A Tour

She had long eyelashes that rested above light green eyes that contrasted against her dark hair. Her nose was on the smaller side, and she had a lighter complexion, "Hmm," she began, "not what I expected."

"What did you expect?" Asked Fiore, slightly confused.

"I dunno. I'm prettier than I thought I was." Wren shrugged.

"Well no duh, I wouldn't have brought you here otherwise. Let's check out the rest of my house!" Fiore led them out of the doorway to a staircase that spiraled down into what appeared to be a living room. More vines lined the walls. They creeped to what looked to be the front door, blocking the exit.

"Why'd those ones grow so fast?" Asked Wren, "I'm not even close to them."

"It's just a safety precaution." Said Fiore before grabbing Wren's hand and leading her down the stairs. Wren could only assume that by, 'safety precaution', she meant that they assured that she could not get out, "This is the living room, as you may have guessed." She fluffed one of the several cushions that adorned the small couch in the center of the room. Fiore pulled Wren into another room, waving the vines away as she went, "This is the kitchen." She said, motioning to the interior. Wren looked around, confused. There were no kitchen appliances to be seen other than an oven that resembled one from the 18th century.

"Where's all the other stuff?" She asked.

"What other stuff?"

"Like your sink, or your fridge?" She continued, still puzzled.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know what those are." Said Fiore, curiously.

"Water comes out of a sink, and a fridge is a cold place to store food to prevent it from rotting."

"We don't really have a need for those here... I can just summon water,"-she opened the palm of her hand to reveal a few drops of water swirling around each other-"and I can just reverse the state of food if it begins to go bad." She answered.

Wren stared at the droplets play with one another for a few more seconds before speaking, "Huh, I don't get it."

"What is it?"

"I don't remember charms, or spells, or anything like that. I just recall technology and such."

"Technology?" Repeated a confused Fiore.

"It's probably nothing." Wren brushed it off, and Fiore looked out one of the vine laced windows nearby. At this point, the sun had long fallen below the horizon.

"We should probably get some sleep." She suggested, tugging Wren's hand once more.

"Oh, yeah," She began as she followed Fiore up the steps, "am I sleeping in that room, or what?"

"No, silly." Fiore giggled, "You're sleeping with me."

Wren's face lit up, "Huh? Why?"

"Because I want to." She responded nonchalantly. Knowing she would not be able to resist without magical retaliation, Wren nodded her head in defeat, "I'm glad we're on the same page!" Fiore grinned. She flicked her fingers, and Wren's clothes were replaced with some sleepwear.


"Don't worry about it, they're just in the closet." Fiore snapped and changed into her own outfit, "Now we sleep." She crawled into the large bed, and motioned for Wren to join her. She reluctantly agreed and the floating light turned off. Fiore slid her arms around Wren and pulled her in.

"What're you doing?" Wren asked, her cheeks brightening.

"I just want cuddles." Fiore said innocently, not letting go. Wren had a feeling that it was going to be a long night.