Heading to the Dark Abby's

The day has arrived where the Unawakened and the awakened human beings will head for a dungeon raid.

Armors and newly sharpened [augmarium] swords were all sent piling into their room.

As though Derek was confused why there are swords and silver armors being sent by the Knights. He then released a booming sound,

"What the Fuck! Hmphh!! "

Blast covered his annoying mouth, "Shut up! For they are [Royal Knights] we will be killed in an instant by them!!"

Frightened while covering Derek's mouth, Blast then tried to wake up his sleeping roommates.

Blast tried to wake up Vishan first because he was just beside him with another bed.

"Hey, hey! Vishan! Look at the Knights! They are sending us armors and swords. "

"Hmm... Swords? Armors? Da-heck? are they trying to pick a fight with us."

"Shh! minimize your voice or we be heard by them. "

Knights wearing a red armors with a covered silver helm were all sending swords and armors along the room.

As Caroll woke up because of the crisp sound of metal clanging into each other. She then roared,

"Can't—can't you see that I'm sleeping here!!" Her voice was sharp—sharp enough to wake up his sleeping roommates and stopped the working Knights.

They were all gazing at Caroll, especially the Knight who is holding a yellow paper.

The Knight holding a yellow paper then took out his silver helm and clapped his silver gauntlet hands—gesturing the awake unaffiliated to listen and have a little attention of what he speaks.

"Ahem, first of all. I'm very sorry to interrupt your deep slumber. I was even told by the maidservants not to bring a bell—for those are a taboo in this room. I'm really very sorry."

The Knight who took out his helm turns out to be a middle aged man, around the age thirties. He was asking for forgiveness in the room.

The awoke unaffiliated was all surprise, especially Rein. Knights have a high dignity to themselves. They don't even talk nor speak if the one that is speaking is a lowly commoner. They'd just shook their heads off and leave the one who is talking.

But now, the Knight that they are talking to were bowing his head as a forgiveness. They don't know what to respond….

As Rein was itchy to say something. The middle age then raised his head and equipped his helm again.

He then gazed at his yellow paper as if he was looking for something,

"Ahh... Is Captain, Rein Crawford here?"

Baffled, why Rein has a status as a captain. Lopard then ask,


"Ohh!! Captain Rein is here! " Derek approached Rein and raised his left hand.

The Knight then gazed at the newly awoken Rein.

Rein was wearing his natural black shirt and a black pajama. His eyes were all dull black with a sad expression that the Knight couldn't express.

"A mysterious guy indeed." The middle-age Knight mumbled.

"Ahh, you're Captain, Rein Crawford right?"

"Uhh, yes I am Rein Crawford. "

"So you are the captain of the scouts troops, nice to meet you I am Ferrar, also a captain, and the right hand of [The Mighty General Vrekerd]. I heard a lot about you from our General. He said that you are a reliable guy. "

"Tha—thanks. "

"Alright, we are done here. Ahh, also I forgot. I saw your fight yesterday, about that red haired guy who had a self esteem nearly reaching the sky. It was really awesome and astounding, you were able to beat that sanctimonious boy in terms of strength and power. I really hate that boy. He always shouts and blames us Knights for all failures that he'd do. Sadly general Vrekerd didn't see it, but anyway I be leaving now. "

"Oh—okay. "

The Knights then immediately left the room.

There were all over eleven silver armors and swords—As Derek was pissed why their room was becoming a stockpile for equipment's he then shouted in furious anger,

"What the heck is happening!! "

Massaging her forehead, Caroll then answered,

"Please shut up! It's still early in the morning. Also haven't you heard the King speech yesterday that we are all having our first dungeon raid tomorrow?! "

"DA...DA—Dungeon raid? "

Derek was in thought. He hadn't heard anything about a dungeon raid. They were all busy looking for beautiful girls.

Derek then replayed the situation in his head.

"Uhmm, hello humans from earth tomorrow we will...."

"Psst! Hey Derek, hey! "

Derek was nonchalantly eating different kinds of foods while Vishan and Craymark called his name.

"What? "

"Girls! I had found beautiful girls! " Vishan grinned.

"Girls? "

"Yea! Follow me. I have a plan. "

The three of them then headed to a much safer place where no one could eavesdrop. In short they were talking under a table.

