The Next Target

Right after Lexi closed the door, she droves the car out from the garage and back to the City E.

Since Orange did not know where they would meet up, Orange just follows Lexi's car from behind and Lans follow her from behind.

After half an hour later, Lexi arrived at Lans's secret hideout.

Lans using his remote control from inside the car to opened the door.

They entered the base one by one.

Since Orange just came here for the first time, she quickly observed everything around her with an awe face. 'This place pretty big,' she thought.

Lexi put the keys to the table and take a seat. She looked at Orange who was still looking around. "Hey, come and sit here."

Orange shifted her head toward Lexi and follows her order. She took a seat next to her.

Lans get out from the car. After he put the keys to secure place, he immediately makes coffee for the two ladies.

Lexi pulled the nearest hologram screen from Lans's computer. She moves her finger, pressing every holographic button on the screen.

"Now we got the first member. We should go and take a look for the next target... You have suggestion about which one should we go first?" Lexi turn her attention to Lans who was already standing across the table while putting the mug in front of her and Orange.

With one touch, Lans opened more hologram screen for Lexi to see.

Orange, who did not understand anything as she only come for today, only giving them a questionable gaze.

Lans immediately understand her gaze and turned to her side. "You are our first recruited member. Right now, our members is not complete yet. We have the candidates but we still need to invited them into our team."

Orange quickly nodded but then she remember about something, thus she said, "You two knew about my identity. I'm okay with that but I don't want the other members to know about this."

Lexi still immersed with the screen in front of her when she heard Orange's words. "Relax, Orange. They don't have to know if you don't want them to know. After all, who doesn't have a secrets, right?"

Orange looked at Lexi with a bit impression imprinted on her face.

Lans did not give Orange time to think more as he show them another screen, which shows them an image about a young girl with a sniper gun.

"The next target would be her... Natalinda Jackall."

"Natalinda?" Orange's sudden question causing Lexi and Lans looked at her direction.

"Why? Did you met her before?" Lexi asked while resting her head on her right palm.

Orange nodded. "Yeah, we used to met when I was still competing in the Deadly Car Racing. After I quit, I never saw her again. Why would you guys want to recruit her?"

"Good question, she already quit from her previous team. Natalinda is a skillful sniper and we need her as a Fighter in our team," Lans answered.

"You have some bad history with her?" Lexi looked at Orange with a deep gaze.

For some unknown reason, Orange shuddered under her piercing gaze. She quickly averted her eyes to somewhere else.

"No, we just passing with each other through the hallway and fighting in the game. However, I must say her shooting skills was pretty scary. She even can shoot sharply at something just in one glance. I have no problem if you want to recruit her," Orange grabbed the mug and took a sip at the coffee.

Lexi nodded approvingly. "Good. Lans, give me latest information about her."

Lans opened up another hologram screen. Many images shown in front of them.

"Since she cannot participate in the game anymore, she works as a part time for a small hunter team for an underground guild, built near to City D. Many teams tried to recruit her but fail because they lost to a small competition with her."

Lexi looked at Lans and want to open her mouth.

"Natalinda competed with the team's Captain. The competition is about join them for the hunt and help them to capture whatever they need to catch." Like always, Lans always knew what Lexi want to ask when she just opened her mouth.

"Aren't her action seems to be a bit arrogant? She should accept the invitation when the Captain want to recruit her," Orange was dissatisfied with the explanation from Lans. Her face become bitter as she looked at Natalinda's image when she was wearing her part time costume.

"She must have a reason why she did that. Anyway, we would know about it when we recruits her later," Lexi took a sip of her coffee.

"Are you sure she would agree to enter this team?" asked Orange with a doubtful face.

"You have to trust the team's Captain for this matter. Whatever her answer shouldn't influenced our decision to form a team. If we can't have her then we find someone better than her. After all, it was her lost for not joining our team," Lexi nonchalantly said. She shrugged her shoulder one time as if she really did not care.

At the other side, Orange was dumbfounded when she saw how Lexi acted nonchalantly regarding of the next member's recruitment. 'Shouldn't she shows her interest rather than talking like this?'

