The Second Target: Natalinda Jackall

At the corner, a group of people in black outfits with long black leather robes. At the back of the rob was a symbol of fire burning a gem ring.

Looking at their outfit and symbols, a thought suddenly appeared at the bottom of Lexi's mind. 'Did I really not transmigrate into some kind of fantasy book or games? Why did I see them looking like characters in a game?'

'Or did people in this century proclaimed themselves as a game character? Pfft, what a joke!'

Lexi carefully not to show what she thought in her face because if she did, she might as well have died again beaten by these people.

Among the members, there is only one young girl while the other two are already adults.

They looked at Lexi and her friends when these people stopped in front of them.

"Need a request? Sorry, folks. We are full for today. You can come tomorrow if you want our service or you can go to the counter for a request for another team," One of the Hunters who looked mature and gentle spoke to them on behalf of the others.

Lexi smiled politely, which could not be seen through her mask. "Greetings, my friends. We come a long way to find someone. We came here for Natalinda. Is she available?"

Everyone became quiet for a few seconds before they looked at the younger girl.

"Oh, she is available but you might not be able to afford her this time... Just like the others." That was when one of the adult women slapped the man's back head when he spoke like that.

"Arh, what's that for?" The man spoke with his voice full of resentment.

The woman only glared at him without saying anything.

Natalinda, who was minding her own business, turned her head toward Lexi when Lexi called her name.

"Another team who wants to recruit sister cousin to that car racing again? Why does everyone want her to be their member?" Another man spoke up.

"Yeah, why does everyone want her to be their member too? Can't they just let my sister cousin stay here with us."

"You're right. After all, she is better here rather than entering that stupid competition."

Lexi focused her gaze only toward Natalinda and ignoring everyone else around her. "I heard that we need to finish some requirements if we want to recruit you?" she said.

Natalinda just raised her chin slightly, showing her arrogant side. Many have come to recruit her before and all of them failed to meet her condition.

This time, this team also wants to recruit her and Natalinda does not have any hope for them to succeed.

Since the first time she quit her old team, Natalinda never hoped for any team that would fit for her.

Orange scoffed inside her heart when she saw that arrogant manner. Although she knew that she was also acting like that for the first time when Lexi asked her to join her team but seeing how Natalinda was acting more arrogantly than her caused Orange to get a bit annoyed.

"Are you sure you can finish the task?" asked one of the big muscle guy who sat next to Natalinda.

Lexi shifted her gaze toward that man before she also raised her chin proudly. "You can tell me now. I won't waste your time arguing something that won't benefit both of our groups."

Natalinda's group of Hunters suddenly laughed like they just heard something funny. 

"She's straightforward. I like her... But that doesn't mean she'll pass!" 

"Alright, since you guys come here to make Natalinda your teammate, I will tell you the condition." The man who looked mature among them strode forward and stopped in front of the table, which separated him and Lexi by several centimetres. 

The man put down a scroll of paper on the table. When he rolled down the paper, a hologram map that consisted of many places showed up.

"A few days ago, a business tycoon requested for Hunter to help them hunt down a group of thieves.

One weeks ago, the underground guilds in the underworld got news about a new group of thieves called The Hungry Hyena. This group was very cunning, mischievous and cruel. They liked to steal rich people's wealth, raped every young lady from every house they targeted, sold the child to child trafficking.

Their style of theft is very cunning and manageable. Even the nation's police force cannot catch them. Everytime they want to catch this Hungry Hyena, they will escape before any police can catch them. In other words, they are untouchable."

Lexi looked at JY with furrowed eyebrows. "Untouchable?"

JY nodded. "Yes."

"Do you understand about the mission?" 

"So far, I understand about the mission but I need more information about this mission. It will help us to catch the thieves later."

But Lexi's statement only makes the other Fire Ring members laugh loudly. They thought that Lexi just put up a serious face because she wanted to impress everyone when the truth is, she actually scared deep down in her heart.

Even if she wants to impress everyone, she shouldn't have to act tough and serious, if you bring shame upon herself.

Everyone knows a Racer like Lexi wouldn't be suitable for a Hunters' job. Racers' only job is to drive a racing car and win the game while the Hunters have to catch and kill the target whichever their clients orders them to do.

"Oh, wow. Look how tough she acts. Well, this is not the first time I saw other Racers putting up a tough face too. In the end, they still haven't succeeded in any of this mission."

"Maybe this one also failed again. There are still no Racers that could finish one mission."

"She tells a funny joke, how could a Racer like her understand about a Hunter's job..."

A crooked smile appeared on Natalinda's lips. She looked at Lexi with a mischievous gaze. "You don't have to act like you understand. If you think you can't help us, you can help us from the back."

Lexi shoots Natalinda with an aloof gaze. She understands what they mean and she knows they don't believe her. As a person who transmigrated from the 21st century, no one would ever believe her if she told them her true identity. 

Back to the 21st century, Lexi was once involved in a crime case like this one. Lexi has an older cousin who works in a crime department. He got the hardest cases from all other different cases and Lexi helped him to gather information and crack the clue. 

In the end, the case has been resolved quicker than everyone else thought. 

Since Lexi didn't want anyone to know about her name, her older cousin promised to keep it a secret and end up getting the limelight. So, from then onwards, whenever he has a hard case, he will turn to Lexi to get her help with the cases. 

And now, Lexi has to help them to solve this mission. Lexi couldn't help but be excited to show off her talents. 

'Since you guys don't believe me, then let me show you what I can do later.'

"It's fine, Natalinda. I can help you guys solve this mission. I just need some information about these thieves. We have all day for ourselves today, let's catch them..." Lexi smiled slightly. 

And then, the Fire Ring members laughed again. They started to talk bad about Lexi. 

"She even wants the information about the thieves. Let's see how long she can act..." 

"Let her do what she wants. It was not us that would be wasting time here..." 

"Yeah, let her do what she wants. It is not us who will shame ourselves later..."

Orange was worried about Lexi because everyone mocked and laughed at her. From the start, she knew that they would never finish this mission because this task is hard for a Racer like them. 

They have to find the culprits and located down their hiding spots in order to catch them.

Orange turned her head toward Lexi and saw how calm and unaffected she is toward the Fire Ring teams. Look at how calm she is, Or age could only shift her gaze to Lans.

Lans also has a worried expression on his face but he was calmer than Orange because he knew that Lexi knew what she was doing.

JY smirked sarcastically. He couldn't wait to see Lexi shame herself in front of other Hunters. This is also what happened to the other team who came to recruit Natalinda. 'Let's see if you can pass this one.'

"I need all of your information regarding the thieves. Also, I need to know about the details of the crime toward the targets. I hope you can cooperate with me this time. No more joking around," Lexi stared at JY intensely.

For a moment, everyone turned silent. Suddenly, they could feel the changes in Lexi's personality.

A moment ago, she was still standing there with an aloof face, as if she didn't care if everyone was mocking her. Everyone still saw her as someone who used to be a Racer who only knew how to drive a racing car.

But right now, she turned into a completely different person. Her gaze becomes sharp and her demeanor becomes lofty.

Natalinda's eyebrows creased when she realized that Lexi was not a simple person that she thought Lexi was. This person's character is more than being just a Racer. Natalinda has fought in the Deadly Car Racing more than hundred times now and she already saw many kinds of a Racers' characteristics.

The one with Lexi was not the usual way on how a Racer would show, instead it was something that a noble and smart person always shows.

Just who on earth is she? A Racer from a simple racing team would never be this overweening.