In Your Dreams

I set up a meeting with Victor, though he said that he wasn't sure how he would be able to take me with him to the other universes. He explained that he had some ideas about something the otherworldly beings taught him that might help me, but he never really tried it and he didn't even know if it would work. He said, "I will be amazed if it works, but I need to meet with you and discuss some things in person before we try it". I had my reservations after his doubts were brought to my attention, but I was too desperate to find the Anasazi tribe to even consider not going. I met him at the tea shop on campus alongside Jacen. Victor was kind and explained that to bring us along he would have to go inside of our dreams while we are sleeping and pull us out. The difficult part is finding us in our dreams and then finding the entrance that he used to get into the dream. The reason he said it would be hard to find us in our dreams is because in our dreams we can take on the apearences and personas of anyone or thing. As for making his way back out, it is difficult because the environment in dreams can continually shift and change making it nearly impossible to find your way out unless you have some sort of tether or have enough control over the dream to create the path out into the natural world. After getting us out taking us to the other dimensions would be easy but getting back would be difficult because we would have to learn how to focus on our dimension when exiting the dimension we go into. This is because the entrance to the dimension only goes to the one dimension where the exit can take you to any other dimension, even to Hell if you aren't careful. The best way to make it back to our plane is to focus on where you left your body. you need to focus as hard as you can to the point that you could even see your own body laying in front of you. You must be sure that you are in a safe area where you won't be moved, it will be harder for you to focus because you don't know where your body is. "This is why I was stuck in the other dimension for so many years. After I learned how to communicate with the otherworldly beings they taught me what I am telling you now, but by that point, my mother and father found me and took me to the hospital where they told them I was in a coma and kept my body there in a place miles from where I left it and I had to learn how to better focus on my body specifically which is much more difficult than focusing on an exact location that holds your body. I have learned how to focus on even the most minute details of my existence and that of others, so if you somehow get lost somewhere in the multiverse I will be able to find you. But it is all on you as to if you can make it back or not." With that information, I was near the point that I almost didn't want to go, but the truth was too enticing for me to stop now. I have chased down possibility after possibility on the word of a dog and I have come to the point of magic and alternate realities, so why stop there? We made plans for us to go to sleep in the kitchen of my house because there was no way that my parents would ever agree to the both of us sleeping in my bed. We took Victor to the house so he knew where we would be and we began memorizing every detail that we could about the kitchen. After a few hours of this we began to blindfold each other and walk around and quiz one another on our surroundings. After we could walk through the entire room without running into anything and memorizing where everything was we all sat around the table and lay our heads down to try to fall asleep.