—Which means, it's gonna try to take the situation more seriously.

"It's gonna be different,"

Intense rage was coming out from the Demon Boar, aura, along with its heavy breath, which made steams coming out from its mouth.

Thus when Rein looked at the boar. It was opening its mouth with—

" Fire?"

Fireballs were shot at Rein, but Rein repelled it using his sword. And as he averted his gaze from the fire that is now on the grasses.

He saw that the demon boar was just a few Ten-meters away from him. Running wildly while making his sharp pointed horns as a sword.

Rein doesn't have any time to evade the Demon Boar, so he just tried to receive its attack which made Rein stumbled on the ground and ate some grasses.

Caroll then shouted at Rein,

"Hey Rein! Are you okay?!"

It was obvious that he wasn't okay, but it did make him gain some spirit. Rein then stood up and regained his stance.

"I'm okay. How are you in there!"

"We're almost done here! "Vishan said.

"Here too! "Derek also confirmed themselves.

Rein then sighed and said to the Demon Boar who's waiting patiently at Rein to attack,

"So, it's just me and you now huh? Pork belly."

Rein then tried to intimidate the Demon Boar to attack him, but it did fail.

It was highly on guard. It won't even attack at rein even if he stumbled unto the ground, which it has a high chance of killing his enemy.

The boar was just maintaining a Twenty-meters distance within him and Rein. It only shoot fireballs out of its mouth. Which made Rein busy by reflecting and dodging it. And when the demon boar knew rein guard has fallen. It instantly dash itself towards Rein.

Rein now knew the [Demon boar] fighting tactics because it was now his third time that he got caught by it.

Scratches and bruises over Rein's body can be seen clearly, as he tried to reflect the fireballs that the Demon Boar shot at him.

"Rein we are done here! We are Coming to help! "Vishan said at Rein.

"What about Brooke's team!?"

"They're holding on!"

"Then buy me some time,"

"How much!?"



The team of Vishan instantly Covered Rein and shielded the fireballs who were coming shooting at them.

The team of Vishan consist of him being a vanguard, and four attackers; Caroll, Yuer, Lopard, Blast and Vishan.

And as the Demon Boar getting bored of shooting fireballs. It then dashed at them. Pointing forward its three sharp horns.

"So you stopped shooting your fireballs. Because you know that it's pretty useless? "Vishan said at the Demon Boar; Approaching them wildly.

Rein then stood up from his cross-legged state.

"Move, I take the lead." Rein said to his teammates who were covering him.

"You are hurt! You should just…. "Caroll shouted, worried from Rein.

Rein then interrupted her words with a simple nod.



They then spread out, leaving Rein on the center alone again.

Rein then released a deep sighed—as he stared at the demon boar running wildly; it was now five-meters away from him.

As Rein just stood—Doing nothing.

"Rein Move!!! "His teammates shouted in unison.

When they've blinked their eyes. Rein was gone, He transferred instantly at the backside of the Demon Boar, as they looked at the Demon Boar, "it was cut in half".


Rein then swung his sword to the ground to throw-off the blood stains of the Demon Boar from his sword. He stared at the Demon Boar nicely cut body—

He then gasped and said,

"I don't want to use that Technique because it takes too much leg power. But you've forced me."