"This is the plan. First you will help me acquire a girl. Then next is you Derek. "

"Then what about me? " Craymark asked.

"You're the last to acquire a girl. " Vishan seriously said, "Here is the plan. I am the Main Character of this event, and you Derek is the antagonist and you Craymark is the side-character.... "

"Wait, wait, why am I the antagonist!? "Derek complained.

"Shh, minimize your voice. Don't you want a beautiful girl or something?! "

"I want! "

"Then you are the antagonist. "

" Roger!"

"Alright. So here's the plan, I will head off as a hero of this event. You Derek will splash a drink unto someone, and ask that someone to compensate for your drinks."

"Hmm, sounds easy. Will you really help me acquire a girl with just that? "

"Yes, yes! I help the two of you! " Vishan then tapped his two teammates back.

"And next? " Derek asked.

"If she cannot compensate for your drinks. Then you will harass her. "

"What!? I will harass her? And what if she can compensate? "

"She can't, just say one gold coin if she will—also the drink that you will hold is an unique one. "

"Unique? "

Vishan then handed over a cup of blue color vodka to Derek.

"Yes, unique. I stole it from teach table. He was gone. I don't know where he went. Anyway, this plan is good. You must harass her and I will come for the rescue. Do you agree or not? "

"Will I really get a beautiful girl from it? "

"Yes, you will! Trust my words, for my words are highly believable!"

"Then I agree. "

"Also me, what will I do? " Craymark asked.

"You'd be my backup. You are a side-character. "

"Oh, cool! "

"Then let's go! "

The three of them then went outside the table. As Vishan was enhancing his sight trying to look for someone.

He then gestured to his teammate with a flick of fingers. And pointed at the assigned table.

"Copy that. "

Derek then headed over the table that Vishan pointed out. As soon as he looked at the assigned target; his eyes were charmed by her beauty.

But he shook his head, just for the charms will fade away. He was all in thought about a beautiful girl that Vishan will help him acquire.

'This won't be the cause of my demise. I will rise and acquire a beautiful girl—Just one splash, just a one splash into her yellow sparkling dress. '

Derek then approached the girl wearing a yellow dress. She was sternly sitting on the chair—talking to someone her close friend.

Not trying to hold back, Derek then splashed the blue vodka, and acted as if he got blocked by the feet of the beautiful girl.

"Heyy!! "

"Hey, your ass, compensate me for my drinks!"


"Didn't you hear. I said compensate me for my drinks."

"You even splashed your drinks unto me, and now you want me to compensate for it!? Do you have no shame?!"

There was no shame in the eyes of a vicious beast who is desiring for a beautiful girl.

Derek's eyes were full of positive emotions where Vishan will help him acquire his true love. He looked at Vishan as his savior—a powerful genie to fulfill his everlasting dream.

"Actually, my drink is quite expensive. Have a look at it, you see that it's color and aroma is different from the other drinks in this party right? So, how about you compensate me for it? For no further conflicts."

Emmy gazed at the Golden cup that Derek is holding and she found out that its color is different from any other drinks in the party. She then averted her gaze and took out her red purse.

"How—how much do you want!?"

"Just one gold—coin"


Four words, just Derek four words made the joyously people who were minding their own business gazed at him with an intent to kill.

As Pina couldn't hold herself much longer. She then roared,

"Hey! What's with you!! One gold is too much for an one drink! You should just ask for ten silver coins instead!!"

Yeah, it's really too much for a single drink. The currency of the world that they've transported in were all idiots in terms of it.

One gold is equivalent to five-hundred silvers where you could buy a three story house with a large backyard.

While one silver is equivalent to ten copper coins where you could buy your daily necessities that you need.

Derek was too idiot in terms of currency. He'd just relied on anyone like Vishan.

Not knowing its real value Derek then tried to harass Emmy.

"Come with me if you won't compensate!"

"Hey! What are you doing? Stop grabbing my wrist!"

Like a villain who captures a princess. Derek grabbed Emmy's wrist tightly.

Sharp Gazes were all around the two of them. No one was trying to help, knowing that the one who harassed her is an Unaffiliated Demon.

But her friend Pina tried to help her friend Emmy who is being harassed.

"Hey what are you doing unto my friend!"

"Then you come too."

Now the two of them were like a caught cat.

