-Kaito planet-

[Kaito]= Bwaaaaa.....What dream do I have, I must start my sleep cycle for 2 years minimum

[Ron]= ¿And what about the Kaito Sama decision?

[Kaito]= I already told you it is your decision not mine, for now let me sleep and when I wake up we will continue working

[Ron]= It will be done as ordered by Hakaisin Sama..

[Kaito]= So ... Bye, I'll go to sleep at the castle

[Ron]= Have a good sleep Kaito Sama





- A few hours later-

[Ron]= ¿What should I do? ... Let Vados chan take over Kaito Sama? ... or Decline father's offer ...

[Ron]= I will think for a while....

[Ron]= .....Thanks to the advice I gave Kaito Sama, the mortality level of the universe rose to 13.2%

[Ron]= I don't have to think about the offer ..... I must prepare when Kaito Sama wakes up






[Ron]=.....??????....(It seems that I have "Visits')

[Ron]= ¿What do you want on this planet? ....






[?????]= ¡¡¡I am Traigon, Devourer of the 9 Worlds I come to devour and conquer this planet, to use it as a house !!!

[Ron]= I'm sorry Can you come back another time? How can you see I have no time to waste and less with you



[Traigon]= ¡¡How dare you provoke me !!! .... Die for your insolence !!






[Traigon]= That is what happens to provoke me .....

[Ron]= I'm so sorry but I just told you I have no time to waste with you

[Traigon]= ¿Who the hell are you? ..... How is it possible that you survive my attack? ..

[Ron]= Lord if you don't shut up now you are going to wake up Hakaisin Sama and I don't want to provoke his anger

[Traigon]= Say ..... say .... Did you say Hakaisin? ..... Is he sleeping on this planet? ....

[Ron]= Si, así que guarde silencio y posiblemente usted desaparecza si lo despierta

[Traigon]= ¡¡I am very sorry, please do not tell Hakaisin that I have come to this planet, I beg you !!

[Ron]= Okay, I just need you to answer me. How do you know what a Hakaisin is??

[Traigon]= My Father told me that never provoke the wrath of a Hakaisin Sama, nor that of the Charred Council

[Ron]= Your Father is very intelligent .....





[???]= Father, what are you doing here? ...

[Ron]= ????? .. Mr. Traigon Can I could say who is this young woman?

[Traigon]= Excuse me ... She is my daughter Raven, she is a devil like me, you are only 14 years old ...

[Ron]= Don't worry, now I do need to water the plants and feed the pets that are in the Lakes

[Traigon]= I have a proposal for you ... Would you be willing to listen?

[Ron]= I'll only give you a minute to convince me

[Traigon]= Por favor permita que mi Hija habite el planeta, no tengo tiempo de cuidarla

[Ron]= Me parece una excelente idea... (Necesito una pequeña ayuda aqui en el planeta)

[Ron]= Puede retirarse, solo deje de destruir planetas y conquistarlos ya que posiblemente enoje al Hakaisin

[Traigon]= .... Entonces si me permite, me retiro





- Hours later-

[Ron]= Bienvenida al planeta, Ahora dime ¿Que necesitas saber ?

[???]= Sorry for the delay My name is Raven, I'm a devil and I'm 14 years old

[Raven]= one of my questions is who lives here? And what is my task here?

[Ron]= Hohohoo,you are really interesting very well I will tell you one by one

[Ron]= Hakaisin and I live on this planet together with some pets

[Ron]= I asked for your help to clean the castle, just be careful not to wake the Hakaisin from his sleep

[Raven]= It is understood...

[Ron]= Ho, an apology I'm Ron the Hakaisin's assistant

[Ron]= So Ron Sama, I do what he tells me

[Ron]= Carefully Raven San, your room is on the top floor, put your things there

[Raven]= Thanks Ron Sama in a few moments I will put my things in the room








-Universe 7 "Unknown Place" -


[Whis]= Hohohoo,so that happened with my sister Vados

[Berus]= ¿What's up Whis?

[Whis]= is nothing Berus Sama, let's continue

[Berus]= Hmp.....Whis let's go back to the

planet, I'll take a little nap for 30 years

[Whis]= ¡¡Hai!! Berus Sama








