The Wolf

The story of Red Riding Hood is a lie.

She wasn't tricked by the wolf in her grandma's clothing.

She wasn't eaten.

The only part of the story that was true was that the wolf was killed by a hunter.

Humans created this story as a way to bury their shame and to bury a secret they hoped would stay hidden. The grandma wasn't eaten by the wolf, she was the wolf. She is what would become the first werewolf.

And Red Riding hood? She wasn't an innocent girl. She was the first hunter.


The clocktower cast a long shadow through the courtyard of the school. Even though the sun was shining, the breeze had an icy chill that cut right through Taria as she ran through the shadow to the school's entrance. The courtyard was empty, nothing but the lone trickling fountain and the silent brick walls to welcome her. She was late, again.

She had stayed up late writing letters to her older brother and father back home. As the Centennial Celebration was just a year away, preparations were already beginning and she knew her brother and father would become too busy for such letters. As is the way for the Alpha of the Arcadio pack.

She brushed her icy, white hair out of her face, while she hurried her way up the stairs and down the hall to her classroom. She hesitated slightly before opening the door, knowing there was no way other than to just walk in and take the punishment. She opened the door and strolled in.

"Glad you could join us Miss Arcadio. The third tardy this week will not be forgiven as easily as the others." The tired-looking teacher stopped reading and put his book down. His yellow eyes were dulled and bored, you could tell he was ready to retire and be done with this school. This school did that. It was a place that had the habit of draining the life from it's teachers and students.

Quiet laughs and giggles could be heard as she moved to her seat. "So what shall we do with Miss Arcadio today, class?"

"Have her clean the classroom by herself today!" One student yelled.

"She can have my cafeteria duty!"

"Have her clean all the bathrooms on our floor!"

Each student was throwing out options and ways to punish her for her tardiness. Some were annoying and some were just plain stupid. Taria rolled her eyes and smiled. This was all easy stuff for her. She had done it all before and she could do it all again.

A tall, slender girl stood up, raising her hand. It was Emilia, the Class President. She was usually really quiet and didn't say much besides her general duties as class president.

"I suggest she take my place at the monthly meeting with the Hoods. What better way for her to learn responsibility than to act as our rep today, for this month's meeting." Taria's stomach dropped. The last thing she wanted to do was sit in a room with those irritating Hoods.

The teacher's face stood emotionless for a minute while he took a second to think about it. After a pause, he nodded. "I agree."

He turned to face Taria. "You will act as our rep for this month's meeting. As Miss Dreven mentioned, you are to be responsible for the representation of your class at this meeting. If any word gets to me that you caused a disturbance, will be met with harsh punishment" His eyes glowed and Taria could feel a chill go up her spine.

"You got it, sir." She replied. The teacher picked up his book and resumed with the lesson. Taria sighed and proceeded to open hers and follow along. This meeting was going to put a damper on her week.


It felt like the day had rushed by and before she knew it, it was time to go to the meeting. Every step was dreaded and she was not eager to face the very people she had worked so hard to avoid.

She never liked the Hoods. Even as a child.

Her white hair and orange eyes branded her as an alpha of the Arcadio Family and as such, she was taught to never fully trust the Hoods.

The Hoods were the Human elite. Some claim they are direct descendants of the famed Red Riding Hood, hence their Red Hawk insignia and the blood red hoods that made their military infamous.

After hundreds of years of warring, both sides finally came to an agreement: In order to protect a future of peace, the Elite families of wolves and humans would send their children to be schooled together: Vatora Academy. The human's Crimson class would study alongside the wolf's Ivory class. This would in turn allow for the two races to grow and learn together as a unified body.

So much for that plan. Taria scoffed. Sure we go to the same school, but the buildings are different and even their red uniforms differ from our white ones. They keep away as much as we want to keep away.

She had been lucky so far, as she had not had to interact with them at all since she started at the school many years ago. She was a master at avoiding them, until today.

Little did know she would meet him. The Wolf and Red Riding Hood would meet once again.