The Trail

We left carefully watching to see if any of them were following us. When we got out of the woods and far enough away from them that we felt comfortable, we began trying to figure out where the tribe no one has been able to find for millennia might be hiding. The trip home was long and gave plenty of time to think of the different possibilities that could make any sense at all. Then it dawned on me that anything logical has already been explored, so the only thing that truly makes sense is that the way they are hiding doesn't make logical sense. The only real option for us to explore is the side of things that make mythological sense. Returning home I began pouring over every book I could find about ancient native cultures and different types of myths, miracles, and magic supposedly used by the Native Americans. I eventually came across these spots that appear around the world that physics can't seem to explain. Places, where gravity seems to pull in an abnormal direction, and time seems to flow differently, and some that supposedly teleport small objects a short distance when they are dropped. Places that some people even believe to be portals to another dimension. The studies showed that nearly every native tribe had some ideas of alternate realities and the ability of some people to travel between them in their minds. Some even believed that some could physically pass between the plains. I looked at several stories of shamans and witches that were said to traverse the paths between the worlds. The more I looked into it the more I was convinced that somehow the Anasazi had hidden themselves away in an alternate universe, and the only way to reach them was to find someone who could communicate between the worlds. I searched online for any information about dream walkers, and shamans who claim the ability and even looked into people who say that they have had an out-of-body experience. The only thing that caught my eye was this young man who claims spirits that speak a strange language have appeared to him in his dreams. I emailed him to ask what exactly he experienced and was not disappointed with his response. His email read, "Hi, I am glad to finally meet someone who doesn't think that I am crazy and need to be sent to the loony ben and just wants to hear the full story. One night I dreamed that I was looking down at myself as I began to walk around. I live near one of the natural physics-defying spots in the world so I thought why not go see it? As I walk up the hill I see what looks like a heat wave shimmering in the middle of the woods. I went towards it because it just looked so unusual and interesting. After nearing it the environment began to change and I saw a great tribe of native spirits. I studied ancient native cultures and languages but couldn't understand what they said. I spent what felt like years going by as I learned from them trying to get back home and they eventually taught me how to speak with them and make it back to my home. When I woke up I found that I had been in a coma for nearly 3 years and I tried to explain that I was stuck in the spirit world and couldn't get back. The only problem was that nobody believed that it had happened. They all thought it was a figment of my imagination since I had been in a coma for such a long time. I was put on several medications after I continued to tell them about new adventures into other worlds that I would make nightly, and I never lost the ability. I only stopped telling people so that they would stop pumping me full of drugs. Nobody has actually said anything to me about it since I got off the medications, and I didn't think anyone would ever message me asking seriously about the whole situation. " I didn't know how to react to his response. I was so excited that I just asked him if he could take me too. and he just replied, "Ummmm..."