A Dream

She suddenly awoke. Her head throbbing as she raised her body off the ground. She crawled out of her hiding spot and viewed it from afar. She had been nestled beneath the thick roots of what appeared to be an oak tree, but she didn't remember how she had gotten there, or anything else for that matter. She decided that it would be best to try and leave the area, and trudged into the dense forest ahead. Her feet dragged on with every step, and her strength was wavering. She tried to lean onto a nearby tree for support, but her body was too heavy to continue, and she sank into the warm relief of unconsciousness.

She was jostled awake by a cheerful hum. She rubbed her face, her headache now nothing more than a memory, and got up to find the source of the sound. After walking a few feet, she saw a bright flash of blue. Her eyes adjusted to the newfound color, and she realized that it was the source of the sound. She chased after it with sudden speed until it dissapeared behind a few trees. The girl sighed in frustration, "Hey there, cutie!" came a melodic voice from behind her.

The girl jumped in surprise and turned to see a blue haired woman towering over her, "Wh-who're you?" She asked in surprise.

"You'll see." She waved her hands in a circular motion in front of the girl's face. Several small sparks erupted from the center of her palms.

Suddenly, the girl's eyelids became heavy, and she felt her legs collapse beneath her, "What's that supposed to me-" She felt the woman pick her up before everything went dark.