Battle in the mind

(A/N: Well now. I've finally got it. The big bad C of the last two years. Corona really sucks. I'm currently in a quarantine at home. It does give a lot of time to write. So I hope you enjoy the chapter.)

Feeling herself being ejected from Eren's mind and the paths, Akane suddenly found herself in her own mindscape. She had no clue why she had arrived there, as she didn't even meant to come. Yet her question was soon answered.

Squirming in front of her, ravaging the forest the partially occupied her mind, a shining centipede-like creature squirmed around, turning the fertile forest into a desert made from soft white sand. Its body was humongous, as it trampled all over anything that was in its path. Its limbs didn't appear to have any segments, being attached seamlessly to the body. The creature didn't have any eyes or mouth, yet for some reason it felt like it was looking at her.

This was made even more apparent when it rushed towards her.

"Iyaan~ Don't trouble my master!"

Amaterasu jumped in the creatures path, blasting scorching hot black flames towards it, burning a few of its limb of.

As if it sensed the danger of the attack on contact, the creature immediately removed the burning limbs, which grew back instantaneously. Amaterasu's attack didn't have a lot of effect.

"You really are too hotheaded, Amaterasu."

Tsukuyomi commented as he too drew his blade.

Slapping Tsukuyomi on the back, Amaterasu just barked in jovial laughter.

"Look who's talking. Don't forget who caused all this mess."

"If you don't shut your mouth very soon, I will make it disappear."

Not in the least bit deterred by Tsukuyomi's threat, Amaterasu continued to bark out her laughter, joining Akane at the side as she waited to see what Tsukuyomi would do. Akane was waiting as well, wondering what this strange creature could do. Obviously it was the cause of the titan phenomenon, but its power beyond that was undiscovered. If it had any more than that, that is.

Tsukuyomi ignored Amaterasu's antics and ran towards the centipede creature. He felt a faint sense of dread ever since it came here, which only got stronger when it destroyed a part of the mindscape. He had to get rid of it as soon as possible. Who knows what kind of damage this creature would cause to Akane and themselves.

The wakizashi in his hand vibrated with a strong force, as Tsukuyomi poured his spiritual energy, Reishi, inside of it. Releasing its Shikai, the wakizashi turned into a rather long katana, as the surrounding light was sucked into the black vortex that made up the blade.

Slashing outward towards the head of the centipede, a crecent energy blast was shot out, ripping through the space in-between the creature and Tsukuyomi himself. The centipede squirmed with tension as it dashed sidewards and barely dodged the attack.

The area it had just created returned from being a white desert to a flourishing forest.

Seeing the changes, Tsukuyomi grinned, glad that the change the creature had brought was not yet permanent.

The centipede looked at the place he had previously been and released an unearthly sound, much like a screech and roar intermixed. It was definitely pissed.

The shining light coming from the centipede increased in intesity as the centipede rushed towards Tsukuyomi, ready to crush him.

Dodging the massive body with easy, Tsukuyomi once more slashed outwards, yet his attacks didn't connect at all, as the centipede continued to dodge them. For such a huge body, the centipede was remarkably nimble.

Deciding to join in, Amaterasu and Akane both drew their swords, Amaterasu tapping it on her hand in a steady rythm as her tantalizing smile turned a little deranged.

"Haaah~ To get another treat, I'm so happy~"

Amaterasu chimmed as her fingers traced the edge of her sword. It cut slightly into her finger, dripping blood all over the glistering metal. Wherever the blood touched, a sizzling heat was created as the metal was soon coated into a pitch black flame. White-ish grey flickers sprung forth every now and them as the flames dripped on the ground as if they were made from a liquid solution.

With every step, Amaterasu left a trail of flames behind.

As the three of them circled the centipede, it was soon trapped into the black flames Amaterasu was creating.

This didn't deter the centipede, as it too had been waiting to make a move. The limbs all over its body rippled for an instant before they shot out in every direction, effectively stopping the three of them from even being able to dodge.

Now, they had to go on the defensive, as the centipede became more ferocious with time. While they were blocking the attacks, cutting the limbs off and destroying them at the same time, the centipede had been observing their strenghts.

Seeing it focussed on something, Akane had a bad feeling about what it was planning. So far she too had been gauging its strenght, wondering when it would tire out. Its attacks had been mostly within a certain scope of attack, as it was obviously trying to keep them in place, as well as avoid them from making any bigger moves. Which it had succeeded in, in a way.

The multitude of limbs it had was annoying to deal with, as they just grew back. This had stopped Akane from making any big moves, as she wanted find out what its weakness might be. So far it had revealed a healing factor on the same degree as Ban, a long range of attack, as well as certain intelligence. Yet a weakness wasn't revealed yet.

