CHAPTER ELEVEN - vulgar eating looking ladies


"don't worry we aren't going back to your packhouse and besides they can't hurt you anymore now that you are my mate. We are going to the palace." when he said this, I visibly relaxed my trembling body which I didn't know trembling. I wonder what he means by they can't hurt me now that I'm his mate. Does it mean that he doesn't care about what happened to me for the pack to treat me the way they did? Is that why he came looking for me and didn't give up.

"Do you know what happened to me in the pack?" I asked him.

"Not in details but I know you weren't treated right by them."

"You asked me why I ran away when you came to the restaurant"


" I did so because I thought u would reject me and end up being like my pack" I finally told him the reason.

"hmm... I can't blame you for thinking that way. you were treated that way from a tender age till I came along. I give you my word that no one will treat you that way ever again" he promised.

I look at him to gauge his expression if he really means what he said just now. After looking at him for some time, I decided to go with the flow of what he said. Time will tell if what he said is true. I still find it difficult to trust him.

When we got to the palace, I was left speechless at how huge and grand it was. I have heard stories on how magnificent it was but on a closer look, the here say couldn't compare to the real one. The beauty is just too otherworldly that I couldn't help but open wide my mouth. As I tried to look around without being noticed, I heard Prince zeid call out my name to gain my attention. When I looked at him, I saw the knowing look he was giving me to let me know he caught me in the act of trying to discrete. And at the same time, I noticed that two ladies have come out to welcome us. Trust me they aren't maids because their outfits are too expensive to be compared to that of maids' and the jewelry they wear is far more expensive than what you can imagine. And besides one of them looks so much alike to Prince Zeid.

"Brother!!!" the one that looks similar to the prince called out running with her hands outstretched towards us, confirming my suspensions about them being siblings. That should be Princess Alexa.

I heard prince zeid and her the closest to each other than the rest in the royal family. As she stretched her hands out running to us, but all of a sudden someone ran past us from the back shouting "sister I didn't know you miss me this much" he said running towards her with his hands outstretched also but the moment he was a few inches away from her, she sidestepped him and came running to the waiting arms of the crown prince. I tried so much not to laugh but the other lady which came out with the princess couldn't control her laughter and laughed out loud to the extent she was holding her stomach.

"Lady Anya do you have to laugh out loud at my rejection," Prince Brice said scratching his head

"at least my sister-in-law tried to conceal hers," he said looking at me.

Immediately he said it, the two ladies looked my way with one having a surprised happy-ish expression while the other having a surprised unbelievable expression on their faces.

"Really brother," Princess Alexa said with a smile on her face. "You finally found your mate," she said facing Prince zeid. Who gave her a nod to confirm her questions.

"ahhhh….I'm so happy for you brother… OMG and she's also a beauty to behold. When you haven't found her and it's taking years for you to d0, I thought when you eventually do, she will be some old maid or old ugly lady in her late age. But thank God you found her early and she isn't any of what I thought. She is the epitome of beauty brother…

wow, now I have a sister I can relate to in every aspect. Wow, daddy will be able to leave you alone now and stop inviting those vulgar eating looking ladies that are only after the throne into this palace…". She screeched and went on talking as though I wasn't there.

It was until the crown Prince cleared his throat did she remember that I was here. And the more she was saying those words the more lady Anya's face became darker especially when the princess hinted at the vulgar eating looking ladies that were invited to the palace by the King, her face was so contorted in a grimace of pain as though she was slapped hard in the face which she tried so hard to hide but failed to go unnoticed by me which she noticed and gave me a forced smile.

"Sorry pardon my manners… I'm like that whenever I get so excited by things. Don't worry you will get used to it since we will be spending a lot of time together." She said coming to hold onto my arm saving me from the awkward smile of Lady Anya. She started leading me inside ignoring the rest of the group.

"Seriously sister we don't longer exist anymore now that you've met her not even our beloved brother and lady Anya whom you've become close friends with," Prince Brice said with exasperation in his voice that was ignored by the remaining two who followed us in leaving him behind.

"Really guys the least you can do is go with the flow and support me not ignore me right," he said to the two of them when he noticed them following us inside.

"Ignore him". She said to me. "I usually do most times because he can be actually annoying to a point he…" she was saying before she was cut off by a soft sonorous voice coming from inside saying...

"Alexa are you badmouthing your brother again"

"No mother why would I… I dare not" she quickly said as she has been caught in the act of doing a bad thing.