Commitment :3

-Unknown Planet-

[Kaito]= So is this your best engagement ring?

King= This is Hakaisin Sama ..... I have brought before you the best possible ring that can exist in this entire Universe .....

[Kaito]= I hope so ... If not, your planet will be space dust

[Kaito]= ¡¡Let's go Ron !!! ... Let's go where Daishinkan San called us ..

[Ron]= Understood Hakaisin Sama, We will leave immediately






-Unknown place-

Currently this place called "Nothing" is a small one there is standing Daishinkan The Supreme Priest waiting for the arrival of -Kaito- next to Daishinkan is an angel

[???]= ¿So father, do you know if he is coming?

[Daishinkan]= ~"Giggle "~ ... Yes, I offered you your hand in marriage but he refused, claiming that that doesn't happen so why if you better be just his" Fiancee "

[???]= Hohohoo, It is really very interesting, but isn't it forbidden for an angel to have feelings for someone?

[Daishinkan]= That's right Vados, it is forbidden to have feelings for other people but eradicate that to you two in particular

[Daishinkan]= Also, he is half Angel and it would not affect you at all, since I have eliminated that restriction to you and "him"

[???]= I suppose that if you approve it must be an exceptional person

[Daishinkan]= Of course I chose it for you myself ... only there is a little problem

[???]= ¿What would be Father?

[Daishinkan]= You will see at birth I realized that he was born with something missing from "him"

[???]= ¿And what would be Father?

[Daishinkan]= It is the lack of feelings, it was born with a limiter of emotions and it has practically very few or nonexistent

[???]= Maybe that's why he proposed my hand to him? .....

[Daishinkan]= You have discovered me, but if you let me tell you I want you to be the person with whom there will be an emotion of "Love"

[???]= Thank you for your praise, father. I hope to fulfill his expectations of you and "El".

[Daishinkan]= Thank you for accepting this Vados, I also chose you because you are the most mature and capable of the 3

[Vados]= Hohohoo, I feel flattered father, I know perfectly well that Markarita is very immature and not to mention Kus

[Daishinkan]= How insightful you are Vados ... "It seems he has just arrived"

[Vados]= So let's not make her wait any longer

[Daishinkan]= Hoho, You seem more lively than I do. Fords.









[Kaito]= Sorry for the delay Daishinkan Sama

[Ron]= Sorry for the late father, we had an "inconvenience" on the way

[Daishinkan]= I see ... Well then, Kaito San, I present to you my Daughter Vados, she will be your fiancee .....

[Vados]= A pleasure Kaito Sama introduced me I am Vados the Assistant to the God of Destruction of universe 6 I am at your total disposal .....

[Kaito]= ¡¡¡No!!!! .... the pleasure is mine to have you as a fiancé Vados San ... (Damn I don't feel anything to be near her ... but it was what I wanted, I hate not having feelings)

[Daishinkan]= Tell me Kaito San have you brought "that"

[Vados]= ???????????....

[Kaito]= That's right Daishinkan San ... Tell me Vados !!, ... Would you let me put this engagement ring on your finger?

[Vados]= ....(I did not expect this ... I was really surprised) .... Po .... by ..... Of course Kaito San, I am happy to receive it

[Kaito]= Thank you Vados San and Daishinkan San if there is nothing else to do then I will proceed to retire

[Daishinkan]= ¡¡Wait Kaito San !!!

[Daishinkan]= Since both are present I must propose something ..... Tell me Kaito !! Wouldn't you like your angel to be Vados and Ron to serve as an angel for the God of Destruction of universe 6? .....

[Kaito]= I'm not quite sure about that Daishinkan Sama ..... Ron's choice is not mine ... So I can't accept it

[Ron]= I agree with Kaito Sama .... I need to think it through Father

[Vados]= As a good fiancé I must support Kaito San, I must accept her choice

[Daishinkan]= (I didn't expect this) .... Then I'll wait for Ron and You Kaito San's decision

[Kaito]= Then I will proceed to retire. Take care, Vados San and Daishinkan San .... Ron come on !!










[Vados]= It's like you said Father I didn't feel a feeling of Love or lust towards me .....

[Daishinkan]= That's why I want you to make him happy. Daughter, he is like a Son to me and seeing him like this causes me sadness.

[Vados]= Count on me Father, I will make Kaito San happy

[Daishinkan]= I'm counting on you Vados