At the Table

Despite the slight chill, the weather was nice and the two groups were to meet in the communal gardens. Even with the flowers starting to bloom and releasing their sweet smells in the air, Taria could smell them before she reached the long table.

They had a certain scent: metallic and cold. It lacked the woodsy warmth that she could smell on her fellow kind. She walked through the ivy-laced arch and approached the long table. Surrounded by newly bloomed flowers and decorated in extravagant teas and pastries, Taria felt that this was more than just a monthly meeting of the student representatives.

She looked around and recognized two others of her kind and an empty chair on the far end, furthest away from the red-cladded Hoods already seated at the table. She quickly made her way over to the empty seat and sat down.

While the girl on the left side was familiar from around the campus, she couldn't recognize the young wolf next that sat to her right.. He wasn't tall like other males, but his broad muscles and build easily made up for it. His green eyes flared in contrast to his short,dark hair and pale skin. He seemed uninterested in the spread at the table and looked more focused on his notes in front of him. He could feel eyes on him and turned to look at Taria.

"You aren't Emilia. Is she sick today? She is supposed to be the third year representative." His voice was softer than she had anticipated, and his curiosity laced his words.

He too, was not expecting to see theheiress of the Arcadio pack sitting next to him today. "She looks much different in persona than what the stories say." He thought. The rumors of the last female of the Arcadio pack led him to believe that she would be more of a recluse. Yet, here she was. Her white hair was shining in the cool, afternoon light.

"Yeah, I know. That is why I am here as her replacement today." She smiled and rubbed her head. "This is my punishment for being late today, again." She felt a little embarrassed, having to admit that she had a tardiness problem. The young wolf next to her smiled and reached out a hand.

"In any way, it's a pleasure to meet you. I am the fourth year representative, Ian. Ian Berric." Taria took his hand and gave it a small shake. "We are happy to have you here."

"Ian Berric." She thought. "I believe this is the youngest son of the Berric Alpha to the north of the Arcadio territory. My father and brother have a good trade relationship with that pack, so this is a good alliance to form here." Taria noted that she should keep an eye out for him in the future and make sure to stay on his good side.

She looked around and noticed that there was one chair left on the Hoods side. Right at the head of the tabel. She looked around, wondering who it could be for. She nugged Ian softly. "Who is missing from the Hood's side? There is an empty chair at the head of that side of the tabel."

Ian rolled his eyes. "That's for Harkin, he is always late. He is the representative for the fourth year class on the Hoods side. He is part of the Helmer Family."

Taria's skin ran cold. The Helmer family was the ruling family of the Hoods. Their forefathers created the Red Hawk insignia and were the first to pioneer the Wolf hunts. While they were the ones to start the war between humans and wolves, it was their name that signed the eventual peace treaty hundreds of years later. This made them a popular choice when it came time to vote in the leader of the Hoods.

She sighed and rested her head on her hands. She couldn't imagine how much worse the day could get.

That is when the scentl hit her. It was warm, but not in the same way as her pack. It wasn't cold or metallic either, like most of the Hoods. The smell reminded her of those early mornings, when the sun is coming out and reflecting off the morning dew.

"Light. Yes, that is how I would describe it." She thought. She looked around to follow the smell as the other Hoods at the table stood. Then she saw him. Their eyes locked and neither one could move.

His red eyes met hers. They were bright and they seemed to be reflecting the same amount of surprise back to her. His hair was a light Auburn; a toasty brown tinted in a faint red. He was tall and he seemed to tower over everyone at the table. She hated how captivaetd she was by his eye. Blood Red. Red from teh centuries of war coated in her kind's blood. She glared as her eyes followed him to his seat.

Harkin was suprised at the look coming from the young wolf. He walked to his chair and sat down, the other Hoods sat down as well. He was taken back by the curious new addition at the end of the table. He hadn't seen her before and was quite taken back with her appearance. He had never seen white hair or her unique golden eyes before. She was stunning, depsite the obvious hate that shone in her face.

"I don't think I have seen you before? Are you the new representative for the third year wolf class? He smiled at her.

"Y-yes! Well, no! I am just here as a replacement."

"Hmm. Not a usual occurrence but, on behalf of me and the Crimson class, Welcome." He widened his smile and leaned back against his chair. "This won't be fun meeting, but I hope you will enjoy it none-the-less. "

Taria rolled her eyes and turned her attention to the first speaker. Each class took turns presenting their monthly reports. Traia watched and listened to them all. It was boring.

Near the end, she noticed an elegant woman meticulously taking down notes and leaning to whisper to Harkin every once in a while. She was probably what some humans would consider as ideal: wavy, honey colored hair that framed a delicate face. Her eyes were a piercing ice blue and her lips were plump and pouty. Once in a while, she would catch Taria looking and smile her way.

She seemed like a polite person, other than the fact that Taria had a general dislike for humans altogether. This meeting was her worst punishment and she would make sure to never be late again.

"But…"Taria thought as she looked back at Harkin. "Maybe it could have been worse..." He could feel her gaze, as if they were both two ends to a magnet, being drawn together. He stared back and Taria could feel the heat in her face raise. She stood up suddenly.

"Excuse me! I need to use the restroom!" She kept her head down as she ran out of the garden, hoping no one else saw her face. She could feel Harkin's gaze follow her, never letting up until she was out of sight.