Scared girl

The girl gasped in shock, looking at the man in front of him. "Arghhhhhhg!!!" She sxreamed at the top of her voice, trying to let go off herself from his strong arms.

The man had held her tightly from her waist, smiling looking at her. "So beautiful. Is this a dream?"

"Leave me! Leave me!" The girl frowned in much embarrasement, looking at the man. "Leave!!!!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs again, looking angrily at him.

"What is your name?" The man did not bother, that the girl was feeling extremely embarrsed by his presence. He pulled her much closer to his body, making her breasts to touch his chest muscles.

"Why should I tell you? Leave me." The girl tried to punch him many times on his chest, only to be pulled much closer to the man.

"I like your fiesty little self." He smirked kightly touching her shoulder. "Where have you been? I looked every where for you. Huh?" He slowly shifted his hands from her shoulders to her breasts, making her even more furious.

The girl instantly held his hand, trying to pull it away from her breasts. "How dare you touch me?"


She planted a powerful slap on the king's cheek, leaving him in shock. He suddenly left her waist and stared at her in much horror. The girl was looking at him in much anger and turned away from him, towards the white cloth placed on the rock. Suddenly the man's strong arm grabbed her waist again, pulling her backwards towrards him.

"Arghhh! Leave me." She was lifted up on the air, making her back to touch his body.

The man smirked looking at her, while his cheek was yet stinging. "No matter what you do... you are mine. I give you four days, to prepare yourself. After that you are going to be mine." He whispered in her left ear, tightly holding her with both his arms.

"You fool! leave me! Who do you think you are, to make me yours? Do you want another slap?" The girl shouted again, trying to free herself from his grip.

"Four days. Remember." He planted a soft kiss on her cheek and released the girl from his arms.

The girl heaved a sigh of relief and turned to look at the man, who was now already walking towards the white cloth on the rock. He picked up the cloth and walked towards the girl, looking at her from head to toe.

The girl was trying to cover herself with her hands, feeling extremely shy.

"Make sure, nobody else except me sees this beautiful body of yours. This beauty is just for me to see." He looked seriousely in her eyes and wrapped the white cloth around her breasts twice with his own hands. He then tied the knot in the front, looking at her with much adoration. "I shall see you very soon."

"Huh?" The girl frowned in confusion as the man walked away from her towards the dense forest.

"He must be some kind of a maniac." She nodded her head not taking the man seriousely and started to walk towards the tree, where her clothes were placed.

She soon had changed into her clothes and was already walking towards the city, unawate of the fact that the maniac man was indeed following her, wanting to know more about her family.