The sun was lower in the sky as sunset was still a mere hours away and Miriam waited until Evergreen arrived next to her with jar in hand.
"Here's the flour. I could only find this much. Is it enough to save the mama bird?" Evergreen said as she tucked a honey brown colored tresse of hair behind her ear.
Using her knees to make sure the 'Mama' bird didn't squirm away and escape, Miriam took the jar from Evergreens hands and proceedsd to inspect its contents.
Dipping a finger into it to get some of the powdery substance knto her fingertip, she lifted it to her nose to sniff then lick.
Ick! It was indeed just flour. Setting the jar of flour down beside her Miriam now focused on the birds blood feather that was still bleeding.
"Its good thankyou, take a step back please. I am removing the feather." Miriam ordered the children.
"Beatrice softly but firmly hold the bird in place for me. Like this." Miriam directed Beatrice how she should hold the bird in the folds of her skirts so to steady the bird for Miriam.
Beatrice did as she as she as told and showed, and held the bird still for Miriam
Carefully moving aside some flight feathers, Miriam quickly found the bleeding and broken blood feather.
Positioning her hands she held tightly onto the feather and noted the trajectory and direction in which the feather was growing out of the birds skin.
After lining up her sights, Miriam pulled the feather as hard as she could and a pitiful squawk was heard throughout the back yard.
As soon as the feather was out Miriam examined the wound and noticed there was no part of the tube left inside it. Success!
Dropping the feather she quickly took a handful of the flour and threw it over the bleeding wound, and repeated this throw with flour two more times before she was satisfied that the wound had truly clotted the blood and bleeding had ceased.
Henry had observed the what at first glance he thought was the kids torturing a poor escaped parrot. But when he heard the squawk of the bird as it felt Miriam touch its painful blood feather when she was getting ready to yank it out, he quickly speed walked over to put an end to this Barbary once and for all. It was then as he neared that he noticed the procedure the little girl had just done before his arrival next to the scene of what seemed to be a birdy operation.
"This is called- a Moreton Bay Rosella. Its a type of parrot from the continent of Australia.
It is not native to this country. So it must be someone's escaped pet. If we put a ad in the newspaper of a found lost bird, without giving a description, someone will surely come forward wanting their bird back.
If we describe it in great detail or say we found a parrot abunch of unscrupulous people will all naturally say its theres when it isnt."
Miriam explained the birds appearence in there backyard and how to best go about getting it returned to its owner.
Henry just stayed quiet and decided to listen for now.
Jeremy opened his mouth wide open and yelled, "Its on my property so its mine now!"
Miriam looked over at Ophelia and Evergreen and beckoned them over closer.
"I need a small to medium sized blanket to wrap the bird up in and bring it inside so it doesn't fly away again. If we just release it it will not survive the cold weather here, and could easily be killed by real hawks or wild cats." She explained patiently to the little girls.
Jeremy frustrated at being ignored finally managed to knock over Bannon and rushed towards where Miriam and the bird was.
Henry was about to stop his littlest cousin when he reached Miriam but before he could swiftly moved foward a few steps up to Jeremy and as he made to grab her she used his momentum against him and managed to flip his littlest cousin over her body and faceplant him into the ground.
Subsequent cries were heard from Jeremy on the ground. Never had he ever so so humiliated in his life.
"Shame on you for resorting to violence when you don't get what you want. Of I was your mother I'd certianly give you a spanking you'd never forget. Children who aren't taught right from wrong often end up in the gallows when grown. I hope you grow up to be a better gentleman in the future." Miriam sweetly said said and patted a little bit of dirt off her clothes.
Evergeen stupefied at this scene, just said, " I"m going to go fetch that blanket now..."
Hurridly she scurried off and away into the house.
This day would go down in history as the day Bannon decided not to disobey his littlest sister. His mother was right. Women can be scary when they are offended.
Henry rubbed his eyes thrice to make sure he wasn't seeing things.
Veritably, Miriam luckily had taken a martial arts class when in her youth for over 15 years.
At no time, did she ever think she would need to use self defense againt a child under 10 years of age. Life was truely enigmatic in nature.
After bodying that poor boy Miriam ignored his cries from the ground where he had a bloody nose and what looked to be a chipped tooth.
'Serves the little thug right.' She interally thought to herself.
Kind and empathetic, Ophelia went to her little brothers side and consoled him and attempted to wipe the dirt and grass off him with a small hankerchief she carried with her.
"I hate girls! They are the vulgar sex! Girls should stay inside locked up and just make babies! I'm gonna make sure father sells you off to one of those places dirty women work!" Jeremy huffed and puffed and got up from the ground, his clothes covered in dirt and grass stains.
Turning one mpre time towards Miriam, he shot a angry and selfish grin towards her before turning towards the house and running inside.
Almost knocking over Evergreen over on her way out the door with somewhat raggedy and old but otherwise a blanket good for their use in hand.
Ophelia tried to explain away Jeremys bad behavior.
"Jeremy has had it tough growing up with mostly us sisters, lately these past few years Nathanial is home less often..." She said softly and with a hint of depression to her voice.
"His behavior won't help him in the long run. Goodluck to him finding a wife, for with his current mindset I hope he never finds one, for if he does I worry for her safety." Miriam said in a sweet as honey suckle voice but one bathed in underlying venomous disgust.
"Dont ever let a man who acts like that court you. It will knly lower your class. I would rather marry a poor blind, deaf, but kind old widower man than someone like him. I have a vague idea of what his filthy mouth was referring to and I am curious as to where he heard such words and terminology from." Stated Miriam as she sent a gaze at Henry standing nearby the little gaggle of children.
Evergrewn handed the blanket to Miriam and she carefully wrapped it around the parrot and picked it up holding it firmly.
Beatrice got up from off the ground and patted the yard debris and dust off her garments as best she could.