A short-Story

Time had passed slowly along their travel. They were headed to a place that they haven't seen before.

Hundreds of carriages were running on the greeny land, heading towards the dungeon.

As though Derek was confuse why their carriage were becoming more darker than the usual.

He then peek outside the window.

"Forest? hey Rein we are inside the forest."

Derek tried to called out Rein, but his calls were too late. He was now asleep due to the boringness of their travel had gone...

Derek was the only awake in their team. He was just nonchalantly gazing at their carriage running down deeply into the forest.

He was gazing at the large trees disappearing quickly—by being passed by the carriage. He also saw different of small animals and insects with green eyes.

It was terrifying, the more he gaze at it, the more it won't come out in his head.

Derek then stopped looking at the window, and looked at his friends.

They were all sleeping on the red-foam surface of the carriage, aside from rein who is sleeping besides the carriage windows.

It was silent. The only sound could be heard where only the rolling large-wheels of the hundreds of carriages in the land.

Time had passed slowly along their ride, and Derek couldn't hold to stay open his eyes much longer. His eyes started to get much heavier every time he blinks.

As though he didn't knew it. He had fallen asleep again.

"Wake up Derek!"

"Huh? "

"We are here. "

"Oh, sorry Rein."

By the time that he had woke up the sun could no longer be seen. It was dark... He could only see the dark face of rein waking him up in the carriage.

"Where's everyone?"

"A few meters away from here, also they are eating, and you are the only one left, so you should hurry up because there might be no any leftovers for you. "

"Oh, okay. "

"Hm. "

Derek then head outside the carriage, He had walked aimlessly, and the only thing that he could see were campfires lining up in different groups.

He saw that the campfires of the awakened humans were all very lively.

They were all sitting on a log—happily conversing about their lovelifes and experiences.

But, Derek didn't mind the awakened humans who were happily conversing around, instead he was looking for his friends.

He couldn't see them for there are a few twenties of campfires with different groups—He was starting to get dizzy everytime he moves his head.

Derek started to get walking aimlessly towards any direction, and he still can't locate even a single ally that he had.

"Oh! Come on, where are you guys. " derek mumbled to himself.

It was very uncomfortable, every time he looks were all new faces. Laughing hysterically, like a people who doesn't have any problems in life.

Derek started to get dizzy, every time he gazes at those "nothing really matters people's ".

He then mumbled, "Is this really the dungeon raid? "

"Yes, this is. "

Without a warning, General Gavin instantly replied

"What the heck! What's wrong with you General Gavin! "

"I was just besides you, and also I am guarding the humans here, I found you troubled. You are looking for your friends right? "

"Ye, yeah. Any information that could lead where they are? "

"Yes, he's at your back. "

"Back? "

Derek then looked at his back and he found out that Rein was really heading towards him. He then averted his gaze to thank general Gavin,

"Uh, by the way. Thanks... Wait, he disappeared? "

Derek tried to look for general Gavin, but he instantly disappeared.

"Is he a ghost or something?"


"Oh, Rein. Whatsupp!"

"Just where did you run off to? Do you know that it's hard to look for a single person in a crowd? "

"Even if you enhance your sight? "

"Yes, even if I enchance my sight! " Rein replied, "Let's go. Don't run off again, or I kick your ass off. "

"Roger that cap! "

The two of them then headed to their friends. They passed through the hundreds of awakened sitting and chatting idly around.

They encountered some discrimination towards their slow pace of walking, but Rein acts as if he didn't care.

Derek started to get pissed and clenched his fist; readied to pick a fight in a few seconds, but rein stopped him,

"Bring a commotion, and I toss you on the fire. "

"What! they are the one's who are asking a fight! Can't we deserve to fight back or something?! "

"Sure we can, but first, think of how many they are. "

"A few hundreds. "

"Then can you beat all of them head on? "

"No. " Derek clicked his tongue.

"Then leave them alone until their tongue gets dried up from insulting. "

"Fine. "

It was night, around seven o'clock. Rein and Derek were heading to the place where their teammates are gathering. They were walking straightly around the campfires.

The forest was becoming more quiet as they headed straight. There were no noise aside from the fire crisping a meat.

It was the unawakened. The friends that Derek was looking for.

Derek then ran towards his friends, leaving rein behind him. As he had saw craymark and vishan eating a meat with stick.

