The Meat

It was a few days before Jacen said that the vampires agreed to meet. He said, "It wasn't an easy task to accomplish, but I have been able to set up a meeting for your family and the leaders of the vampires." We all had to go otherwise they would just kill those around them and leave. So we all got into Jacen's car as he explained the hierarchy of the Vampires. As he drove he explained that unlike in the movies there wasn't just one leader that you could kill and take out all of its underlings. Many families make up the vampires, the head of each household being decided by trial in combat. This peculiar circumstance makes the vampires very dangerous as the leader of each household changes quite frequently. Each leader chooses a single trusty who joins them in the council, most commonly their wives. Some chose those who they bested for their position to increase their household's power over the council. From there the council appoints 3 Fangs who are representatives from the 3 main Obscurities. An Obscurity is the vampire's version of a state whereas the 3 Obscurities make up what is known as an Abyss; their country. There are many Abysses around the world that all fall under the rule of the Council. Each Fang is charged with forming a military force for their respective Obscurity, as well as forming their plans for a food source. According to Jacen, we must first meet with the 4 Generals of the military force of the nearest Obscurity, then the three Fangs of the Abyss, and finally, reach the Council to decide whether or not we can agree. We arrived at a large building with double-pained windows. As we exited Jacen's car he gave one last word of advice. He said, "Don't eat the meat." He closed the door saying that he would return once the meeting was over, that he was not to be a part of the group. The 4 of them made their way inside to see many seemingly normal people stop and look at them like they were their midday snack. Then a burly man with pitch black hair and piercing green eyes came out to us and took us to a room filled with two brown leather couches, three long tables, and black chairs lining them. On the tables were many refreshments. Sandwiches, salads, what looked to be ham, a bowl of red liquid, and a bowl of blue. There were 4 men in black and red uniforms, one clearly a Cracononian, another was obviously a slithering swamp turtle easily recognized for the snake-like eyes and shell-like structures on his arms, back, and chest, though the other two were not easy to identify. The Cracononian spoke first saying, "My name is Michael and I am the General of the Naval forces of the Findgrin Obscurity. These are my fellow Generals Gryphon, Titan, and Malici." Titan the slithering swamp turtle spoke saying that he was the Army of the Obscurity, boots-on-the-ground type of warfare. Traversing the swamps and forests was his specialty. Gryphon said that he was the General of the airforce. Though Malici never spoke. I introduced myself and my family, explaining, "We don't belong to any clans, organizations, or packs of werewolves. We are simply to trying to call for peace between our family and the vampires." Malici finally spoke saying, "My name is Malici I am the General of the vampire forces of Findgrin. We stand ready to take the place of all the different forces standing here before you and aid them when assistance is needed. I understand perfectly well what you have come to do, and I say let us discuss it over lunch which has been supplied by our Fang." He gestured towards the table where the food sat. We walked over grabbing plates and filling them with salad and glasses of blue liquid. Malici said, "Interesting, I have never seen a werewolf that was a vegetarian. Or perhaps you don't trust the meat that we have supplied. You are wise in your decision as this meat is the cooked remains of our failed experiments."