"Hold it back for a few seconds!"

Akane yelled as she backed away to create some space.

Summoning her fox fire apparitions, Akane was soon surrounded by her Hyakki Yakou. The black foxfire apparitions rushed forward, yet this seemed like the thing the Centipede had been waiting for.

The attacks from the Centipede suddenly doubled, pushing Tsukuyomi and Amaterasu backwards. Rushing past the foxfire creatures, a few tentacles managed to grab Akane from below, entwining her tightly.

At the same time the moment the tentacles made contact with her, she could feel the centipede invading her mind. Not like it had done when it had entered her mindscape, no. It had invaded even deeper, trying to take control over her own body.

The forest around her began to wither again at an even greater pace than before as a white desert was spreading around.

Akane struggeled fiercely as could feel the centipede penetrate into her very veins.

Yet at this moment, she could feel a certain connection.

Familiar figures were seen, a familiar pirate crew was feasting in a frozen tundra. She saw this from the perspective of someone else. Glancing downwards as a boisterous laughter came from her mouth, one that she would recognise anywhere, the lack of a left arm was noted.

Sitting among the rest of the Red Haired pirates, she saw Ace and his newly gathered crew.

She was seeing this all from Shanks's perspective.

She did not know where he currently was, but it certainly wasn't the new world, as Ace hadn't arrived there yet.

Akane laughed, joining Shanks's laughter. But hers sounded more derisive than his joyous one. She was done chasing after him. He was too busy moving around for her to even try following. She would surely just pass him by again.

Instead, let's make a mess of the New world. He would have no choice but to show up if she screwed them all over.

Chuckling softly, it quickly turned into a sigh as her eyes turned to the tendril slowly moving ever deeper inside of her.

Glaring down at it, she did something reckless and stupid.

She burned her foxfire into her own veins.

Rushing through her blood, turning it to ashes, the fire scorched every tnedril from the centipede, eventually freeing her from its grasp.

As the tentacles released her body, she was caught by Tsukuyomi, as Amaterasu began to create layer after layer of black fire.

The centipede screeched again in dismay, yet it couldn't escape the fiery net made of black flames.

Soon it was pinned to the ground, its body burning and regenerating at the same time. It wasn't defeated, but it hadn't won either. It couldn't escape the confines Amaterasu had made, but it still desperately stuck it body in the ground, desperate to remain where it was before it was thrown out. They couldn't destroy it, nor was she currently capable enough to rid herself of it.

Akane wiped away the blood that was flowing freely from her face, as a vein-like burn pattern was burned into her arms, legs and torso.

"Don't get too comfortable. I will get you out of here."

Akane stated as she glared at the Centipede.

It didn't respond as it just firmly stuck to the white desert it had created in her mindscape, desperate to keep it that way.

A fifth of her beautiful forest had turned into a desert, making a stark contrast to the colorful landscape that was besides it. The sea had become slightly restless, as waves were slamming down on the shores. The forest was a bit bleaker than before as well, yet it was recovering. Just like her mood at the moment.

"Keep it locked and find out how to get rid of it. I'll do the same on my end."

Akane muttered, receiving a nod from her Zanpakuto spirits in response.

Leaving her mindscape, Akane pushed the tired Eren aside and thrust Tsukuyomi into the void. A rumble reverberated through the room as the void began to slowly close.

When the void had but the size of a carriage left to close, a man suddenly stepped out of it, right at the moment the void closed behind him.

"Kunikida-kun! You really should see this. This place would be the perfect spot for a double suicide!"

Staring at the sudden entrance of the new individual, Akane could only glare at Tsukuyomi.

The man stared back, only to see the void closed.

"Ah, this is bad."

He muttered, a silly smile on his face.

"Little girl. Could you open it back up please?"

Akane stared at the strange man as if he was an idiot.

The man was partially covered in bandages, wearing a light brown trench coat. He had wavy short brown hair that was swept to the side to equally dark brown eyes.

"Don't know how."

Akane curtly replied, turning away from the man as she saw another pair of new additions in front of her. Two uncles lying on the ground, injured and tied up.

"I won't ask. You, follow me. Levi, I'll see you back in Stohess."

Levi didn't respond as he glared at the man beneath his feet who claimed to be his uncle, Kenny Ackerman.

The man from the void followed behind Akane, his eyes wandering all over his surroundings.

"For now, what is your name? Mine is Akane."

"Dazai. Dazai Osamu."

The man replied as he followed closely after her as they left towards Stohess.