Under the Moon.

It wasn't until she was safe in her room and on her bed that Taria finally took a breath. She grabed her pillow and huged it tightly.

"What did I do?! Just wait till Emilia finds out I left the meeting like that." Taria could only imagine Emilia's furious face and the lecture she would be in for when she arrived at class tomorrow. "AHHHH! I don't want to go in tomorrow…."

She glanced at the window, the sun was starting to set. The meeting would be over and maybe she would have a chance of walking around the gardens without risking a meeting with Him.

Most students would be in their dorms by now and the chances of meeting a Hood was low, so Taria decided it would be a good time to go out and stretch her legs. She hadn't changed in a couple weeks due to exams and studying, so tonight was a better time than any.

She shed off her clothes and folded them neatly onto her bed. She opened the window in her room and stood looking out. A line of trees separated her dorms from the gardens, but she could see the flowers shining in the twilight.

The familiar ripple of electricity danced from her toes to head, spreading from her spine to the tips of her toes and finger. She could feel her bones moving and changing, moving together like puzzle pieces and creating her true self. Her first change was painful and she had spent hours crying in her father's arms after it was done. Now, she had surrendered to it and she closed her eyes as it surrounded here.

When she opened them and her vision cleared, it was like a new world. A world she was born into. She could see the individual leaves moving, swaying in the evening breeze. She longed to feel that breeze in her white fur. She leaped through her window and savored the familiar feeling of her paws in the grass.

Then she ran.

Oh, how she ran.

Taria had missed changing and had forgotten the feeling of freedom she felt as the wind flowed through her fur and the cold bit her nose. The run to the garden was short, but it was just what she needed. The flowers smelled amazing and the aroma surrounded her. Taria took her time strolling through the rows of flowers, taking in the twilight.

Her ear twitched. She heard someone. She sniffed the air…

"Oh shit." Taria let out a small growl and turned towards the sound. The unknown stranger's auburn hair glowed more red in the twilight and his red eyes stared right in hers. The scent was intoxicating and her head spun a little. Harkin.

She froze and stared at him intently, ready to run at his slightest move. He held up his hands, showing he had nothing. "No Hoods are supposed to be out past sundown, this is our time." She thought.

Harkin slowly kneeled, his hands still up. "Taria, right? I recognize your eyes." He continued to stare right at her. He knew she would run if she made any movements. "I'm sorry I didn't ask your name at the meeting, I was...I was just distracted by how beautiful you were.'

Taria snarled and bared her fangs. "He sure has guts, I will give him that." She thought.

Harkin continued to speak to her softly. "I had someone look you up after you left. You are part of the Arcadio family? The only daughter, right? I had heard about you in the elite circles. Your father keeps you out of the spotlight."

Taria lunged and snapped. "How dare he speak of my father!" She wished she could scream at him in this form too. "He knows nothing."

Harkin scooted back a little. "Sorry! I didn't mean to offend you. I was just so curious." His eyes trailed from her and looked along her long body. He had never seen any of the wolves in their form. They were larger than typical wolves his father and uncles would hunt. He had heard they were 20x stronger and faster too. He knew that he was at her mercy.

The moon was starting to rise and the new moonlight was shining off Taria's white fur. Harkin drew his breath, it was as if she was shining. He sat down and motioned in front of him for her to do the same. Taria hesitated for a second, then slowly lowered herself to the ground. Harkin smiled as he watched her crouch. He leaned back on his hands and stared up at the sky.

"I was surprised to see you here. Silly, I know. I am the one who is not allowed out past sunset. I sneak out for a walk daily and this is the first time I have seen a Ivory student who has changed." Harking smiled at Taria. "You're quite amazing!"

Taria knew he couldn't see her blush, but she could feel her body heating up. She sprang to her feet again and turned to leave.

"Wait! I'm sorry! Please don't be afraid." Harkin reached out to stop her. But before he touched her, the once wolf-leg had dissolved into a pale, milky arm. He followed the arm up and saw he was starting at that same delicate face he saw at the table.

Her eyes were wild and her hair was draped over her bare shoulders. She was still on all fours and was looking directly into his soul. She grinned. "Never. Ever. Think I will be afraid of you" She slowly stood up. Harkin was frozen in place, speechless at the captivating ( and naked) woman that stood before him. "You are the one who should be afraid of me."

Taria turned and jumped over the row of flowers and into the forest. She couldn't look back. She couldn't. Her heart was racing and she knew if she stayed any longer, he would hear it.

She couldn't sleep that night. Her mind was racing and all she could do was stare at the moon.