let see the new toys(edited)

when I walk through the gate, all I saw was a bright light.

when the light faded, I saw myself in what look like a throne room, with 2 familiar creatures in front kneeling and 50 guard that look like zakuul knights but way more disciple and armed, all around the room.

well look like the emperor is awake said a pure blood sith in an jokingly matter

( I wonder who it is)

yes, indeed said what looks like Yoda but taller

hmm, who are you? said jack

well that is hurtful said the pure blood

indeed, we have known each other since childhood. said ( Yoda species)

deep long sigh alex, xander what are you doing said jack

well you see, we were threaten said alex scaried

by who said Alex releasing bloodlust that is like a person that live on the battlefield for their entire life x 100 ( one of his 10,000 wishes)

cool your roll, and stop that blood lust said alex

well it your unnatural loyal servant said Xander scaried

interesting, so what to do next said jac


dude you are the fucking emperor of 3 fucking galaxies, so you can do anything you fucking want. said alex

true, indeed said Xander tring to copy the way Yoda talks

So they were talking until a knock came to the door, and when it was it was a 5 ft 6 female wearing a maid outfit with dual blade hidden under her skirt that can fool anyone except trio

your majesty, you had awaken from your sleep said uno while bowing

hey uno would you mind showing us around said jack

no problem said uno with ting of happiness in her eyes

So they went to explore

First went to the legions barracks alpha, beta, Charlie, deta, Elon

instead of 3,000 to 6,000 soldier in a legion on earth, it was 3,000,000 to 6,000,000soldier per legion

their are 2 legions per planet ( the capital world is an exception because it is massive and the emperor lives their)

and their are 250planets in the alpha galaxy, 180 planet in beta galaxy, and 200 planet in charlie galaxy so in total 630 planet in total for the empire's territory.

Whistle, dude you have more than 300 million soldiers said Xander wondering who need that many soldier

Well I do, because I have plans mmhahaha said jack with a laugh of a madman

how did you? said Xander

I can read the minds of my subordinates and judge their loyalty and if they are going to rebel said jack

we will never rebel master said uno

indeed, they are loyal only to you said alex

Your majesty here is the dock with your personal armada

The fleet was another story their a lot of big ship like battle ships, dreadnoughts, battleship/carriers like the a modified harrower that can deal damage in the mist of the fight and still launch fighters. There was a problem, their were no transport for the troops and no cruiser to protect the transports. Their is a 2 fleet of 100 ship for every 5 planets

The emperor's personal armada was 5000 ships and he can always add to it

Dude you have a shitton of ships said alex staring at the ship in awe

yes it is alot of ships but how do you transport you troops or do a land attack planet said jack disappointed in himself for forget to be more specific in his wish to have a big navy

so why not order people to build transport and cruisers said alex

uno, order the shipyards to build some transports and cruiser and put some in each fleet said jack

yes your majesty said uno


Here is the military complexes that are in the empire said uno handing jack a holopad

Military complexes is military factories, shipyard, etc. The complexes can get good quality equipment in peacetime, and need time to get ready for wartime production with getting more people and more materials in, before a war start.

Dude, are you planning to take over the entire universe said alex hopping he said yes

who know said jack and laugh like a madman again which scared a few people

We will die to make you the ruler of the universe said uno

told you unnatural loyal said Xander

Here you majesty is the imperial treasury said uno

the imperial treasury's job to keep record of every business, all of the money and check for government officials that are corrupt( you may ask they might steal or some corrupt official may bribe them to let them go 1. they are loyal to jack alone and 2. if they did and was find out, heads are going to roll)

and the economy in general.

shit dude you are loaded said alex

well that maybe enough for stage one of my plan but I need more said jack

dude what is this plan and why do you need more money said Xander a little scared

If you majesty request for more money we will can always go to war and steal their stuff said uno

Your majesty. this is our last stop, the temple were the force user practice said uno

the temple was where both sith and jedi train in both light and dark but mostly in one and one or two skill from the other side, but their numbers are perfect. they can even rival all the jedi in a head on conflict and come out on top with little to no dead. Their were both sides of the force here, but they dont cause trouble. because they didnt want to make the emperor think they are useless. ( everyone is unnatural loyal to jack)

dude, you are the chosen one said Xander jokingly

dude, shut it you know I hate that fool said jack

ok du...xander didnt finish before their was a blade few inches away from his neck

I suggest that you listen to the emperor or I will cut you head off and feed you the wild animal said uno threatenly

yes mam said Xander

uno Down said jack

yes you majesty said uno and put her blade away

now they are in a dining hall eating food grown on Jack's planets.

So what you guy doing said jack

well I am get away from you said Xander

is that you confession that you are rebelling said uno behind him with knife few inches away from his neck

no ma'am I was just saying, i was going to train my lightsaber skills so I can be better use to the emperor said Xander

very well but I do not want to hear any more treasonous talk from you said uno

well, I will be train I'm the force and mechu dur said alex

does mechu dur control machines ask Xander

yes, and I see you going to practice lightsaber combat said jack

yea said xander scaried to talk

so what are you going to do ask alex

well administration because I still need to do stuff to keep this empire to float said jack

so you not going to do anything ask alex

yes and no said jack

then a clone of jack came in with a bottle of whiskey and a couple cups

oo I forgot, you wish for the shadow clone justsu from naruto said alex

yes and I can train in mechu dur, the force, lightsaber, and keep my empire float said jack

good luck anyway said alex then walk away then Xander

uno ask jack

yes your majesty said uno

ask the temple for the best in both dark and light sides of the force and lightsaber combat

said jack

yes you majesty said uno