He then roared, "You two!!"

"Oh shits derek is here! " Craymark and Vishan was shocked.

"Damn you Vishan, Craymark! The two of you are traitors! "

Derek dash towards Craymark with his right hand clenched in the air.

"Hey someone stop him! "Craymark covered his face with his arms to avoid Derek punches.

"Damn you! I beat you first coward!"

Derek then tried to punch Craymark face, but it was stopped by Brooke.


" Ah Derek, I'm very sorry for stopping your punch. But today is the day that we unawakened should prepare and get information for our dungeon raid. If someone of us gets hurt, then it will result a lot in our team. "

Derek then lowered his fist and replied, "Okay fine. I won't get my revenge on that guy right now, but after the dungeon raid. I should warn you, prepare that face of yours. "

Derek then sat on the log besides blast, who is just eating his meat without a care in the world.

Derek then tried to steal the meat that blast were eating.

"Mine... Uh?! "

Derek was really gonna steals blast meat, but blast pointed a dagger at his face. So he retreated and went back to silent.

Rein then sat alongside with them. It was silent, no one were trying to move a single conversation, as though caroll was becoming bored. She then made a smug face then roared,

"Why is it so boring?! Any stories out there?! "

"Hm, well ya I had some. " Lopard replied.

"No, I don't want your stories. I want rein stories. "Caroll pointed at rein.

"Me?? Stories? No, no how about you ask vishan right there? "

"Sorry, but no. I hate story telling, it brings some old bad memories out of me, when I was making up a story to please my sisters face. "

"Bet she didn't like it. "

"No she likes it, but she complained why it was too long. I was done telling a single story at midnight. "


Rein doesn't have any choice. Everyone doesn't want to make up and tell their stories.

Rein then cough as if he was trying to get their attention,

"Ok, I will tell you an amazing story. "

"Yes!! "

The eyes of the unawakened brightened, as if they were really looking forward to Rein's short story. They then put their fist into their chin, and some were crisping their meats like Derek.

"Okay, so here's the story. " Rein said, "Once upon a time. There was an old woman carrying a two black buckets. "

"Why is she carrying a two black buckets! Isn't she an old woman? Can she carry those? " Blast uttered his opinion.

Rein then stopped talking then tersely replied, "Any objection? "

"Uh, no please move on. "

"Okay, so the old woman was carrying a two black buckets. In her country, they have an unlicensed taxi cab called jeepneys, it's like a bus converted unto a jeep. "

"Oh, jeep. Yeah we know it. "

Everyone knew the word jeepney, except for Craymark and Caroll who are always brought by an high-class automobile.

Caroll was confused; she tried to ask Rein,

"What really is a jeepney. Is it a bus? "

"Hmm... Yeah, but it is more crowded where you will sit just apart of another person. "

"Ahh, okay. So what you mean is that there is another person sitting just besides you? "

"Yeah. "

"Okay, I got a little grasp of it."

Rein then nodded his head then move to tell his story,

"The old woman carrying a two black buckets where waiting for a single jeepney to arrive. She was a poor old woman and you could see it by the way she wears her tattered and smelly dress.

She was waiting for a single jeepney to arrive, and in a few minutes of waiting it did appeared.

The old woman then lay down her buckets then raised her right hand. Gesturing the jeepney driver to let her ride.

The jeepney driver then stopped; waiting for the old woman to get on the jeep.

As the old woman carrying an old bucket were all readied. The driver then started its engine and drive unto the road again.

The old woman was just leaning unto her arms while grabbing unto the large pipe above the jeepney.

The pace of the jeepney speed where all normal and slow, but she was bothered why all the peoples inside the jeep where staring daggers at her.

But she didn't mind, until a few minutes had passed one of the passengers beside her couldn't take the nasty smell any longer.

The passenger besides the old woman then asked,

"Grandma, just what are the insides of your two black buckets? It's really smelly!"

With a natural smile on her face. The old woman replied,

"Why are you asking, will you buy? "

The passenger besides her was agape. She was really pissed, like she wanted to pound up the old woman besides her in a no few seconds.

