
Even though Lexi greeted the mysterious man, he did not greet her back. The Phantom Rider only sat there like a statue and stared at Lexi with an expressionless face.

Looking at how her waving hand got no replies, Lexi put down her hand awkwardly.

'Geez, what is wrong with this man's brain? I only want greets him because he was a legend, the number one in the Ranking. Is this how he acted toward people who he didn't know? He is so arrogant! What a bastard!'

Lexi did not try to pursue or talking to that mysterious man again. She walked toward the driver's seat. She inserted the key to the key hole.

The first thing that makes her impressed about this new racing car is the defence system. A bright and small hologram screen lit up on the keyhole, showing a defence system which needs the driver's fingerprint.

Lexi smile smugly and she put her left thumb on the fingerprint scanning.

After that, the car engine turns on.

Lexi popped out her head out from the open door and look at Orange and Lans, "I will drive this car, and you two drive your own cars. Let's get out from here. We still have more jobs to do."

"Alright," Orange nodded and she went out. Since Lexi ordered them to droves her own car, Orange would naturally follow her order.

Same things go for Lans. He also walks off and went to his own car.

Lexi just about to close the door but suddenly Ellmin put his right hand to the door, preventing it from closing.

Lexi looked at Ellmin again. "What?"

"You haven't introduced your name yet. Can you at least introduce your name?" Ellmin said flirty while putting his left hand on the car roof. He leaned a bit, closing the distance between his face and Lexi's face.

Before Ellmin's face could reach nearer to Lexi's nose, Lexi suddenly pushed him hard until Ellmin staggered to the back.

"Don't try anything funny if you don't want something you regret happen to you. You might be the number 3 player in the Ranking but a Ranking is just a Ranking. I'm not a person who cares about this damn Ranking."

After that, Lexi looked at the Phantom Rider again. "You really have funny teammates, buddy. Well, I can say that you are a person with an aloof and cold-hearted attitude... But this guy is a person with jerk and flirty attitude. You guys are very different to each other. I wonder how you can stand up with his attitude all this time."

Hearing at how Lexi called him jerk, Ellmin automatically burst out into mad state. Never does he ever hear a woman called him a jerk before, Lexi was the one who broke the record.

'What is wrong with this woman's eyes? Shouldn't she fall for my charms?'

Lexi shifted her attention to Ellmin again. Even though her sarcastic smile couldn't be seen by Ellmin, everyone could see the sarcastic side from her eyes.

"I just built my team a few days ago. If you want to know who I am or what name of my team, you should wait until the Deadly Car Racing game. My team and I would be there. We'll surely be there."

After that, Lexi quickly touched the small button on the steering wheel and the door automatically closed.

Everyone who was stunned by Lexi's words could not do anything as they were still in an astonish state. They were mad at Lexi's arrogant and smug attitude but at the same time, they also were thinking.

A new team? They are the new team?

Everyone stayed quiet and waits for Ellmin to burst out of anger but after waiting for ten minutes, everything is still quiet.

Ellmin did not even get angry or throwing tantrum.

Before this, whenever he get mad, he will either talk about crappy stuff or throwing whatever things he get hold onto.

But right now, he seems to be in a dazed state while standing at where the last time he stood after Lexi pushed him.

"Bro... Brother Ellmin... Are you, are you alright?" One of the men was struggling to speak with Ellmin, afraid to make him suddenly get angry.

Unexpectedly, the next thing Ellmin do was to jump right next to Phantom Rider's side. He was squatting on the floor while putting his hand onto the armrest of the chair which the mysterious man sat on.

"Captain, did you see that? That was the first woman who actually rejects me! Did you see that? Did you see? And she wore a black mask just like you! She's sounds so cool a while ago!"

If Ellmin could be describe as an animal, he would be very suitable described as a dog. The way he talks with the Phantom Rider shows as if he have a tail that keep waggling behind him with his tongue rolling out.

Because of Ellmin's statement, everyone in the same team with him suddenly turned into rage.

"She's an imposter! How dare she wear mask just like our Captain! She must do it because she wants to catch Captain's attention!"

"Yeah, she must want to attract Captain's attention. Captain, please don't fall into her scheme!"

"Yes, yes, yes, Captain. She is an evil woman. Don't fall for her fake charms!"

"How dare she use a mask and compare herself with Captain. This woman is really so self-infatuated!"


The captain raised his hand slightly and everyone turned silent instantly after the signal.

"She rejected you because you are not in the same level as her."


A few moments later...

Still: "..."

Ellmin's eyebrows formed an ugly shape. "Huh? What do you mean?"

The mysterious man looked at Ellmin with a calm face but with a piercing gaze. "She is in a different level from you. You won't be a suitable candidate for her."

Upon hearing what the Phantom Rider's words, Ellmin suddenly thought that he got struck by lightings. His feelings are hurt because of it.

"Casper, don't joke around because this is not funny. What do you mean she is not the same level as me? She obviously just some amateur who said to be a new team..."

Ellmin feels offend. He crossed his hands on his chest while looking at the Phantom Rider with a grim face.

The Phantom Rider a.k.a Casper Heather looks casually at Ellmin. "You were the Co-driver for Kiki at the competition. You should know more about what I'm talking about."

Ellmin pressed his chin with his fingers, thinking about what happen during the competition today.

"That new captain was the Co-driver of the Racer called Orange. This new captain was not a simple person. From now on, you better watch out your back, she might kill you one day," Casper coolly stood up from the chair and walked away.

Ellmin stood there flabbergasted. He still cannot understand what is Casper mean by Lexi is not a simple woman.

He was trying hard to remember every event that happens during the competition today. Then, suddenly he remembers at the end of the race where almost all of the Racers got blown up by the time bomb which Lexi already installed on the road.

Ellmin shuddered automatically when he remembers all the unlucky Racers who got stuck from the time bombs.

Not only did the time bombs stop all the Racers from winning but the time bombs also exploded right at the time when the other Racers reach the area.

Ellmin knew that the time bombs used by Orange could only be installs manually and using any machine system. He knew thus information because that this information provided by the competition host to every Racers to learn the other opponents' weaknesses.

'Did that woman the one who installed the time bomb with different timing? Did she predict the time and used it to stop all the Racers? If that was true, damn, that woman is really dangerous!'