The Climax of the perfectly made plan had come to its edges.

Vishan then appeared in a perfectly made manner with his newly smoothen blonde hair. He was wearing a white polo shirt which looks like a good looking Hero who will save the Princess. He then roared,

"Hey!! what you are doing. Stop it in the name of the law!!"

As he gazes at the princess who was captured by Derek. He was shocked!

The princess that he wanted to save, was safe. And she even gazes daggers at him!

"Is this your friend?" Emmy asked Vishan.

Vishan could only swallow his saliva because of fear that he might get found out. He gazes at Derek pitiful state. He was inside of a large ball of water, being drowned to death.

Like nothing happened, Vishan replied,

"Ah him? Nah, no, no I don't know him."

"Really? Because he really will die from being drowned."

"Wobbles, wobbles!!…."

Derek was muttering something to Vishan, but Vishan didn't care at all. For his life was at stake here.

"Yup, I don't know him, I don't know a guy with that scary face. Then I'd be going first! "


Vishan then leave the scene.

Unknown peoples were all gazing at him, even the king caught a glimpse through their scene, but the fat king didn't care. For he was being massaged by beautiful girls.

Vishan then walked away knowing that the plan had failed. He then raised his hand to the air, gesturing that it had failed and retreat immediately.

Seeing Vishan gesturing something, Craymark then nodded his head knowing that the plan had failed.

Vishan then left the scene that Derek made—Derek was muttering something at his back.

He was saying something, yet Vishan really didn't care. He knew what he was saying. But that is too risky even for him.

"Wobbles… Vwisan!! Byuo damn fraitor!! Hwelp me hwere! Wobb…."

Knowing that Derek is dying, Emmy then canceled her spell.

Derek was all unconscious to the ground, no one tried to help him.

As soon as Emmy was scared that he might have killed a person. She then tried to do a Cpr.

"No Emmy, that's dirty!!" Pina said,

"But he's dying."

"Just—just leave him alone."

All the boys that were looking at the situation were all shocked.

Why is their beautiful cold goddess trying to, mouth to mouth someone!?

And that someone is as scary as a beast.

Grey couldn't stay to shut his mouth any longer. He then appeared at the crowd.

"I help him. I'm a wind user."

Grey was wearing a brown shirt with a white jeans. It was an outfit not suitable for attending a party. It was like he was going on a field trip instead.

He then knelt besides the unconscious Derek and raised his neck a little, then applied wind magic through his mouth.

In a few seconds, Derek then woke up. Knowing nothing what he did.

"So that's what happened yesterday. Vishan Damn you Vishan!! You traitor Bastard!!" Derek roared,

"Wait Vishan? Vishan??"

As he gazed at the surroundings; it wasn't the palace, but they were inside an expensive red-like carriage.

Horses were pulling while all the unaffiliated were sleeping.

Derek then gazed at the left window of the carriage.

They were on a land where grasses and beautiful flowers were around them.

The green large two wheels of the carriage were resembling the grasses on the land. It was rolling nonstop as though the four white horses were towing it.

There were different animals on the green land, and Horned rabbits were just one of them. There were gigantic orange deer's and different kinds of colorful insects and bugs.

Derek then gazed at the right side of the window. And he saw that their carriage was not the only one that was moving.

There were a few hundreds of red carriages with green large circled wheels.

Derek was baffled, asking himself how'd he get to the carriage,

"Wow, did the time change! So my ability is time manipulation."

"Time manipulation?"

As though Derek was confused why he got in there—someone interfered, it was Rein, and he was wearing his normal black shirt and black jeans.

"Yeah! My ability is time manipulation! I could control the time and go to the time where I want to go!"


Rein was nearly gonna laugh, but he'd just hold it on for his friends are all sleeping.

Rein then gazed at his friends if he had awoken them. They were all sleeping soundly on the red large foam in the carriage.

Rein then averted his gaze and replied,

"You don't have any time lapse ability. You were brought here by Brooke."

"How—how is that possible?! Also where are we heading?"

"You were all unconscious earlier, and we needed to head up to the carriage immediately. So, as a solution. I asked Brooke to carry you along." Rein replied, "also we are heading to a dungeon."

"Du, du—dungeon!?"

"Yes, dungeon. So prepare yourself because we are assigned as a scout."