The Full Moon

The nights went by slowly moving towards the next full moon; making the weeks feel like months. I spent as much time as I could with Jacen; hoping that he could make time seem at least a little normal. I knew that I would change, but I also knew that I could control myself unlike before. I wanted to know the results of the experiments more than I ever thought I would. I don't know why but it was almost like wanting to see your newborn child for the first time. I asked if I could see the change in the animals that they had given our blood. Though they didn't trust that I would want to control myself telling me that if I was to watch they would lock me into a cage the same as the animals being tested. Knowing that there wasn't anything that they could do to hurt me once in my werewolf form I consented to their request. The night finally came, Jacen and I went to the (Lab), which we both thought looked more like a run-down shack out in the middle of nowhere. When we went in there didn't appear to be anyone or anything there. I looked around and eventually, we found some guards next to a seemingly normal washer and dryer that was just set in a corner where it would be off out of the way. When I approached the washer and dryer the guards asked to see some form of ID so that they knew who I was. I then grabbed my driver's license out of my purse, when I did they took it and called my name over a radio handing it back to me. A voice came over the radio that I knew belonged to one of the four generals saying, "Let them pass." and the washer and dryer began to lift into the air to reveal a hidden stairway beneath them. We looked down the steel-lined hall where we could see an almost blinding light at the bottom of the stairs. The light began to seem a bit more normal once we reached it. Our eyes adjusted and we were able to see the many animals waiting in cages. There was a cage across the room from them with the door open and waiting for its occupant. I looked at the caged animals and read the tags; one read 1-year-old female deer third generation blood controlled change, the next read 1-year-old female deer third generation blood uncontrolled change, and the last deer had a tag that said 1-year old female deer second generation blood uncontrolled change. I walked down the row of cages reading them and the pattern continued in that way, my blood, my brother's blood, and my father's blood. I looked over at Jacen and asked if he was ok or if he didn't want to watch. He said that he would be fine and that he wasn't afraid of my giant fangs as he laughed. I giggled a bit and went towards the door of the cage to get ready for the change. I sat on a cold chair waiting for the moon to rise, I waited and talked with Jacen as the several doctors and guards came into the hidden room locking the doors behind them. The doctors asked how it usually went and I told them that I would generally just start changing, there isn't a warning or a tell as to when it is going to happen, it just does. They just looked at me and shrugged turning back to their experiments so that they could observe everything they possibly could. Not even a minute had passed from the second they asked and I felt the burning in my throat as the change began. I heard howls, whimpers, grunts, and growls come from some of the animals that were across from me. I could hear bones breaking and joints popping as some of the animals began to change alongside me, but I heard what sounded like gunshots as some of the animals began to explode into a million tiny pieces. I closed my eyes at that and waited until the change was over. When I opened my eyes and looked at the scene around me I could barely even believe what I saw. I saw four powerful-looking werewolves across the room and they were all looking at me. I looked down the row and saw that only the ones that had my blood had managed to successfully change. Some of the ones that had my brother's blood had started to change but exploded and those that hadn't didn't even show signs of changing. My father's blood didn't manage to make any of them change, it was as if they had never even come into contact with his blood at all. The animals that did change though just looked at me as if waiting for some sort of command, they didn't act crazy or out of control like their vampire counterparts were said to have done. The doctors looked at me and I did the best I could to shrug at them to explain that I didn't know what was going on. Finally, one of the doctors came over to me and had some of his colleagues help to push my cage and watched as the eyes of the beasts they had created followed me. The doctor that had decided to move me then asked if I could understand him and I just nodded. He asked me to try to speak to one of them and see if they react. I hadn't ever tried to talk to anyone or anything while I was transformed, I had always assumed that it would only come out as a jumbled growl. Even so, I gave it my best shot to try to speak. All I got was a growl that sounded very depressing. The doctor said to just try thinking about what I wanted to say to them and then just will that they hear it. I thought he was nuts but I gave it a try and I almost thought that I was hearing things when I heard a reply from one of the creatures looking back at me!