CHAPTER TEN -and besides they can't hurt you anymore now that you are my mate.


 "what's going on here" i asked my mate in which she turn to look at the woman for explanations to which she explained.

the woman whose name She later said was Hera, explained the situations to a certain point to the both of us but despite the explanation, there were still somethings that left me confused like was it not only the royal family that had the previledge to owning special powers but it could still be understandable that because she's my mate that she also could be entitled to a special ability just like my parents. but according to what Hera said, she has more than one abilities in which i can also have access to whenever i'm in a close vicinity with her. 

On hearing she has the power to restrain my access to her abilities, i was filled with a heavy heart. Why would she want to block my access to her powers as i am her mate. Except she doesn't want me as her mate, would she think like that. Was that why she ran away when she first saw me without giving me opportunity having a word with her much less allowing me to claim her as my mate. Well she's got something else coming her way if she thinks she can escape me this time around i thought cleching my fist around the steering wheel. 

I started the car immediately after Hera disappered to continue on with our journey.

" so tell me about your abilities" i asked her after sometime.

 "what do you mean" she asked giving me a curious look trying to pretend as though she doesn't understand what i'm talking about.

I gave her a questioning look letting her know that i'm not buying her act which made her divert her gaze away from me.

"So...." I probed her.

"so there's nothing to say about my abilities your highness. They are just what you've experienced with me just now. Nothing more." she continues playing ignorance.

" I for one know there's more to what you are saying and Hera just confirmed that your abilities exceed what you just experienced saying you will still experience much more than you can imagine.

I also know that no one else has had the privilege to owning an ability except for the Royal families and their mates for generations now until you. At first i thought it was because you were my mate that's why you had such ability but thought otherwise when Hera said you have and will still have more abilities than one. Even the Royal family don't have more than one special ability but you have the privilege to possess more. Therefore there is a lot more to this than meets the eye which you can't tell me there isn't." I concluded facing her. 

" tell me, when did you first experience your abilities?"

I asked her when I saw she still wasn't ready to speak up. 

She signed and simply said" on my 18th birthday."

Her reluctance in talking about her abilities makes me want to find out about her the more. Which I told her so. 

" I first experienced my abilities on my 18th birthday. I wouldn't call them abilities but changes." She said

" Why is that?" I asked giving her a side glance as I continued to drive. 

"that's because the changes were more or less on my physique. like the changes of my hair and eye color, my body being more prominent and all.

Apart from those my sense of smell, hearing and sight of vision became more sharpened that I can see, hear or smell things from a very long distance." she finally said. 

" so what about the one that you see Hera and are these the changes you talked about" i asked her pointing to her hair and eyes

"yes these are the changes and this is the first time i saw Hera. I only feel her presence before whenever i try to concentrate on my surroundings i think...i don't really know how exactly it works. I'm still getting the hang of it." she shrug her shoulders.

"Do you think you were able to see her because i'm here" i asked her

"probably since she said you can acess my abilities too"

"Hmmm.... we will get to know about that as time goes on" i said

"you haven't answered my question yet" she said making me glance her way

"What question is that"

"about where you are taking me..your highness" she said through gritted teeth. Hmm...she has a temper. Seems there are lots of things to discover concerning my mate which i will be glad to do with pleasure.

"oh... i didn't tell you?" i replied withj a smirk on my face.

"No you didn't" 

"oh..i thought i did"

"no you didn't...your highness." she said trying to calm herself.

"ok... we are going home" i told her trying to push her buttons to see her reaction.

"please can you be more specific your highness" i took a peek at her and saw that her countenance has changed complete to that of fear and decide not to continue pulling her legs.

"don't worry we aren't going back to your pack house and besides they can't hurt you anymore now that you are my mate. We are going to the palace." i assure her. Though when i remember how badly the words her Alpha and pack members spoke about her, i really i want to go back to her pack house and finish where i stopped in dealing with them. I can only imagine what she went through in their hands all because they saw her at the site of her parents death. I really want to ask her about it but at the same time i dont want her going down through the memory lane. I don't blame her running away when she found out i was her mate.

I shake my head trying to clear my thoughts and concentrate on my driving.