Recruiting New Members(2)

"Let's continue..."

Lans pressed on another button and the holographic pictures change. This time it was a picture of a young mature looking woman with short green hair. Her skin also green in colour and she has a pair of eyes which reminds Lexi about some predators.

'Is this really a human? Why do I think that she was some kind of predator species or what? Is it living in advanced technologies causing them become like this?' Lexi keep glaring at the picture and she want to laughed at it because she feel the picture of the young woman looked to funny and cute.

"This is Jewel Willson. In her previous history, she was one of the people who volunteered to help a mad scientist with some unknown experiments. Then, one day, one of the experiments gets caught in fire and soon burning the entire laboratory. Many of the workers died there. Because Jewel was an incomplete experiment, she developed some kind of the sharp instinct and she can also act like some predator sometimes based on the situation. She was interesting to join this game but many other teams couldn't handle her attitude because she has unrestricted manner. That's was her disadvantages when she act like a predator."

"No wonder she has eyes like a predator. She was one of the lab rat and her body functions already been modified. Interesting... I can guarantee she would return us a big favour this time."

Lans looked at Lexi with another poker face. "Lexi, what I mean was... She is a very stubborn and short-tempered person. If you make her angry or anything, she would tears you into pieces. I've saw her tears some people into pieces with just her bare hands just because that people piss her off. You wouldn't want that, don't you?"

Lexi raised her left eyebrow. "It's was them who trying to make trouble with her. She won't look problem with anyone if no one troubling her. Don't worry, taming a person with this attitude is easy for me. Leave her to me and I convince her to join us," she said confidently with her hands crossed over her chest.

"Okay, I'll leave her to you." Lans quickly change the topic to the next picture.

Lexi looked at the holographic picture with an interest roused on her face. What she saw just now was a girl with long black hair and orange skin. She was wearing a dark blue sunglass, making Lexi unable to see through her eyes.

"This is girl's identity is very complicated but because I was smart enough, I managed to search some information about her. She has a name which so difficult to say but she let people call her Orange. She was a smart but quiet girl. The most interesting part is she has a flexible body. She can fit in the role as a Fighter or Racer."

"She wants people called her Orange because her skin is orange on colour? Like that?" Lexi cut in Lans's explanation.

"Maybe yes or maybe not. Her name was so complicated even I can't say it. Her family was one of the richest tycoons in City E and has some connections with the Royal Family. Orange was the youngest siblings and thus, everyone spoiled her like a little princess. No one could afford to offend her because if not, her family would kill the entire family just within 24/7.

I met her a few months ago when I went watching the street racing. She has once joined the street racing as a Racer but because some guy cheating during the game, she lost. She has a pretty good handling, I can see that."

"If she interests to join as a Racer, why didn't she just find a team for herself and participate in this game?" Lexi asked.

"Her family had already arranged a team for her to join the game. They paid a fortune for Orange to be able to join but then Orange's team keep losing making Orange feels devastated and she quit. She didn't feel her team was some kind of team because her team was brought by her family using money. They only pay them for their skills, not their loyalty."

Lexi nodded in response. Now she understands why Orange never participates in the Deadly Car Racing with real team. It turns out that they only want to make Orange happy by fulfilling her wish to have a team and joining the game.

But Lexi also understands that this method was useless and meaningless. Without any real friendship and union in teamwork, participating in this game has the same meaning with seeking death.

One wrong steps and the entire team would be dragged down...

Just when Lexi further lost in her thoughts, Lans continue their conversation.

"Alright, let's move to the next target... This time is a small singer in a tiny pub. She is Catty Ambrosed..."

A holographic picture of a woman with brown hair and black skin appears in front of her eyes. Catty Ambrosed looked like a human cat with cat ears on her head and some kind of an ancient Egypt white clothes attach to her petite body. With just one look, Lexi know that this woman was wearing a cosplay; cosplay of a cat woman.

"She was once married into some wealthy family and has a son. Speaking about her dark past, Catty's husband cheated on her with other woman and Catty become mad. She killed her husband but as the same time, she lost her son too while his saving his father. The husband's family put her in jail for five years and after that, she works as a singer in a small pub."

"Why would you want to recruit her?"

"The husband's family sent her to Demon Fire Dungeon, the most dangerous jail in the world. I've already checked it and confirmed that she has a connection with some of the dangerous prisoners. I have a hunch that she might learn some fighting skills which could give us some benefits later. Besides, she has some knowledge about medical, so she can either be the Fighter or the Paramedic."

Lexi observed Catty's holographic picture. She keeps brushing her finger on her chin while staring at the picture. "If she already married before, how old is she then?"

"She is 28 years old. She married when she was 17 years old. Her son might be seven years old by now if he hadn't died."

"28 years old? She is still so young but already went to jail?"

Lans just shrugged indifferently. "What's there to feel weird of? She was lucky enough that her husband's family didn't just directly kill her. Five years sentence is nothing..."

'Yeah, right... After all, in the 21st century, sometimes murdering a person could get you imprisoned for your whole life. In this century, everything has change.' Lexi didn't think much anymore about Catty's matter. After all, her dark life wouldn't bring any good to Lexi in the future either.

"Okay... For the last one... This one is easier for us to recruit because he was easy-going person. He is Cross Rhinofenstein. He would be a second Hacker. Unlike all other candidates, he is just a normal person with a normal life and normal family. We have once met and he was pretty attaching to me because we have the same interest, which is the hacking system. For this man, I will deal with him alone. You don't have to concern about this."

Lexi only nodded after she saw Cross's holographic picture. The man was someone with easy-going character just like what Lans has said because Lexi could tell just from Cross's wide and happy smile.

"That's only for now. I have some information about a group of people who can volunteer to be our Mechanic... So, what do you think about the people that I suggest? Are you satisfied enough?" Lans said, he closed all the holographic pictures and turned to Lexi.

"I'm not sure for now. I still need to meet them face to face to confirm it. Moreover, I have a hunch that these peoples are not easy to recruit unlike what I think. I need to see them first and only then, I would plan something to make them agree willingly," Lexi answered.

Lans looked at Lexi with a spark of interest emerged from his deep blue eyes. "Well, I'm looking forward for it too."

Lexi smiled softly before she turns her head to the left and right for several times. "What time is it now? I need to go home to cook for my family."

Lans feels confused at Lexi's words. "Cook? You can cook?"

Lexi nodded. "Yeah, I can cook. Didn't I already say that I have many talents before? Cooking is one of my hobbies before."

"Sure cooking is also a talent but it cannot help you during the game. You should focus your talent on something that can help you during the game..."

Lexi: "..."

'Dude, I'm just talking about my talents outside the game. Why would you always relate it with the game? Did your head always full of this kind of thing?'