"Great, if you already makes the decision. We will go there tomorrow." Lans shifted his gaze toward Orange again. "You should come tomorrow. Leave your car here and we will ride together there."

Orange nodded without asking much.

"Oh, right. One more thing..."

Lans moved away from the table and he take out another silver box from one of his big tools cabinets. He walked toward the girls again.

When Lans opened the silver box, there are several types of machines in small shapes.

"I've prepared this for us. This is a communication device that help us connect with each other even if we are far away from each other."

Lans took one of the machine out from the silver box. The machine has a same types like a bluetooth earphone which Lexi always saw during 21st century.

Lans put the machine inside his left ears and then he pressed the button on the machine. A hologram screen appear out from the communication machine.

"This can help us to record video or makes a video call. You can also choose not to use the screen and only talk. Other than that, aside from video calls, you can find other member by using the maps provided by this device. Pressed the button and choose the option. This is only a device we used during outside from the game. I will show you the real device that we will use during the Deadly Car Racing game later, after we recruit enough team members to the competition."

Lexi took one of the device from the silver box and try it herself. After she have tried it, she was quite satisfied with the machine.

"Where did you get this things? This doesn't look like a simple machine. I never see this sold at the shop," Orange also took one but she just observed the device carefully.

"I have my way."

Lexi looked at Lans with her face filled with doubtful and questionable expressions. Even though she respect other's secrets but she do not want the secret to harm everyone around her and she do not like it when other's secret greatly influenced her plans.

Lexi let Lans have his own secrets so that they can work together with each other gave while their faithful and trust keep growing with each other.

However, once Lexi know that someone she trust betrays her, she would never forgive them nor give them second chance. She believe second chance is only giving opportunity for the enemy to make use of her weaknesses against her and Lexi did not like it.

Lans obviously saw the threat in Lexi's eyes. He know what Lexi was thinking, so he calmly said, "Don't worry. I have someone who can make this types of machine for me. He is a good man and would never betray me. Besides, he only made this machine only for me and not for anyone else."

Lexi loved her sight to other directions after the explanation. She only want to make sure that the people around her would not easily betray her because the consequences would not be very tolerable for them.

"Alright, that is all for today. We will meet here again tomorrow... Let's dismissed."

After that, Lexi and Orange leave the hideout. Lans did not forget to tell Orange to be careful so that no one know about his secret hideout.

Orange promised to be careful on her way out.

This time, Lans did not send Lexi home using car as Lexi did not want him to do it. Instead, Lexi want to walk on foot to get home.

After some time, Lexi arrived at her home. She quickly took a bath and prepared for dinner. The dinner was harmonious as Lexi keep telling them about what happen today.



The next day, they went to the guild where Natalinda was working in. Since this place was hidden from outsiders, Lexi and the others need to take the elevator to go to the underground center. When they arrived there, the place was crowded and busy.

When Lexi saw there are also numerous open food shops here, she quickly cover her mask. Luckily this mask prevent her from any smells. If not, she might began to vomiting right now.

Lexi still could not get used to the food smells in this century. They are really smelt terrible and disgusting.

"Why are you acting like that?" Orange looked at her with a weird expression.

"This place food smells bad. I don't want to vomiting here."

Suddenly, Orange feels speechless. This is the first time she heard someone complaining about the food smells in this place. Even though she is not sure whether the food here is good or not but she is sure that everything here is fine.

"What is this place? Why I didn't know about place like this?" asked Lexi toward Lans, who was walking two steps ahead.

"This guild is called the Frozen Moon Guild. This job might not famous because everyone focused their job in the Deadly Car Racing. This job is called Hunter and placed second in the Rank after the Deadly Car Racing. People who come here loves to hunt and kill everything through the client's request."

Lexi scratched top of her head. 'Isn't this also known as an assassination jobs? Why do they call it Hunter?'

"She is a Hunter? I just know that." Orange said as she keep her walking pace with the others.

Lexi was impressed; for an underground guild, this Frozen Moon Guild building was not small at all. At least, this building area has the same large size with the stadium football area. Just how big is the normal one?

"She's there. Captain, your turn." Lans pointed at one of the corner as Lexi and Orange follows naturally at his sign.