Recruiting New Members(1)

Lans sighed against Lexi's answers. Just looking into her eyes, Lans knew that Lexi has no experiences about the Deadly Car Racing at all. Even though he knew already, but listening to her answer directly still giving him a bad feeling about the deal between them.

Lans need someone who can drive cars smoothly and professionally because driving car in the Racing Territory and on the city road is very different.

Having a bit experience doesn't mean Lexi could survive in the game. Surviving for one time may be called as luck but how about two or three more times?

Is she still having the same luck?

But never mind. Even though Lexi doesn't have that much experience, she can experience more during the game.

"Whatever. As long as you can survive during the game." Lans looked into his computer screen again.

"I agreed to join with you to build our own team. Since you have the role of Racer, you can be our Captain. I don't like to be a captain or anything related to that. I can trust this matter to you, right?"

Lexi smiled widely when she heard that Lans agreed to build a team together. She was excited than before. "Just being a Captain, it's not a big deal for me. I can manage that. Leave it to me, I'll handle that for our team."

Lans didn't say any words again as he continue to work with his computer.

Lexi stepped forward and take a seat nearer to Lans. "There was something that I still confused about... Can you answer that to me?"


"Since we are going to build our own team, I don't know how much member we should recruit. Is it enough with just only ten of us? Or do we need more?" she continue to asked.

"Of course we need more... But for now, let's sticks to a small numbers of members. We can recruit more after we win more tournaments later," Lans said while his fingers keep typing on the keyboard for nonstop.

"Did you have anyone that can join us? Someone that you know before?" Lexi continue to ask.

Lans nodded his head in response. "I have... But I don't think they would join our team."

"Why not?"

"We are building a new team, which mean no one have known about our team's true strength. If they saw our team are too weak, none of them want to join us, besides they won't be sacrifice themselves for nothing. They might be interested to join us but they would never listen to your words. They don't like people order them like an owner orders his dog. We need something that can make them loyal to us and only listened to your orders."

Lexi listened with a very focus expression for every word that Lans explained to her. Since it was official that she is the leader for their new team, Lexi need much information she need about the new members that they need to recruit.

Lans typed on the keyboard again and another hologram screen appears in front of Lexi. Lexi observed carefully at the hologram that contains the information about the new members.

"This is all the information that I collected since the first time I set my eyes on them. They have the skills that we need in our team."

Lans shows Lexi a holographic picture about a young girl around 17 to 18 years old with medium length black hair with peach skin. Inside the holographic picture, her face is serious and full of arrogance while holding a black rifle with red strip. The rifle is her weapons during the game and its size was almost as big as a machine gun but a bit lighter.

"This person is called Natalinda Jackall. She is someone who lived at the West Area of City E. She is the second youngest in her siblings. She has sharp eyes and has a very accurate shooting. She is the former Fighter of some team but then she quit because of someone that she doesn't like in her team. She became the scariest Sniper within her team... If not for her useless and weak team, she would be someone who ranks the highest Ranking in game. We need someone like her in our team."

Lexi touched her chin with a pondering face. 'A sniper? I think having a sniper in our team wouldn't be too bad. Besides, Lans said she is quite strong.'

Lans shows Lexi another holographic picture again. This time, it is about a man that has a very handsome face with pink pale skin. His hair is red in colour along with his eyes. The only different about him was that he has a tiny purple gem that located between his eyebrows.

"This is Axel Derrick. He is working as a worker in the Deadly Car Racing. Every time there is a tournament, along with other workers, he will take out all the dead body of the players out from the Racing Territory.

The interesting thing about him was that he always practises his skills and powers in the practice gyms in the Racing Car Facilities. He has the skills and the powers to fight, but he doesn't have the team to participate in the game. I've checked on his abilities and he can be a Guardian in our team."

Lexi looked at Lans and was trying to say another words but Lans quickly interrupt her. "I met him when I was strolling around city and saw him fighting with some street fighter. With just him alone fighting with fifteen people already convince me about his power," he said, knowing exactly what she want to ask.

Lexi smirked with her feeling a bit proud and happy because without her to say what she need to ask, Lans already know what to answers.

Another picture of twins showed up when Lans press the next button. This time, both of them have skin colour of aquamarine and their eyes are green in colours. In the picture, both of them were sitting next to each other while drinking in one of some pub.

"This is the Thomas's twin sons, Seven and Nine. The oldest called as Seven and the youngest called Nine. They don't have any work... I've checked their history and they had participated in some game with several teams but because they thought that the team was weaker, they quit. Even though they are twins, they have different skills and power. Seven is more suitable with the role of Fighter while Nine is suitable for the role of Guardian. Even their temperament is also different from each other."

"I can show you their fights scene later," Lans said as he knew what Lexi was going to ask when she opened her mouth again.

Lexi chuckled for this time. "How come you can predict what the next question I'm going to ask is?" she asked.

"It's simple... Because I can read your mind," he replied with his poker face.

Lexi glared at him with another poker face.

"What? I'm saying the truth!"