The male passenger sitting in front of the old woman couldn't also take the nasty smell of her two black buckets any longer. As though he was deadly mad. He tried to lower down his voice when he talked to the old woman,

"Grandma, please tell us what are the insides of your two buckets. It really smells like a rotten corpse. "

The old woman then naturally smiled then she normally replied,

"Why are you asking, will you buy? "

The male passenger was angered. His face was pale-darkened when he heard the old woman reply, but he didn't try to do anything to her. For she is an old woman, and also it's an crime which can lead him to jail.

The red jeepney were running on the un traffic road naturally, with an normal speed intact.

As soon as driver of the jeepney, also couldn't take the nasty smell any longer. He also decided to ask,

"Lola, just what the heck are the insides of your black buckets, It's really distracting me here! Do you want us to crash or something!? "

As an reply, the old woman just naturally smiles and said,

"Why are you asking, will you buy? "

Hearing those words, the jeepney driver couldn't take it anymore, he was more deadly pissed than the male passenger than before; He had decided to increased his jeepney speed unto it's further limits then instantly press the break pedal. When the jeepney had instantly stopped, the insides of the two black buckets were all spilled unto the jeepney.

So therefore. Her two black buckets were all spilling on the jeepney.



"What that's all?! " Blast roared.

"Yeah that's all. "

"Really?! That's all?! Then what are the insides of the two black buckets?! " blast angrily asked.


As an reply, Rein naturally smiled, and said,

"Why are you asking, will you buy? "

"What's wrong with you! I'm asking what are the insides of the buckets that the old woman had! "

"Why are you asking, will you buy? "

"What! Oh, "

Knowing the joke blast gently scratch his head. He was fooled by Rein despite his intelligent mind that he had.

"Damn, I got fooled! "

"Ahahaha!! "

The campfire of the unawakened were all becoming joyously lively because of Rein's joke.

Rein decided to make a story where he could make his friends laugh hysterically, because before they were all bored from the trip and all gloomy.

Different kinds of jokes started to get throw up unto their mouths until they had fallen asleep.

Rein was the only one remained. He was looking out at the camp to avoid any possible dangers.

His friends were all sleeping on the grassses and some where on the plane logs like vishan and derek. He was gazing at them with outmost


Rein didn't knew that he would acquire some friends that won't speak bad at him aside from Kim. He really didn't knew that he could really make up with them, before he just looked at them as a normal strangers, but now its almost as if they are a part of his life.

He then mutttered unto himself, "I make sure to protect this memorable memories that you guys had given me. "

Rein then averted his gaze from his sleeping friends then gaze at the surroundings. His eyes were highly on guard when he found something anonymous.

He tried to enhance all his senses, but still can't get a grasp from who is it.

It was an invisible man, gazing wildly at him.

Rein then took out his sword at his back. And dashed towards the unknown invisible man. He tried to thrust his augmarium sword unto the invisible man stomach's.

But the invisible man did a side-step and caught Rein's sword.

The invisible man then cancelled his spell and replied with a wide grin unto his face,

"Well Rein, isn't it bad to attack someone who is just looking out to protect his peoples? "

"Gen, General Gavin? "

Rein was shocked. He really didn't knew that it was general Gavin. The only thing that he knew is that, it was a threat to him and to his friends.

Rein then lowered his sword and unsheated it at his back. He then asked a forgiveness for his wrong doings.

"No need to ask for forgiveness, actually I was the one who was playing games at you. But I really didn't know that you will notice me, sadly my plan had failed. I was really looking forward at poking non-stop at your back then hide. Too bad. "

"Oh, so that's your plan huh? Yeah, too bad. Its really too bad. "

"Ah by the way, how did you noticed my assimilation skill? Even all the students here can't notice me. Are you a deadly monster or something? "

"My enhanced senses noticed you. Also you were viewed as a threat, I suggest you to lower down your aura as much as possible. "

"You talk as if it's easy. "

"Well is it hard? "

"Yeah, it is. It takes a few years to even practice just a part of it. Well anyway I gotta move on, I can't stay here much longer. I was guarding the sleeping humans around. So I suggest that you should sleep, because tommorow we will head to the dungeon. "

"What about you? You won't sleep? "

"I will, 3 hours of sleep is enough for me. Also cecil will replace me, so hurry up and sleep. So you can have energy tommorow for the raid. "

"Okay, thanks I will. "

Rein then head towards his teammates who are sleeping idly around. He then sat besides the log, and gaze at his surroundings in a few minutes. Then he fell asleep.