CHAPTER TWELVE - his gaze has been following me about like a hungry hawk

At that moment an enthralling-looking woman with her countenance full of elegance and grace, dressed in a long gown that flowed behind her and was covered by a luxurious tunic walked up to us giving Princess Alexa a stern face before facing me and stretching out her hands to hug me.

"Welcome my dear we've been searching and waiting for you for a very long time. I'm glad we've finally found you".

I felt so awkward the moment she hugged me because I wasn't expecting such affection from her… all of them actually. I can't remember the last time I received a hug and affection like this. Tears welled up in my eyes because I couldn't control how I was feeling at that moment. I felt I hand pull me from her embrace to a firm chest.

"Mother you are making my mate emotional. You don't want her crying now do you?" Prince Zeid said saving me from his mother's embrace.

"Of course I don't want that happening. Darling, I'm sorry I made you emotional just now; I was just so excited to finally meet after so much searching for you. I know you will be so tired right now. Please come on in, your room has been prepared. so you can relax before dinner time ok".She said leading us in and telling the maids to help us with the little luggage of mine that was brought over.

All this while there was someone that her face was telling a different sorry from being pleased with me being here. I wonder why the rest didn't notice this but it was noticeable by me despite how hard she tried to hide her expression. I decide to be careful of her in the future to avoid problems from arising with her because that's the last thing I need here at the moment before I can think about how to deal with my current situation.

We all follow the Queen to where she said my room is located which just happened to be on the same wing as Prince Zeid and right beside his room.

His wing consists of six rooms; apparently his bedroom, study room, a library which filled with various kinds of books according to the sister, music room, my room and a room which was linked to mine as the dressing room apparently.

Princess Alexa promised to take me on a tour of the palace starting with her brother's wing when I'm well-rested.

The room they gave me was soo beautiful; beautiful is an understatement. This room was designed for a princess. Like it was meant for a princess... a princess and I'm no princess... I have never lived in a normal room not to talk of a princess-like room. Left speechless by how prodigious the room is, I walk around to admire it forgetting I wasn't the only one in the room until someone coughed to get my attention.

"Do you like it?" the queen asked skeptically rubbing her hands together.

"Hm... I love it. Thank you so much" I nod my head to tell her

she walked up to me and grab my hands "I'm glad you love it. I wasn't sure if you would."

"My darling if you ever need anything or don't feel comfortable with anything let me know immediately I will take care of it for you ok," she said rubbing my hair.

"yes, my queen" As I said this she shook her head and feigned annoyed.

"No my dear call me mother. I am your mother from this moment onward" I was surprised by this and couldn't say anything for a moment. I look around at the faces of those around us and saw them giving me encouraging smiles. I look at Prince Zeid who in turn gave me a go-ahead nod. I finally looked at the woman in front of me, who just asked me to call her mother reminding me of the mother I lost at a tender age. A mother I wasn't privileged to grow up with. One I was deprived of and missed so dearly every day of my life. I couldn't hold back my emotions and hugged her crying.

"Thank you mother," I said into her arms as I hug her tightly not wanting to step out of her embrace.

"It's ok dear. I'm here for you now. You have me now" she said rubbing my back. After some time I was able to compose myself and leave her embrace

"Thank you," I said to her

"You don't have to thank me, Ashley," she said surprising me because I can vividly remember that I haven't told any of them my name except Prince Zeid who has said much since we arrived much less mentioned my name.

" did you my name," I asked her

"Of course I know your name. The moment zeid found you at your packhouse, I was able to finally get full detail of you. Your name included." She said confusing me the more.

"Mother you are confusing her. " Princess Alexa said coming to drag me away from her mother's hand. "Don't worry you will get to understand what she said with the time," she said to me leading me to sit on the couch.

"Thank you, your highness," I said smiling at her.

"yo...your highness? please don't call me that you will make me feel awkward. call me sister but if you are not comfortable with that, call me Alex. ok?" she said in which I nod to

"oh call me by my name also or if you like brother. I'm ok with either" Princ Brice chipped in from where he has moved to in the corner of the room inspecting goddess knows what.

"My name is Anya. I'm mostly called Lady Anya here so you can call me that also". Lady Anya finally walking towards us from where she was standing by the door and sat by my side. she grabbed my hand saying." I'm so glad prince Zied has finally found you. I know there's not much I can do for you here with the royal family giving all you want but if you ever need a friend to talk to, you can always find me."

"Lady Anya that's so lovely of you," the Queen said...or rather mother *blush*... I should start thinking of calling her mother so won't make the mistake out loud when I want to later converse with her in the future. The same goes with the rest.

The only problem I have now is with Prince zeid. I don't know if I can call him my mate because... I don't know why... I still find it difficult to trust him...and it's not that he has done anything to hurt me..yet... but maybe because I'm scared that if I end up trusting him, he will end up hurting me which will definitely break me into pieces.

it's kind of easy for me to open up for the rest... even if not completely because of the warm welcome I received from them I've been missing all my whole life but the crown Prince is my supposed other half who can easily break and hurt me if he wants. I just can,t open up to him yet...maybe later on...I don't know...but right now it's so difficult for me to trust him.

"ok guys let's leave Ashley to freshen up and rest before dinner time" The devil himself spoke looking at me. Now speaking of which his eyes haven't left me ever since we arrived. his gaze has been following me about like a hungry hawk and I tried so much to ignore it.