The Smell of Fear

The sound of Maici's voice carried through the room as he began to laugh at our twisted faces of disgust. He said, "The greatest taste is the blood of someone in fear. The hormones released create a distinct smell that fills my body with ecstasy, it almost reminds me of the days my heart actually beat from the sensation of fear. It's the closest thing to an adrenaline rush you can get as a vampire." We stood watching him as he spoke laughing at the sent our bodies produced. It wasn't the fact that he was a vampire, but the fact that they have such a disregard for life that they would actually kill and eat the same beings that they created. Whether they were failed experiments or not they deserved to live in peace. We waited for his laugh to subside to seat ourselves. We sat to begin our meal and discuss our plea for a treaty with the vampires. We explained how the existence of our family as werewolves came to be, how we did everything in our power to try to gain control of ourselves in our wolf state, and how only one of us has actually managed to do so. Malici seemed to take a great amount of interest in the fact that I was the only one who was able to control myself and began to ask me questions about what I experienced in my werewolf state. Malici sent a barrage of questions, "What does it feel like? Do things taste different? How fast can you run? How long can you run? Do you feel tired, or do you feel energetic? How often do you feel the urge to kill? Do you act on those urges? What does it feel like to sink your k-9s into soft flesh? Most importantly, have you ever killed a vampire?" The questions seemed to have no end, and eventually, I realized that he was comparing the werewolf state to that of a vampire. I explained, "I am the fastest and strongest in my family, though I haven't ever found the limits of my endurance. I can't exactly feel the difference in my body when I transform but yes things definitely taste different. I feel like I can demolish a tank once I have transformed. I feel the urge to kill and eat everything that moves, and my last transformation was the first time that I managed to control myself. I actually almost ate my boyfriend before gaining control of myself." At that statement, all of the Generals began to laugh hysterically imagining the young woman in front of them eating her own boyfriend. They slowly regained composer apologizing for their outburst saying, "We apologize, everyone around here is always so serious and your explanation just caught us off guard." I sat eating after that and waited for them to decide whether or not to let us speak with the Fangs. They spoke for what seemed to be ages, arguing about the security of the Obscurity, arguing about whether werewolves could be trusted, arguing about if they could somehow convince us to help them with experiments, arguing as to what experiments they would allow for us to oversee, arguing over whether or not they could even get all the Findgrin Fangs to cooperate with their decisions. eventually, the four of them made up their mind and came back to explain their conclusion. Malici spoke for them saying, "We have decided that we will allow you to speak with the Fangs of the Findgrin Obscurity; if you allow us to use your blood to perform experiments. The details of the experiments will not be disclosed, though a vague description of said experiments may be given at the point in time that the blood is drawn." I looked to my father seeing him look back at me, he gave me the nod. That nod said everything I needed to know, it said, "I don't mind, whatever you choose is fine with me and I will back you one hundred percent." I looked at my mother and brother; my brother gave me the same nod but my mother looked at me with worry in her eyes. I looked back at the Generals and asked about my mother and they said that she didn't have to go through any experiments, there wasn't much for them to experiment on involving humans anymore. With this, I agreed to the terms and we left waiting to be informed of the day that we would meet with the Fangs.